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Everything posted by Hemjr

  1. I received the same. Howard
  2. Dom, Did you find out why we could not download this one? Would like to see it. Thanks, Howard
  3. Dom, Still same problem for me. Downloaded about 1/3 of file and just stayed there. Howard
  4. Dom, I am having the same download problem as Maureen. Howard
  5. Lin, I am so sorry to hear about your wife's health issues. My wife and I have been married 50 years this year and can imagine what you are currently going through. I will put you and your wife in my prayers that you both will find comfort and peace during this time, and if God's will, that she recieve a speedy recovery. You and your many contributions to this forum will be greatly missed. Howard
  6. Thanks Igor, for all your hard and consistant work on this product. I have not been able to do much experimentation on this Beta series, but looking forward to getting back to checking it out soon. Howard
  7. Gerard, Thanks for your response. I admire you for operating in more than one language. I have tried learning a couple of other languages but would not dare try to use what little I know on the internet. Thanks fro sharing. Howard
  8. Gerard, Great photography and interesting show. Having done some macro photography, I enjoyed it very much. However the name of the show puzzles me. It seems the name should be "Fierce little Creatures" rather than "Fears Little Creatures". Howard
  9. Igo, I have not had any experience with the ASUS Eee PC 900, however, I have never had the trouble you are having with any of the laptops I have owned. Looks like a defect to me. I would make a decision before your 15 days are up. Howard
  10. Great work, Barry. Well done! I really enjoyed the show. Have downloaded the program and will try playing with it. Probably will not use it in PTE, but will enjoy playing with the program. Howard
  11. Lin, The rain looks good to me. Also noticed the lightning and the plane! Did not notice any cloud movement though. Very good! Thanks for sharing. Howard
  12. Igor! I must also add my heartfelt congratulations to you and your staff on the new release. I have not had much time to use the program for several months, so I was behind on all the changes. My grandson borrowed my little Canon Sureshot, to take on a recent trip to Israel. He took about 1000 photos on two flash cards. The show was too long to put on one DVD. So I had to divide it into two shows. He wanted all the photos on the shows, even though some should have been left out. I added music without the sychronization. Everything seemed to work perfectly!. The DVD burning went without any problems, and looked much better than when I last burned a DVD. It was really effortless! One question, though. After finishing the show, I tried to make a backup, but an error message came up. Since my grandson used two flashcards we had duplicate slide names on the two cards. I got around that when making the slide shows by placing the pictures from one of the cards in a separate folder. Everything worked out fine. But the program will not make a backup because of the duplicate numbers, even though they are in different folders. For the future, I know to change the slide names prior to makint the show. Is there a solution for this show, at this point, other than changing the names? Thanks again to you and the staff for the great work on this program. Howard
  13. Downloaded new version and installed with no problems using Windows XP Professional. Looks great! Can't wait to try it out. But will be a couple of weeks, I am afraid. Howard
  14. Hemjr


    Igor, I hope you and your team have a great vacation. I hope it yields you much rest and revitalization. Thanks to you and team for a great year of dedication to PTE. Howard
  15. Thanks to all for your replies. I waited untill the Nikon D300's were released and now have mine in hand. I purchasd a used Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 DG Macro AF lens. It does not have VR. I have noticed that the zoom ring is kind of stiff to turn. Does anyone know if this is normal? Also am looking at a new Nikon AFS VR 70-200mm F2.8 IF ED LENS 70-200. It is very expensive for me. I am also looking at a used Nikon f2.8 ED AF Macro-Zoom 80-200 lens at less than half the price, but it is not VR. How important is VR? Does anyone have any wisdom on this to share? I will be purchasing the long zoom for indoor sport photograhy as a hobby. Fred, you offered to send me a link to your site with volleyball pics. Thanks, I would appreciate it. Thanks again, Howard
  16. Thanks, Colin, After posting, I went back to my Photoshop 7 and chanced upon the invert choice. It worked. My scanner does not have a choice to indicate I am scanning a negative so it has to be converted in photoshop. I probably need to look into a special scanner that will do a better job. The negatives are about 65 to 75 years old, but are in fairly good shape. Old family photos. Howard
  17. I have searched the forum and do not see this question answered and decided to tack it into this thread for lack of a better place since it is along this subject. Can anyone out there give me the procedure for converting a scanned B&W negative to a positive, using photoshop, for printing or using in a slide show? Thanks, Howard
  18. Jeff, I do not see where to download the slide show. Howard
  19. Lin, Thanks so much for your reply. I have looked at some of the reviews on the Sony Alpha 700. It does look like an improvement over some of the other cameras I have been looking at. I don't know if any of my Minolta lens' will work though because they are the old type of lens. I understand that Minolta made a change in the lens' design that prevents the lens from fittting the newer cameras. Whoever gave me that information may be wrong though. If I have to purchase a lens, what would you recommend for the type of shots I mentioned in my first posting? I would want one that is fast enough to do the available light shots and to be able to stop movement. The lens may end up being as costly as the camera. Thanks for your help, Howard
  20. I realize this does not directly relate to PTexe, but I do a lot of shows using PTexe and visit the forum often. I know some of you photography experts can give some help on this. I have been procrastinating on purchasing a new digital camera(SLR) for some time now. My past experience was with a Minolta 35mm camera and various lens. More recently with the Sony Mavica, Canon digital Elph powershot 400 and now the Nikon Coolpix 8800. Our son and grandchildren have just moved back to South Carolina from northern California. This permits us to attend some of their sports events. They are currently playing volleyball in the basketbal gymnasium. I prefer to use available light for indoor shots, especially for sports events. The coolpix does OK for outside shots but just will not do the job inside using available light. Do any current digital SLR's in the under $2000 range meet these requirements? I know there are probably as many answers to this question as there are people out there, but primarily need a camera and lens combination that will permit indoor photography under extreme lighting conditions usiing telephoto lens. Am I asking too much? I failed to mention, the Coolpix 8800 does gather enough light it is just that if there is ANY movement the lens is not fast enough to stop the action. Thanks, Howard
  21. Great on my system also , Igor. I did not know the iphone could take pictures that good. Colors beautiful. Thanks, Howard
  22. Thanks Igor. You are always so helpful. Hope all is well with you. Howard
  23. I tried to download your show amd received this message "Invalid Quickkey. This error has been forwarded to MediaFire's development team." Have you removed it from mediafire? Thanks, Howard
  24. I just ran a virus scan of my computer with the free version of AVG by Grisoft which had been updated to the last version of updates. It has deleted 10 of my slide shows, most of which have been downloaded from the forum or Beechbrook. It says they had Trojan Horse BackDoor Hupigon2.mul. I had learned my lesson and had all of my slide shows saved on an external hard drive, so it isn't so bad. But some people out there are in danger of losing shows they may not want to lose. This has happened in the past and I feel these are also false positives. Someone had a contact from Grisoft and was successful in getting them to correct it. Hope they can get it straight. Howard
  25. Bob, I tried to download the show and Mediafire gave me an error message. Will try later. Howard
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