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Everything posted by Tolgus

  1. Thanks ContaxMan. I've been testing further. Is there a minimum required time between the end of an effect and the start of the next slide ? I can reproduce the problem effortlessly if I overlap these or have them back to back. Tolgus
  2. I'm looking for HELP please. I'm a new user to P2E and to this Forum. I use Adobe Photoshop to create 1024x768 jpegs in the range of 60-180K and use mp3 audio tracks. I have been making little test shows and they seem to have been working. I have now been trying to make a bigger show with 65 images. The first preview appeared to work fine but then I changed the order of some of my slides and deleted some and added some new ones. I am now finding that the slide show goes ~ slide 1 ..... 2 ..... 3 ...... 3 ....... 3 ....... 6 ....... 7 ....... 8 etc. So, I am now missing slides 4 and 5 from the show ? Other slides repeat in the same way in the middle of the show ? I noticed this effect in the title slides. These were also made in Photoshop and differ simply by having extra lines of text. They are single layer Photoshop jpegs. I have tried deleting slides and adding them back, renaming to make sure that each slide has a unique name, clearing the music and adding it again. I can't stop the repeating of the slides if I change the show in any way ? Am I missing something very obvious ? Any help would be very welcome please. Tolgus
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