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Everything posted by KGHalbe
For the most part, when I make a slideshow, I generally will drop the resolution to either 800x600, or 1024x768. This allows quick loading of the pictures, and on the computer display, the pictures still look fine. If you are going to crop, or zoom, you may want to use a bit higher resolution on that picture. I found when I used resolutions higher than what I mentioned, many slower computers can't keep up. So, if a slide is to display for 4 seconds, it may take the computer 6 seconds to load the next slide, throwing the timing off. I also include, on the CD or DVD that I make, a folder that contains all the ORIGINAL pictures. I tell the people that if they want copies, use the pictures from this folder. I believe that when most people are looking at a slideshow, they are NOT looking at the finer details of the pictures, but rather looking at the image that the picture represents. Of course, this is my view, and I am sure that there are many opposing views. But I have found that this works well for me. KGHalbe P.S. Thanks to all who helped me with my last problem (using PS7 and converting to greyscale - not working for P2E). Once I corrected the problem, I was able to finish the wedding slideshow and give it to the bride and groom. They, and their families, just loved it !!
The issue isn't with one of the files as I have 172 files that all seem to act the same way, if I perform the same routine I did in Photoshop. The issue now appears to be the way I converted to black and white. When I used mode, and selected black and white, and left it in that mode, no edits after that would show. Once I changed the mode from black and white to RGB again, (although the picture remained greyscale), and saved it, PTE displayed it correctly. The actual filenames did not have the special characters in them. I just used that in the description for the sake of clarity. From reading some other ways to convert to greyscale (desaturate), I realize that my way may not be the best (it probably isn't). I am not as graphic oriented as most people on here. I just knew how to get the picture in the condition I wanted, and it worked up until the time I took it into PTE. I am truly amazed that I received so much help on this problem, and I have learned a bit in the process. And, it was a real surprise when Igor got involved and spent time on it. This is proof of his dedication to us PTE users. Thank you everyone. KGHalbe
I tried it, and it DID WORK !!! Thanks alot. I know I have done this method before, but never under 5.x and I don't remember which version of Photoshop I had at the time, but it did work previously. To everyone else who offered suggestions - Thank You ! I don't frequent this forum much, but when I do, I seem to get some good information and excellent help when needed. Thanks to everyone who took the time to offer suggestions. KGHalbe
Thanks Al ! I just checked and I do not have the "Stop at the end of the slide" checked. I am beginning to think that it MAY be a bug, because I have already had a message from Igor asking me to send him the files, which I have done. I want to thank you for the reply, but will hold off on sending the file to you because of the fact that it may be a bug. If you do want the file anyway, just let me know and I will send it to you also. I just don't know if you want to spend time on this problem, if Igor is already looking at it for me. Let me know if you still want the file, and once again, thank you for your reply and offer. KGHalbe
I didn't put this in the BUG section, because it is probably something that I am doing wrong (human error), as opposed to a bug. If it turns out to be a bug, either a mod can move this message, or I will repost it in the bug section. Also, if I turns out to be a bug, I will be surprised as I still think I must be doing something wrong ! I was trying to do something with my PTE Version 5 Build 10, and was having problems. I upgraded to the newest version of PTE from the website, and am still having problems. (I know it is probably me, but not sure what I am doing wrong) I have a color picture - called ORIGINAL. I loaded it into Photoshop 7.0, and cropped it, then saved it as "color_cropped.jpg". I then took that file, and removed the color, leaving me with a black & white picture. I saved this as "B&W.jpg". I then applied a sketch filter (to make it look like a drawing), and saved it as "drawing.jpg". I then loaded them into PTE to display in the following order: . "Drawing.jpg", "B&W.jpg", and then "color_cropped.jpg" No pictures displayed. If I put the "color_cropped.jpg" first, that would display, but the other two would not. I am trying to have the display go from a drawing, blending into a black and white photo, blending into the color picture. I have tried it with the Hardware Acceleration both, checked and unchecked. That makes no difference. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong ? Why won't it work ? Thanks in advance, KGHalbe
I just downloaded 5.0 Beta Release 8r and when I try to run a preview, I get the following error message... Exception EAccessViolation in module PTEPreview.exe at 0006255E. Access Violation at address 0046255E in module 'C:\Program Files\Pictures2exe 5\PTEPreview.exe'. Read of address 00000020. I have not been able to run ANY version of 5.0 beta on my Dell 4550 XP Home system. The system is about 3 years old and the video display (taken from Device Manager) is "NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420" Is this a known problem, or is it something that is wrong with my system ? I did try to re-install the beta version (downloaded 12/29/06), but that didn't help. I didn't try to make any changes to my system until I find out that it is not a known problem. Thnak You for you attention on this matter, KGHalbe
Thanks for the lessons ! I guess we are limited only by our imaginations. I downloaded the sequence pictures and played around and have a pretty good idea of how to do it myself. Version 5 seems like it will be an answer to many prayers. Have you heard when it is expected to be released ? I now understand how using layers, in PhotoShop, will make this easier. Once again, Thank You for your reply, and your information. Ken
Wow ! I didn't think that it would have been possible to do that with the current versions of PTE. Just out of curiousity, since you said you used a "small number of frames", what do you call a "small number" ? I didn't think it looked jerky. I want to try something like that so I have to read up on layers in PhotoShop. Thanks for the info, and the idea ! Ken
I knew it was probably there, I just couldn't find it. Once you told me, I tried and it worked exactly like I wanted it to. Thanks ! KGHalbe (Ken)
First of all, let me say how great this program is ! People are amazed when I show them a completed slideshow a day or so after an event. They think I am a computer genius ! Little do they know how easy it is since I use PicturesToExe. Okay, now I need a bit of help. I have over 100 pictures, and am working on the last 10 pictures. When I preview, it always starts with slide 1 and I have to wait until it gets to slide 90 to see what I am actually interested in. I know I can advance slides by pressing the right mouse button, but even more helpful, would be to start the preview at slide 87 or so, and just watch the section I am working on. I know I could copy the last 10 slides to the beginning, set it up, and then move them to the end - but I think I would rather just start the preview at any place I choose. Is this possible ? I am using version 4.43 (newest version as of this date). Thank You KGHalbe (Ken)