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Everything posted by BrianK

  1. Thanks to all, especially Ken Cox, for all the technical support and suggestions. I ended up using the Audacity software to combine the music into a single file and since the slide timing was already set through the customize slide command, the transitions were close to desired effect. I did, however, lose some transition time when I burned the DVD and decided to go back to the project and readjust the slide durations using the customize slide feature to reach a more perfect synchronized effect on the DVD. Next time I will use the alternative method that was proposed by Al. But thanks to your help my successful project now rests in Panama City, Panama.
  2. Fred, I am trying to create a DVD. I will try to move all the music into the Project Details Music windows to see if it helps. I am not using rewriteable DVDs. I will try to convert all music files to mp3.
  3. As you suggested, I tried the Save As, Create As and opened the file in P2E program. Audio is present in the preview.
  4. Ken, perhaps further info on how the project is set up will help in the diagnosis. In the Project Options window, I have not included any music and have not checked the box for Background Music. All of the music is added through the Customize Slide window. The successive songs are added where the desired image transition appreas by again adding music through the Customize Slide window and by checking "Play New Background Music". In the bottom of the project window where there are boxes for Show Image, Comment and Sound, I have not included any music files in the Sound prompt. A I Have said when running the Preview with the project open the Image and Audio run are perfectly. Could the problem be with the type of music file that is being used?
  5. Ken, where would I open the exe. file to test for audio if not in the P2E software? I have opened the project exe. file only with this software.
  6. Ken, when I preview the avi file in Roxio there is no sound. What does this mean?
  7. Ken, in each instance when I burned the DVD I waited until the burn was complete before I hit the "Finish" command in the Video AVI window. So I don't think this is the problem with my loss of audio on the DVD. Any others ideas or suggestions?
  8. Ken, following your instructions, I opened the project in P2E. I then used "Save As", but since I had been saving the project during development, the project was saved with the same file name. Then, and here is where I may have errored, in looking for the "Create As" command, I used the pull down menu at the top of the project screen and used "Save As Slideshow". After this I went to the "Video" command at the bottom of the project screen window and followed the steps in the directions you refered me to to create AVI file and burn the DVD. This time when I played the DVD there was no audio at all. So after sleeping on the matter, I reviewed the project screen page again and realized that I probably should have used the "Create" command that appears on the bottom left of the project screen. I opened the same file and used this "Create" command first then proceeded with the "Video" prompts to create the AVI file for burning. But again, no audio on the DVD. What do you think I am doing wrong? alrobin, as you can see I am a real novice with this software and so I am unfamiliar with your reference to the use of the timeline for purposes of lining up the sychonization. Can you elaborate? Thanks for the help. I need to board a plane for Panama on Saturday hopefully with this project in hand so any suggestions are appreciated.
  9. I have been preparing a project using many photo images and several different songs. I have used the P2E customize slide option to begin new music at a photo image that follows the end of the last song. By manipulating the duration of the image, I have tried to create separate "chapters" in the project with certain images designated for the music chapter. When I run the preview of the project in P2E the music and image transitions are perfect. When I burn the project with Roxio I lose the image and music transitions that exist in P2E. I am getting desperate because the project is part of a 40th birthday present and the birthday is days away. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on what I may be doing wrong?
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