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  1. HELP!!! I am desperately trying to register. I have tried following directions e-mailed to me, I have tried to check the forum for advice, but I don't see my problem specified. After purchasing PicturesToExe online, I have tried to register and keep having the same problems with no resolution. When I open the "Click here to register" button, it takes me back to the order page. When I click on the "enter key" button, it takes me to a brouse folders area. When I enter the correct file where the key has been saved, I get a message that says "Invalid or wrong key" or something like that. When I press O.K., it starts me over. I have called the number listed for RegNow, and they say I need to communicate with support@wnsoft.com. When I try to go there, I just get a blank screen. Now when I try to go to the technical support, nothing happens at all. HELP HELP HELP!!!!!
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