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John Puzey

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Everything posted by John Puzey

  1. My thanks to all who replied. It is Version 4.3 that I have; not 4.5 as I said at first. I have now found out how to get the two tracks I created in Cool Edit 2000 into Pictures to Exe. I had to create them in the four track mode of Cool Edit but could not convert to a wav file or an mp3 file. "Save as---" just changed the name. I have now found that if I select both tracks and "Mix Down" I can convert to wav or to mp3 and Pictures to Exe will accept them.. I will now concentrate on finer adjustment of the levels etc. Many thanks again to all. John
  2. I have version 4.5 of Pictures to Exe. How do I put music and commentary to play together in a Pictures to Exe slide show? I have tried using Cool Edit but the Cool Edit files are not accepted by Pictures to Exe. John Puzey
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