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Everything posted by Hemjr

  1. OK, I thought you meant orientation as "Landscape or Portrait" and could not figure why that would make a difference in this instance. Thanks, Howard
  2. Thanks Ken, What do you mean by "show the orientation"? Howard
  3. Thanks Ken, I do have a print screen facility on my computers. I did not know how to use it. Did not realise it copys the page to the clipboard. What size do you normally attach to replys for the forum? Howard
  4. Thanks again Igor and all. I agree, there are several fonts that do not work, but I mostly only use Lucida Calligraphy. Ken, once I put the show in windowed mode, how do I capture a screen shot? Thanks again, Howard
  5. Thanks Igor, Ken and Al. I look forward to the corrections. It really is a pleasure to get such fast positive responses to problems we have on our computers. The program is fantastic!. It is great to experiment with and see what we can do with it. Howard
  6. Igor, It is visual, and just personal preference. Lucida Caligraphy looks sort of like a script or hand written font, whereas arial font appears to be more like a typewritten front. I can not give a screen shot since the computer will not display Lucida Calligraphy in version 5. I have tried it by adding the comments in both the comments section on the slide and also by adding the comments in O&A. Lucida Caligraphy shows properly in version 4.48. Thanks, Howard
  7. Thanks Ken. Using the comments section prior to using O&A does let me click and drag the text. That is a big help. I do seem to remember Igor saying he had more work to do in this area and would be correcting in future versions. Yes, several of the different fonts work, but I was wanting to use Lucida Calligraphy. But I can make do until we see what he has in mind for the future. Howard
  8. I have been working with the new versions of Beta 5 and have a couple of questions. I have searched the search engine for "text" and find a lot of information. However, I still have some problems. When generating a text in O&A, I have problems being able to move the text placement on the screen. Under 4.48, in the objects editor, you could left click and drag the text where you wanted it to be, a very good feature. It seems our only choice now is to put it where it appears when developed or move it to center. Also, I use Lucida Calligraphy a good bit and it will not work under the new version whereas many other fonts will work. Igor, I assumed this was being corrected in this newest version. Are these some of the things that will be addressed in later revisions? Or am i overlooking something? Thanks again for all the hard work!! Howard
  9. Thanks Al. I have been experimenting and looks like the problem is solved. Howard
  10. Al, one of the moniters is a 20" wide screen moniter, and the laptop is a 17" moniter. how do i determine the correct settings? Thanks. Howard
  11. I am attending a week long recreation workshop and am responsible for photography and a slide show at the end of the week. I am using a Sony Vaio laptop with a westinghouse 20.1 " monitor. I am noticing a distortion of the pictures when I rotate from horizontal to vertical. I thought this was a function of PTE, however it also appears when I work in photoshop. This problem continues when I return to using the laptop montor. I apologize for asking this question on the forum, but need an help quickly, and knew I could get help here. Thanks. Howard
  12. Thanks for the fast reply. Howard
  13. Thanks for the great work, Igor and team. I do have a question. In version 4.48 there is the ability to check a box for a particular slide that says "show image". If this box is unchecked, the slide does not show, but acts like a blank slide. Is this feature going to be on beta 5, or is there another way to do the same thing? Thanks. Howard
  14. Igor, Thanks for resending the key for video builder. It worked this time, and I have tried the DVD burning. Works Great!! Thanks for all your work and fast responses. Howard
  15. I have also purchased the upgrade for video builder, and received a corrupted file. It woulf not download, so I tried saving the file and then loading it. I have tried the "fixes" mentioned in this thread, but not successful. Howard
  16. Ken, your link requests a password, and will not work. Howard
  17. Thanks Lin, I have had no problems with the free version of AVG, except for these false positives, for about 4 years now. I do like the efficiency of the AVG free program in stopping problems. I seem to remember that the last time we had this problem with the false positives, Igor contacted them and they correctied the problem. Igor, are we giving up on AVG now? If so I will take Lin's advice and go to another program. Howard
  18. I am using AVG 7.5.432/Virus Database: 268. 15.29 608 UPDATED Dec. 29 2006. last week showed no problems. but after downloading the udate today, AVG found 21 PTE shows with the Trojan Horse virus. i beleive it is a false reading, but will leave them in the virus vault until something is resolved. Has anyone else checked lately. Has Grisoft been notified and is something being done by them? Howard
  19. I believe they are allowed for wedding videos. Here is a cut and paste of that part of the lisence. Low level commercial uses permitted are: Wedding videos, discs, DVD’s, video to clients Howard
  20. I thought something was wrong with my monitor. It is a little glaring. Howard
  21. Fried, I downloaded the smaller file. The pictures were great and the synchronization to the music was excellent. I agree with an earlier post theat I question wheather it could have been inmproved much with the new version. Thanks for sharing. Howard
  22. Thanks Lin, Currently Photoshop 7 has done all I have really needed to do, or that I thought I needed to do. Basic touchups and text and collages are what I have been using it for. I will have to research these other programs to see what they do. I was just curious since I see the CS2 referred to often. Howard
  23. I have heard comments about the Photoshop CS2 and Elements. Do these give anything that Photoshop 7 does not have or are their capabilities included in Photoshop7? Howard
  24. Dom, I like the two slide transition effect. My choice on most of my shows would be for it to run a little slower. Or even have choice of speed. It appears that a few of the pics would zoom slightly after coming on the screen. Others would not zoom after coming up. Is this on purpose? Thanks for all your help and contributions to the forum. Howard
  25. Dom, Thanks so much for the fast reply to my question about cropping to 400x 400 ratio. The flash tutorial is great. This expands a little my knowledge of Photoshop. I barely scratch the surface in its capabilities. I will now play with the six sided cube effect. Howard
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