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Everything posted by Duncan.e

  1. Many thanks for your help, I understand what I need to do now. It is great to know that there are such helpful people out there! Once again, thanks. Duncan
  2. I'm sorry, I meant a transparent gif. ok, let me start again and explain what I want to do - I want to be able to have a slide fade in during a presentation and then to use that as a background over which I place other smaller images, fading in and out, then to continue to another full size slide. My idea is (was) to use a transparent slide, with the smaller images placed on it, so that the background image can still be seen. Thinking about it, it probably wouldn't work... So how do I do it?
  3. ok, I'm being stupid, the blue cast is showing me the extent of the transparent slide, clicking outside it hides it - doh! I'm still left with the problem of fading a transparent slide over another....
  4. Thanks for the welcome - and the advice. Trouble is I'm still stuck.... I have a white test slide, and a transparent test slide - if I click on the test slide and then on object editor, I can add the transparent test slide, trouble is I get a light blue cast over the test slide. Any idea why? Also, how do I fade the transparent slide over the test slide? Its fun trying to learn the intricacies of a new program!
  5. I am trying to create an image on a transparent background. I have created test images in photoshop and saved them in gif and bmp formats, but when I load them into PTE, they all have a coloured (white) background. I have searched the forum and found a similar question asked, but the solutions offered don't help / work for me...... Running PTE 4.3 - help please!
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