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Everything posted by Damnskippy

  1. LOL yeah I know about the does not come easy part. Well I use the high quality setting on my camera in .jpg format most of the time unless I shoot in RAW. I made a show lat night with 19 images in .jpg format without resing them down from the camera and it was like 65 megs. Still, I think this is a feature that would be extremely usefull and make using Pictures to exe much more of a pleasure. It is the easiest app I tried (I tried a lot of them) to get good results but if I have to spend an hour just getting the images ready to bring in that makes it much slower. The export for web will not do what I want though that would be nice if it would. I want to limit the max deminsion of the images and I usually do a little unsharp masking after resampling that much. So it is a three step process- change to 72dpi (no resample), then resample to max demension of 500 pixels, apply unsharp masking and do a save as. If Pictures to exe would let me set the max demension of the files and resample them when I export the exe it would save me tons of time. As long as the resampling was done well I might could live without the unsharp masking though if it would let you set that it would be perfect! Being a professional photographer I know a lot of people that use Pictures to exe and the next competitor seems to be Pro Show Gold. I prefer Pictures to exe even though Pro Show will resample the images for you because the interface and workflow is better to me. Just my $0.02 worth
  2. Sorry about the double post it acted like it did not post so I hit it again
  3. I am using pictures to exe to make slide shows of images I take for clients to order from. I shoot with a 6.3MP camera and the slide sows will have 150 or more images in them sometimes. In playing with the demo version (4.3 beta8) if I add 10 images and make the exe it is around 35MB. That would make a slide show with 100 images about 350MB. While that will still fit on a CD I have to wonder if my client has an older PC if the high res files are going to drag the slide show down to unwatchable. Is there any way to have Pictures to exe res the images down to what I specify? I setup the show to be 800x600 and would like the max demension of the images to be 500 pixels to fit within the window. I can go into Photoshop and res them all down but that is a lot of time involved just to make a slide show. I tried some other applications and while they do res the images down I like Pictures to exe better and would prefer to stay with it. Thanks for your time and you have a great product.
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