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  1. Thanks Dan and Ken, I do have a couple questions though... 1) How come I can't just skip the AVI to MPEG step and convert AVI straight to SVCD? I thought I found some software that would do it. http://www.boilsoft.com/aviconverter/ or http://www.avi-to-dvd.net/avi-to-svcd.shtml 2) Do I need to burn to a DVD-R? (I think Ken sounded like CD-R could work.) Does that make sense? Thanks Again! Shelley
  2. uh... Oops... I looked at my video file and it is an AVI file. Not that I know what that means for me Thanks! Shelley
  3. Hey thanks guys! I figured it out... I just wasn't clicking in the right spot to make them move!
  4. I don't know if I'm missing a step, but I got my exe to burn and play (CD-R) on my PC. I would like to be able to put it in a DVD player and went through the steps outlined at the start of all this. I did the whole AVI/SVCD/Interlace thing and got a file that said "video" at the end (SVCD). I then burned it onto a CD-R, but when I stick it in the player it looks blank. It said something about "Converting and burning AVI video file into DVD-Video disc"... but I do not have a DVD burner nor do I have anything beyond Roxio (basic) burning software. Am I missing something?
  5. I've got 3 songs I'd like to play with our vacation, but I can't find anything in the tutorial about how to use the Customize Synch area on the Main (Project Options). I tick the "synchronize slideshow to music duration" box, but what does "New Transition" and "Timed points" mean? I'd like to stretch the timing of some slides to make the first song end later, the second song end later still, and the last one to end right at the end of the show. Does that make sense? Thanks! Shelley
  6. I'm trying to burn a CD with Roxio Easy CD Creator 5 (basic). It has options to create dataCD or a dataDVD (I don't have a DVD burner). I am just using CD-R discs and all of them have failed. I followed the steps posted here. I tried: "Create custom"+ "interlaced video" "SVCD disc" + "interlaced video" With each of the above I tried to create a data CD without clicking "finish". At first it worked and I played it through fine. But after I hit "finish" and loaded the CD again to test... there was nothing but my music . I also tried the (video) "preview" button and it acted like it was going to create the CD anyway. Any help out there would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Shelley
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