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Everything posted by RayC
Use Hawks method, Open Chantilly in PTE select slide right click Copy dont close that show but open a new one or one of your shows and paste into slide list. Ray
Hi mike, That one got me for a while but no you cant open it as i doesn't hav a direct image, it uses the sliced images to show the full image. afraid i have given up on the 94 horizontal to much involved and frustrating.It is Possible to select and copy and paste to a new show. Ray
Great Stuff, I like Yorkshire. Voted RayC
Hi Silvia, To copy and Paste from one show to another use Hawks Methed found here http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....amp;#entry31206 For the transition I did you only need to copy and Paste the First slide From 'Chantilly' That is the 1 x1.bmp.To change the image is very long process. Ray
sorry mike I dont know yet how to get that effect, I used the copy & paste system and only copied the 1x1 bmp slide from JPD's Chantilly template, Now trying to place a different Image on the 2nd side. Its a lot of work though. Ray
Thanks Ken i must look into that. Ray
Hi Mike, I did have another Image with it but after takeing that out and zipping it is 1.32mb, i am not sure about a zip an attachment. Ray
Silvia, It is very difficult, I have managed to do it but it as taken me all day because of makeing mistakes along the way, I think maybe the Vertical one In Versailles may be easier. I have an exe file of 3.27mg if anyone can explain how I can download it. I dot not have a web page. Ray
Thats good Mike glad i could help, As I said I have used it even the Multiple ones and they are very useful. All the best Mike. Ray
Sorry mike afraid I dont know but have a look here Cut and Paste slides between sequences take animated slides across to another show By Maureen on 4th Feb ray
Hi mike, Try this Hawks method it does work have used it a few times. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....amp;#entry31206
Hi Mike, afraid I cant help with that one but may now have a go at it see what I can do. Afraid the weather as not been the best for us this year Mike but then I am way down south I visited Wellington a lot when my son lived there but now he is in Auckland so go there insted its also warmer there. My daughter is in Uk so have been back there for a few weeks for the last 4 years and I am planning another trip at Xmas. All the best mike good luck with the Slices. Ray
Mike go to this site http://technac.free.fr/Diaporamas/V5/index.htm and download JPD's "Versailles" Pt file It is the best show to see what can be done with Slices. Ray
Hi TheDom, To slice Image into 94 slices Horizontally, slow but works. Open image 2816px x 1880px in Photoshop > choose > slice select tool > right click on image > Divide Slice Tool>Divide horizontally > 2 slices Down evenly spaced. Go to save for Web . Choose 2 up > Highlight first half > save as. It will save in a folder named images both images as 1_01.jpg & 1_02.jpg. Open the 1_01 File choose>Right Click on Image>Divide Slice>divide Horizontally Into>47 Slices Down evenly spaced. Save for Web Original. Jpg, High, progressive, name 01.jpg. Select 2nd Half Do same as above and save as name 02.jpg Photoshop will save them into separate Image folders copy No2 slices into No 1 folder and batch rename. It’s a long way round but it does work. Ray
Hi Silvia & TheDom, I believe i may have been a little comfused this morning I quoted to slice HORIZONTAL When in fact it was really for the VERTICAL which with a photo of 2816px it is possible to get 94 Slices by Right clicking on Photo Click on Divide slide and choose Devide pixels per slice and enter 30. I have tried since to do an Horizontal one and the most slices I am able to get Is 67 I may try PSP see if they can do better. To save Silvia save for web And you have save each Slice as a jpg file Sorry for the confusion Silvia. All the best Ray
Hi TheDom, No problem This was one once used by JPD I thought amazeing then so decided to save it, One thing I should heve mentioned was i used a 2816px X 1880px Photo to try it. Ray
Siliva, In Photoshop Toolbox select the SLICE SELECT TOOl> RIGHT CLICK ON PHOTO SELECT> DIVIDE Vertical> SELECT PIXELS PER SLICE QTY 30.> CLICK OK. Go to File. Save for Web jpg High Optomized > choose folder to Save in. Hope this works for you Lucky i had it saved in my notebook. All the best Ray Edited 5:16 pm Ray
Hi Fred Thank you very much for the info it worked a treat, added 3 more pages works perfectly. all the best. Ray
Fred, Thanks for that will give it a try. All the best ray
TheDom, This number 3 album is just the greatest and once worked through the first one found it simple to make the changes but is there a way to add pages for when needing the extra one or two. Thanks for the chance to use it. Ray
Hi Bert, You can do this Go to View menu in pte make sure File Panel is unticked ( its easier) Hightlight first photo Hold down Shift key Click on last photo to Highlight all Photos Right click on selected photos Go to explorer Copy and then go to a new folder and Paste to it. Should have mentioned make your new folder first. You must have all photos in same folder for PTE. This does work I have just tried it. All the best Ray
TheDom I have just completed a Photo Album for my friend and I added eight more Photos and it worked perfectly. Thank you again for your very quick responce Ray
Thanks TheDom for your fast reply, it appears from questions answered you can do anything with this template I will sure keep a copy of all in case needed in the future. Thanks again for all the great work done. Ray
Hi TheDom, This Album is just fantastic and just what I needed at this time as I have a Friend over from the UK for holiday at moment and she loves it and as asked for me to put her Photgraphs to it, problem at the moment is even after doing one slideshow I now need to add pages and being a novice I am not sure how to do it could you possibly help please. looking foreward to your final release. Ray
Hi Bert, I found that I had that problem on my first attempt I found that I had to sellect all my photos and do copy to TheDoms folder it worked, then it will ask if you want to replace the files click ok. Hope this helps. Ray