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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Ken do you know where I can DL Normandie 2004 my neighbor is a veteran of D Day I would like to show this presentation thank for your help Robert
  2. Where Normandie 2004 can be dl robert
  3. Shelton, you post a sample of your cards on Beechbrook Cottage Robert
  4. I have uploaded a short AV sequence, "In Memoriam," to the cottage. I live in SW Florida, and last August I was hit by 4 hurricanes in 3 weeks, so I have experienced. the wrath of nature. I was humbled by it, but it was nothing compared with the loss of life in Asia. If some of you like it, and if you have not yet contributed to a charity associated with helping Tsunami victims, do so, and I thank you very much .in advance. Robert Robert Rigaux Florida
  5. Hi Tillman congratulations which festival did you enter ? Robert
  6. LumenLux your pte show is quite interesting I like your idea to depart from the traditional and to create a piece which is unusual. In my opinion you should pursue in this direction because you may not realize it you are creating a new art form and you are into some thing here...and with the new technology such as photo editing and software like Pte you should be able to push the envelop further and there is no limit to what can be done and I am waiting for your next presentation Robert
  7. Tillman you should enter your Pte show in super circuit festival in France go to http://www.diaporamacircuit.com/ if you have problem to read french let me know I will help you to do the necessary to enter in my opinion your Pte show Oradour should be present in the next diaporama festival in France . Regards Robert
  8. Don't download Kari_final_20.exe the file is huge and there is a time limit you are not able to see it therefore you going to a waist your time if someone d/l a file with time limit I would appreciate that he/she posts the name of the Pte file in winsoft forum that would save a lot of time to the members. I have noticed when someone put a time limit on their Pte presentation it is not worth your time to see it same things when photographers are so worried about their photos to be copy they should not be because their photos are not worth to be copy. Robert
  9. Hi Tomuk "I have just this moment posted a sequence entitled "Aspects of Rome". Where did you posted it?? Regards Robert
  10. Thank nobeefstu for your help Robert
  11. Check audio files Is there a software that can test MP3 Wav and Midi files and that we can be sure they going to work with Pte Robert
  12. Hi Oleg Would it be possible to tell us how it was done (with Pte) that the different transition effects appear only inside the frames of the pictures and not on the entire screen I am kind of nosy where do you live in Russia ? Thank for the infos Robert
  13. http://abstract.cs.washington.edu/~renacer...-matrix.html.gz Download the file and unzip it, then click on the HTML page it produces to watch the Matrix bullet dodging scene in ascii Robert
  14. My mistake I did not read the message below Robert
  15. Winsoft access problems for a couple days I got the message below now it is back to normal any other members got this message ? Robert ===================== Object not found! The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again. If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster. Error 404 ===========================
  16. Which will be the technical conditions of projection for both festivals ? Thank for your help and assistance Robert
  17. Which will be the technical conditions of projection for both festivals ? Thank in advance for your help and assistance Robert
  18. Hi ronwil may be a stup question What is "traditional AV worker" Robert
  19. Robert


    did you check your hd for virus and trojan Robert
  20. Michel is right if you upload a pte show on beechbrook it should not have time limit As far destroying an exe file if you have a little bit of knowledge in programing or scripting it is quite easy specially if you distribute it your show on CD. rOBERT
  21. Thank for the info JRR rOBERT
  22. If someone has the time to post detail information on how to use Customize Synchronization it would be very helpful I thank you in advance for your help and assistance rOBERT
  23. JRR thank for the link rOBERT
  24. Do someone has the URL to upload to beechbrook Thank rOBERT
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