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Everything posted by pjc

  1. Thanks for the info, Brian. I have downloaded the utility for use on my pc. i have been in contact with boxig all week and his utilities have helped. I'm also talking to a techie locally who is trying to designs omething specifically to fix this problem and that will useful in the future. Phill
  2. thanks, sam, yes.....will look at it in the a.m. phill
  3. cici...sorry just saw your mail....if you do have an archived version that works please email to phillcoe@lycos.co.uk all help gratefully received! cheers
  4. hello all thanks to all 3 of you who have tried to help....there ARE good people left on earth!!! first, presentation is now 30 mb as I was using a WAV file not MP3......all images are 200 kb or less now and have reduced the fast transitions where i can but still have problems running from CD on certain pc's ....all at my clients office of course! have now downloaded the MuiltCD utility as I will be including more than one pres. and it is useful...but having tested it on my lap top it still skips depsite it apparently downloading the pres to a buffer or such like. anyway, i have taken up enough of your time and thanks again for your help. if you find you can't sleep tonight and suddenyl think of a solution for this, do feel free to email me...i'll be here thinking about all those euros i won't now be getting from the client!!! Cheers all. Phill
  5. Sam Downloaded said item, followed instructions but when I run the CD i get this meesage: I have now followed the instructions and I'm gett this error message: Can't copy C:/doc..../....////...///....temp/MMBPlayer Any idea how to fix this? Sorry, I'm not brilliant with PC's so may appear thick! Cheers, Phill
  6. thanks, Sam, sounds like the perfect solution. going to try it now and if it works I owe you a pint! Cheers, Phill
  7. Hi Ken Thanks for the reply. I thought that might be the issue although my PC is just about as quick as you can get and still struggles to run it properly from the CD drive. The problem is my client doesn't want to ask their clients to do what you suggest (indeed, what I suggested to begin with) as they want the presentation to start as soon as the CD is inserted ie autoplay. Are there no alternatives? Will make a lot of difference if I compress the photos more? Thanks again for your help. Phill
  8. Hi I have just completed an 85 mb presentation (170 images) for a client. The presentation runs perfectly when opened from the hard drive but when it runs from a CD (which is what it'll used on to send to other clients) in stutters on transitions and misses shots out. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and more importantly how I can fix it please? Thanks. Phill
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