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Everything posted by goddi

  1. Greetings, I can’t disagree with any of the above postings. But I feel a bit weird about this idea without Igor bringing it up. Sort of like telling a mother to change the name of her baby because it does not seem to fit. I used to only create exe’s but now find I prefer mp4’s. Since I now have a larger screen, the exe’s fill the entire screen and they just are too big. So I prefer to create mp4’s where I can control the size within the screen and easier to give to friends or post on Facebook or YouTube, etc. Using the ‘AV’ in the title makes more sense but it would be interesting to hear from Igor about this. Maybe we should tell Microsoft to change ‘Windows’ to ‘Doors’….? (just kidding). But, then there is a ‘.av’ format (which I didn’t even know) and that could cause confusion (?). Gary
  2. Dave, You might think my posting is not relevant, but indicating what a feature can't do, I believe, is also important. For example, Tomcatred55 apparently had no idea that rotation in a Frame could or could not be done, even though he does not see any need for it. Maybe others did not realize this. I was only trying to clarify my point and it seemed a good place to bring it up. Perhaps, after your postings, you should mention you don't want any other opinions about the subject. I didn't see any 'argument' on my part. And don't see what your beef is about follow-up postings as long as it has something to do with the topic. Gary
  3. My point is that there is a need to be able to rotate an image that is inside a Frame without rotating the border. For example, what if the horizon of an image is not level and you have it inside a Frame (with a border and with a less than 100% zoom)? Instead of having to use an outside photo-editing program to make the adjustment, it would be easier to just do it in the Frame. So many additional possibilities for animation will become available. Gary
  4. Nice demo. These quick and concise explanatory videos are great to see and learn from. The serious thing lacking from Framing is that fact you can't yet rotate an image in a frame. Still hoping Igor will fix it. Gary
  5. Igor... I also like the ability to increase the number Recent Projects by modifying the apr.ini file. But, please, please, please give use the ability to 'Open Recent Project' and have the correct associated Files be that of the project that is just opened. I just opened an old project for 'Croatia' and the Files that were listed were for another project of 'Turkey'. This is so annoying to have to browse around to repopulate the Files for the opened project. Thanks... Gary
  6. Greetings, I don't shoot RAW but I happened to have a few that were taken in 2006 with an old Nikon D70. So I just tried to open one in Photoshop. So I have CS5 and Camera Raw 6.7. When I try to open the NEF in CS5, it first opens it in Camera Raw, and then I click on its 'Open Image' and it then opens in CS5. Not sure what camera you have. Maybe that's the problem but my old D70's RAW seems to work in CS5. Gary
  7. Greetings, I am a bit confused about this VisiSketch Pro program. I don't see a link where it can be downloaded. I Googled around and could not find a VisiSkitch Pro site. When I do find something about it, I see 'CaptiveAlivePro'. When I tried to 'visit' a link to the VisiSketch Pro homepage or to purchase it, I get a blank page. What am I missing? Here is the closest site I can come to 'VisiSketch': https://captionsalivepro.software.informer.com/download/ Gary
  8. Dave, The problem that I was having with the 'blocking' of the embedded videos caused a bit of confusion for me. After I fixed it, I now I see that you embedded my video in one of your above postings and it played. Before, I could not see that happening. Since I got rid of the 'blocking' or 'tracking' thing, the embedded videos now show up in the Forum. Gary
  9. Igor... I see the problem! For some unknown reason, I see that there was some 'blocking' added to the Forum page. Maybe something to do with 'tracking' that I might have inadvertently added. Not sure. But since you mentioned 'stopped to show embedded videos', I looked around and unticked the 'blocking' icon. I have no idea why this just started to happen. But when I unticked the 'blocking' icon, the embedded video showed up. Thanks for the help. Solved. Gary
  10. Igor, Here is a link to a page that shows the problem. Look at the very first posting. I haven't changed any settings on my PC. Just started yesterday. Here is a screenshot of my display settings. Gary This is what I see on my PC:
  11. I tried it but it did not change anything. Still there. Gary
  12. Super...Thanks... Gary
  13. Barry, Ok, I think I see what is going on. With either link, the MP4 does not play. I see the second link is requiring you to Log In. Ok, you can't. With the first link, it only 'presents' the cover image, but, still does not play the MP4 video. When Bert said he saw the video, I guess he meant just the cover image, but it did not play. Ok...thanks all for the test. So even if I put a link in the SSC, as Dave shows, it would not be playable. Oh...just found a link for videos in Facebook that says 'Embed'. Got a different link. I pasted it into my browser but it did not work at all. Would this type of link work in SSC? Probably only for putting into a webpage? <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgary.oddi%2Fvideos%2F10214048050269550%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe> Thanks..., Gary
  14. I use Firefox. No problem until today. On a desktop PC, Win10. They look OK when I get the individual email notification, but not once when I get into the Forum. Gary
  15. Dave... No, I just have not tried it yet. But it is too bad we would have to go through these extra steps when all that has to be done is increase the upload size for the SSC. Igor said he would but it has not been done. Most people would not know about this unless they happen to read these posts. Gary
  16. Greetings Barry, Can you clarify something for me? You say you see the video but not the images. The link to the MP4 was just for the MP4 video. Not sure what you meant by 'not images'. There should not have been any separate still images out side of the MP4 video. I'm just not sure what you see or not see. Since you don't have Facebook, you could not see my full Page, as I understand it. Sure, I would expect my mother to say nice things. I'd like to post in the Slideshowclub to get critical remarks but, as I've said before, the reduced upload size limitation leaves me out. Gary
  17. Greetings, Just started today. Lines in postings are missing the bottom of the text. And, they seem to be links but don't work. Here are some screen shots. Gary
  18. Dave, No offense taken, but just wonder why you would say what you said since most every video can be considered a 'home' movie. It is usually something personal or from a personal experience. I'd say that every show (that is not instructional) on Slideshowclub can be considered a 'home' movie. When I make a show, it is not only for 'friends' as defined in Facebook. It is for people to enjoy. So I think any site, YouTube, Facebook or the Slideshowclub would be ideal. We make them and hope others would enjoy them and just want to find a way of displaying them in any media that works the best. Gary
  19. Dave, Thanks for the info. But gee whiz. I didn't know we now have certain categories we have to avoid or adhere to. Yes, my PTE shows might be classified as 'home movies' but I look at them more as 'travelogues'. I enjoy traveling and like to share my experiences to encourage others to travel. They are not so much as 'home' but more about outside the home with adventure. So I should 'beware' and not upload my PTE shows??? Please advise on what type of shows we should be posting. I'd really like to fit better into the requirements. Gary
  20. Thanks, Bert. Dave.... I just checked my YouTube 'Home' and now I see the 'Channel'. I haven't really used it or looked at it for a long time. I had tested this out some time ago and uploaded a few shows. But if you use YouTube, don't you have to inform your viewers to go to the site to see the newly added show each time? With Facebook, it automatically informs your 'friends'. I don't understand the fear of personal info on Facebook. I don't put anything other than my PTE shows on it. So there is more info out there in other places than Facebook. You have some control. So I am not sure what the apprehension is. Am I missing something? When someone goes to my YouTube link below, I'm not sure what they would see. Would it be my 'Channel' with the few shows I have posted there??? YouTube just seems a bit more complicated since I don't understand what I see vs. what a 'subscriber' or visitor sees, or does someone have to 'subscribe' to my 'channel'? For example, I don't understand what the difference is between the two links to my YouTube site, below. Which one do I send out for viewers? https://www.youtube.com/user/goddi2/featured?disable_polymer=1 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxD2GT0VXKttO7E3IPItxnQ/videos Gary PS Wouldn't YouTube have similar personal info as Facebook...? Really don't know.
  21. Greetings Tom, Thanks for the reply. Interesting you (and I now see Dave did) could see the individual video link, but not my Facebook homepage. Did not know that was possible. But I don't understand what personal information might be on Facebook that makes people anti-facebook. I guess it depends on how much you put on the page. I don't put any personal info except email address and birth date (not sure why I put that). So there is probably less info about me on Facebook than most other places. Am I missing something? I understand the need to reduce our personal data out there, but, for me, I only use it for posting PTE shows, and not much else. Maybe I am living dangerously???? So maybe I can embed links to my individual Facebook shows on the Slideshow club site(?). Gary
  22. Greetings, I have used Slideshowclub and YouTube and Facebook to post my PTE slideshows. Each as its pros and cons. Nice thing about Slideshowclub is the site is specifically pointed to users of PTE and a good place to see what other PTE users are creating. However, there is the need to download the show first and, as mentioned, you don’t get many, if any, comments. YouTube is a nice way of posting your slideshows but I have not found a way to easily keep them as a group on a single page. I am sure there is a way but I just have not yet figured it out. The good thing about YouTube is you don’t have to ‘sign up’ or register to see anything posted on YouTube. So, I went to Facebook. I have found this to be the easier solution. I can upload my slideshows as MP4s and keep all of my shows in my Facebook page. Quality is very good. I can get comments (from ‘friends’ registered on Facebook) and have control over most of what goes on with the page. And it can be only my postings on my page. It is easy to copy/paste a link to any of your Facebook slideshow postings to share with anyone (right-click on the specific video and select 'Copy video URL at current time'). The big problem with Facebook, however, is that you have to have established an account on Facebook in order to view my videos (I think). So if I send a link to a slideshow on my Facebook page to you, and you have never signed up on Facebook, I don’t think you can simply view the slideshow. Many of my friends don't want to deal with Facebook. For example, here is a link to one of my PTE shows on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/gary.oddi/videos/10213069884976029/?t=0 And here is a link to my entire Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/gary.oddi Let me know if you can view either links if you don’t have a Facebook account. Even though I have set the shows to ‘Public’, I think it is still only viewable for people with a Facebook account. I haven’t been able to test this theory out yet. The other problem with posting our shows on YouTube or Facebook is you have to be careful with the music you use. They will get after you for copyright infringement. That is the nice thing about Slideshowclub. You can use the music that you want without this problem. Background music is one of the most critical components of a show, I believe, so sometimes you have to compromise which music you use with YouTube and Facebook. But it is easier, for me at least, to post everything on Facebook for ‘friends’ to view. But I won’t be able to get real critical comments from PTE users, which would be helpful. One last thing. My Facebook page used to show the ‘number of views’ for each slideshow. Last week, the number of views disappeared. I haven’t figured out yet why this happened or how to get them back. If anyone knows, please let me know. Gary
  23. smithrg... Speaking of Facebook, number of views of my posted videos suddenly disappeared a couple days ago. Any idea why or how to get them back? I've searched the web and asked 'Facebook' but found nothing. Has it happened to you? Gary
  24. I've run into problems with music I have selected for slideshow posted to my Facebook page. But I have found that if I run my audio selections through this site, it can warn me if there is going to be an infringement problem with my chosen music. I've found it hard (...impossible) to battle Facebook/YouTube when you feel they are wrong when they zap your upload due to copyright problems. But I have found many sites to get non-copyrighted music to get it uploaded to Facebook with no problems. https://portal.audiblemagic.com/ Gary
  25. Sure. I have found that it is easy to just upload them (as MP4s) to your Facebook page. I stopped using the Slideshowclub because the uploadable filesize was reduced so shows with videos were too big. I've put dozens of PTE shows on my Facebook site. You just have to be very careful about the music you choose for copyright infringement issues: https://www.facebook.com/gary.oddi Gary
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