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Hi every body, I just up dated to version 5.6.4 but can't register... No "load key button"... It seems that the system is identifying my previous version and its key. I keep being limited to 10,pict slide show... Has any body be confronted to such problem ? Thanks for your help.
Can I suggest you to download SY(P) free software which you'll find Here It allows you to do what you need. For that purpose, you open your PTE project with SY(P) and remove the picture(s) you want... Doing so will just affect the preceding picture display time. You then, save your work as PTE project and either overwrite your preceding version or you can give it an other name to keep both projects available. You'll be able to fine tune the preceding images, space them as you wish while the following ones will keep synchronised as they were before. SY(P) has an excellent help in English to refer to. If you need extra help just ask... I've met Jean Claude who devellopped this freeware recently, he is about to release an up date that will allow the perfect merge of to independant PTE slide shows...
Yes Gary, I should have insisted. Once you've selected a block; to call an action hold SHIFT or CTRL key down and right click... A pop up menu will show up and the function will apply to all selected pictures. This isn't normal Windows behavior... Jean Claude will change it.
Yes Goddi, There is a strange behaviour of the right click with Sy(P). If you want to select several pictures you need to use as normal a combination of left click and then Shift or Ctrl keys +Click. Now to call for pop up or any function you need to keep Shift or Ctrl down while you right click otherwise the pop menu just applies on the last picture... This is something Jean Claude has fixed and that will come up with the next release... Try it and let me know.
Hi every body ! Jean Claude is presently working on the merger of 2 slide-shows and changing a few details such as the use of the right click...with Sy(P) He would appreciate some feed back whilst he is working on that project...
Thank you ADB, I'll make a try... and let you know.
Hey Men, keep cool ! Boxig utility is a handy tool. It will save me time and pain and I congratulate him very much for sharing with us such ingenenuousness. I downloaded it and I'll use it wisely as most people on this forum but a few exception who make a row of nothing Well done Boxig. Thank you !
Hi jgayman, Be careful with the use of the "right click" with Sy(P). When you want to select a block of pictures, click the first one and then hold down SHIFT or CTRL keys and right click directly. Otherwise you deselect your previous selection and your right click adress only to the picture overhead which you're. If you want to proceed as you're used to. Select your block and hold down Ctrl or Shift keys when right clicking...
May I suggest that those who are interested with Sy(P) and wish to raise questions about it, primarily use this thread to report bugs or suggest modifications. I'm sure Jean Claude will keep improving this utility. It may save time to Igor's team in some next future. I trust them for wisely picking up only the best features. The more we contribute on this thread, the easiest it will be for Igor to see which points people are interested with and worth integrating in PTE. I would personally favour a direct access to the "parameter editor" like Jean Claude did for the "markers editor"… This feature is flexible enough to move to any image or block of images one wants to modify without the need to go through a selection. May be , if it were too much work, could it be useful then to modify the pop-up menu label "modify images xxxjpeg" by "access parameter editor" to ease user's access to the parameter editor.
I wonder when you have had time to study Sy(P) to speak the way you do. You look like an expert, don't you. May I drag your attention to this request made by RonH. Here it is : RonH - Posted: Sep 16 2004, 01:41 PM ...What is missing, however, is a bridge - a link where you could import the mixed sound track into p2e adjust the slide order and transitions as we do now, then export the audio track back to the audio editor with say a timeline showing the transition points (slide numbers) so that the soundtrack could be retuned to its editor then imported back into p2e for the final output. Sy(P) has a "Marker editor" that does exactly what RonH is asking for. Adjust your transitions in PTE and import your project in Sy(P). All your time codes show up. Open the marker editor and create as many markers as you have slides in your project. Assign each marker a slide; Write in the time-code column of the Markers the corresponding slide's time-code that you can read in the adjacent window, write a "label" name in the "label/comment" column : that's the one you're going to retrieve in Audacity Export to Audacity. Sy(P) will ask you if you wish to replace existing file; say "yes"! When you open your sound track in Audacity click "import Label Track" a browser pops up and ask where is the file. Sy(P) did stored it as a (*.text ) file in the same folder as your PTE project (*.pte) is stored; you might have to understand French, because I thing that my good friend Jean Claude forgot to translate "document texte" in English Wonder what ! Your markers show up as "labels" in Audacity !!! May I remind you, that Audacity accept only one group of numerical or alphabetical values. Keep it short. Give your markers the same number as the slides you assign them… . I understood you scarcely read help files…that's why I dare give you this advice ! I can understand that you don't care, but Ron does, isn't he ?
I would like to show you how difficult it is to use Sy(P) ! Here is the answer to gogs wish : gogs - Posted: Sep 15 2004, 09:15 PM ...The other thing that it would be nice to have is tabular window with slides listed in order with transition types and times that are possible to be adjusted quickly on the table. 1) Open your PTE project in SY(P) 2) Click on Light table icon 3) Click on Sigma 4) Click one or several images you want to modify 5) Click modify 6)Do as you please in the parameter editor For those who can't read, you'll find screen shots to help here as reply-to-Gogs
I would like to highlight one use of Sy(P): Who has never been tempted to add to a project, pictures that belong to an other folder than the one where you had carefully stored the carefully chosen ones.. If you go for them through the "file" panel, you can bring them in, but you loose the ones you didn't use yet in your "pictures" panel… With the "pool" in Sy(P) you can bring as many as you want from as many folder as you wish with no pain and no loss…
Yes Ron I agree with you. Here is an example of quite a neat trick I use with Sy(P) I don't know how you proceed building a Audiovisual, but a lot of people send drafts to friends for critic. It's then quite convenient to send a "light" copy, so friends have no hassle downloading them. You can resize, hard compress and put in a different folder the pictures, then open PTE files and with the appropriate editor change manually PTE's path to the folder you just created. Of course when you want to work again on the full scale project, you've got to do it again the other way round. Sy(P) offers you a neater way. Create a new folder for your resized pictures. Change slightly the name of the current images folder and go in Sy(P). Open your project. Sy(p) tells you that you've lost your way to the pictures. Show him its way to the created folder and hit "apply". You've got a new PTE project working perfect ; Save it as… , name it : "project light". Remove the modification you made on the initial picture folder : You have now 2 projects on which you can work indifferently, create executable, send to friends for advise.
I a couple of days, my friend Jean Claude will publish the work he is presently submitting to Igor. With his utility you'll have the possibility to resolve your problem. At present you can only add one picture at a time with PTE. With SY(P) - that the strange name he gave to his utility - you'll be able to select as many slide you wish to add. You'll have of course to add some extra sound or music on the track to make room for them, but you'll then be able to add those extra pictures while preserving the ajustments you made on th rest of them The release of this utility is just a couple of days from now
Hi Igor ! After all what has been posted, even though it might seem repetitive; I can't but express you my admiration and forward you my thanks. I'm rather new in this business with PTE and probably missed some point, but I wonder why nobody mentioned the prospect of improving dramatically the music editing system ? I would very much like to have a few - let's say 2 - other music tracks added… one for narration purpose, one for extra sounds purpose for instance ; each of those extra tracks being designed to include a few basic tools such as "copy" "cut" "paste" and "move" ...That would permit to adjust easely all sounds used in the scenario on the same screen... quite a challenge isn't it ! See what I mean ? Is there any support for that around ? I know Audacity is an efficient complement to PTE, but having a "mini audacity" on board would be fantastic ! You've made us used to exceptionnal improvement... that's why I dare ask !!!