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Everything posted by RayC

  1. A great show really good photography lovely to watch and listen to,just loved the music would you mind letting us know the name and artist. Ray
  2. Thanks for that Xaver have now done that so will have to wait for reply. Problem being in NZ it appears the rest of the world is in bed when we are just up Best Regards Ray
  3. Hi I have applied for the new upgrade for Vidio builder V 5.7 4 Days ago and as of now had no reply. I dont want to apply again with my Bank details as i dont want to eventualy end up paying twice,as at the moment the money as not been deducted. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Ray
  4. Wow Mine ran out in April so how did it not show up when i used 5.7 beta 4 I did do at least 2 DVDs with that version. Still waiting for new one to arrive. All the best Ray
  5. Thanks Gayland and Max, I posted for my upgrade Friday night here in NZ its Monday morning here now have no reply yet so will have to wait and see. All the best Ray
  6. Hi, Yes I believe you are right, I am also useing Pte 5.6 at the moment and that does work Fine Vidio Builder as well. I have sent for my upgrade so will just have to wait a while, It is a weekend after all. Thanks for your reply Ray
  7. Just tried that Ken but still the same, Pte 5.7 Beta 6 slideshow works fine its only the Vidio Builder that says I need to upgrade, On clicking in the box that comes up it goes to Reg Text and the Form comes up to fill in to Register and I have done that but not heard from them yet. Thanks for trying to help Ken. Ray
  8. Hi Ken Yes I downloaded the key finder when you first let us know it was there and I have tried it as found my keys and have used it on this new 5.7 version it first tell me it ok and to close the slideshow and restart, but then I get the need to upgrade message again. I am not to sure but I believe it may be close to the 2 years since getting Vidio builder Deluxe, I got it when it first came out. All the best Ray
  9. Hi Can anyone help please,I tried to write to a Dvd Useing Pte 5.7 beta 6, It came up with a message that I must update my Deluxe Key and I have done this , but there is nothing explaining how to get my new Key. Any help would be most greatful, Thanks Ray
  10. Thanks Stu, A very handy tool to have one never knows when one may need it. Ray
  11. Hi Dom, Getting same problem here now yet downloaded your Realistic Photo Album Exe this morning NZ time no problem at all, and while on the subject great Photos and really like the Album. All the Best Ray
  12. Hi Thanks for that Dom, and your scroll effect is terrific and with fantastic photos to. Well Done all the best Ray
  13. Hi Mary, I think what you may be looking for is something like Project Reporter, that can be found on Beechbrook, When there go to All Categories>Utility There are two versions Named PTE Project reporter, V2 as ben updated for PTE 5.6. All the best Ray
  14. Hi John, Just a great show and well worth the time downloading,the only time i saw Edinburgh was in 1949 only a 15 year old boy then but remember the Castle well. Well done and great Photos. All the Best Ray
  15. Hi, Try Turn off Synchronize to music select first slide Hold down shift key select last slide all slides will now be selected, Go to Customize Slide > Under Main set time for 2.572 This will set that time for all slides, I dont think this will to far off what you are hopeing for. All the best Ray Added Info :- In Project Options > Effects Turn off Enable Transition Effects Or use 1500 ms Fade in/out
  16. Just fantastic Dom as always with your Photographic and Pte skills, Look foreward to the Template and would like to see a template of how to use Masks as in your "Composition For Nature" as I seem to be a little slow picking up on the masks Must be age I think. All the best Ray
  17. I have one nessage showing but have not opened it. Ray
  18. Fantastic Frame Dom and as you say looks real good with the Black and White photographs. Ray
  19. Just Fantastic have watched over and over again and will do so again. Thanks for allowing us to view it. Ray
  20. Hi Brian, In the Obects and Animation window take a note of your settings for first photo for Pan and Zoom in the Animations settings and just place those settings in for other Photos, this saves the dragging, still long Process but as Dave says you may be able to copy and paste these settings. All the best Ray
  21. Hi Lin, Sorry to hear the bad news hope and pray the wife gets better soon. Ray
  22. Hi Jean Pierre, Fantastic as always pleased to see you back. all the best for the future. Ray
  23. Hi Barbara, Dave is right he just beat me to it, If you look at each slide on the slideline and check Customize slide you will see In the Effects the ones he as chosen for each slide. All the best Ray
  24. Hi folks Here is a very small Panorama Photo I played around with useing Masks, this got me started and since have succeded in going a little further with them. Its very small to Download, Hope it helps. http://www.mediafire.com/?1nvu1gm4cxg All the best Ray
  25. Hi Buck, If you go into Project Options > Comments go down to Set Text Comments for new slides and click on Insert template, you will find a lot of choices. All the best and a very Merry Xmas. Ray
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