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Everything posted by jwebre

  1. I had tried that and it worked great. What I was trying to do was fix it so that they could click on it and go directly to it and it would start running, without performing a download...which I don't really want to do.
  2. Can anyone tell me how to attach a slideshow into my Front Page 2002 family website?
  3. Thanks for the replys. I did wait awhile...it seemed like a long while (about 36 hours) before I got my key. I was becoming very nervous that I had been bilked out of money. I'm not a normal internet purchaser and it makes me nervous when I pay for something and nothing happens. Also, sorry about all the posts to my first post. Not sure what happened...I think it belched! I hit my submit key one time and look what happened! Hopefully that won't happen now. Does anyone know if I can insert my slideshow into a Front Page 2002 website I have prepared for family members?
  4. I am a new user to PicturesToExe. I putrchased it yesterday. I did enjoy trying the free download version, which is what prompted my purchase. When I purchased my registered version, a screen popped up which I assume may have contained the key. It was closed before I realized that a key was needed to register my software. I have spent A LOT of time today trying to get support to answer my request for my key so I can use my software. Any suggestions on what I can do?
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