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Everything posted by CSchmittie

  1. Hello Everyone: The Beechbrook Cottage link seems to be fixed. At least it works for me. Thanks for your patience in getting these little glitches worked out. CSchmittie
  2. I'm already using Audacity, and you're right, it is a great program at a great (free) price. The other program I used is called ProShowGold (www.photodex.com) there were other features that were very nice, but it's always a case of more features make it harder to use. I realize that is always a hard balance to strike. I'll continue to string my tracks together in Audacity and I'll continue to use PTE. CSchmittie
  3. I tried another slide show software from another company. Had some interesting features, but after working with it for a while, I'm right back to PTE again. PTE is very nearly as powerful of a program, but much easier to use. One can put a show together much more quickly with PTE. However, one feature I really liked is that you could list multiple music tracks, and then indicate how many seconds of overlap on each one, so they would fade one track right into the next with no "dead air" (as we used to call it at the radio station.) After each track listing was an option of how much "overlap" you wanted. Another way of saying it is that track number two started to roll "x" number of seconds before the end of track number one. Sure makes the crossfade of music tracks much easier. Any possibility on a future version? CSchmittie
  4. ccmanz: What you are seeing is the two-page layout, left and right for a square album. The photos will be printed 10x20, and when cut in half, come out to a 10x10 album. CSchmittie
  5. It's interesting getting different feedback. Regarding the background: I have several shows where I used a light colored background with my subtle studio logo wallpapered throughout. The photographers there said the light background was too distracting, others said it was just right because we WANT them to see the studio logo throughout the shows. I chose black this time for no real reason other than just to see what it looks like. I do like the photographs on black, they seem to "pop" a bit more. It's all personal opinion. . . . . you know? The music is royalty free music from "The Music Bakery" Regarding the large page numbers, keep in mind that the purpose of this presentation is to preview the album for the wedding couple. They are large to keep them on track, and each page number, as it comes up, indicates the "completion" of that page layout. CSchmittie
  6. Hi Everyone! Well I thank you for your well meaning comments to this "newbie" to the forum. I think I got it working now. I'll let you folks try it, and if it's working, I'll then post it on Beechbrook. URL is www.craig-schmidt.com/karleeeddie.zip The show within the zip file is still called "showtest.exe" but it's the only one there. You'll get the idea. I use PTE to show my wedding couples a layout of their album. You will see one of the first pages has a progressive "reveal" where each image on the page comes up one by one until the entire layout is identified as "done"by the page number at the bottom of the screen. This particular wedding show was about 33 mb in its entirety with about 160 some slides. But it seemed my website didn't like the big file for some unknown reason. What I did for all of you is I eliminated the majority of the reveal slides and just left the completed pages, and I left in only one of the 3 pieces of music. That makes for a MUCH smaller show size, but of course it isn't quite as impressive either. So I hope you can see around that. Looking forward to your comments, and learning more about this adventure called "technology". Thanks again for your help. Enjoy Craig (CSchmittie)
  7. Well, this certainly is an interesting adventure, getting a show posted. Try downloading the Wedding Show directly from my website: http://www.craig-schmidt.com/karleeeddie.zip Then let me know if it's working. Thanks everyone for your patience and your help. CSchmittie North Dakota
  8. Greetings Everyone: The Beechbrook link seems to work now! I use PTE to show wedding couples a sample layout of their album. The title is "Karlee and Eddie" and is an example of how I photograph weddings and design albums out here on the prairies of North Dakota. Certainly interested in your comments, suggestions, etc. on this international forum. Enjoy CSchmittie www.craig-schmidt.com craig@craig-schmidt.com
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