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Everything posted by goddi

  1. I ran both audio files through MediaInfo. See attached. Maybe someone can determine what the differences mean. Gary
  2. Greyspider, I took a look at your show. I think there is something going wrong with your audio files. I took a look where you have the Spanish Eyes mp3 playing in Track 1. I noticed that the song plays past where you see the actual ending of the sound wave. I opened that mp3 in Audiacity and exported it. I put that version in Track 2, just below your original Spanish Eyes. So both start at the same point in the show. If I mute my version of Spanish Eyes in Track 2, your version plays past the ending of where you see the audio wave stops. Strange. So I muted Track 1 and played only my Audacity version and the Spanish Eyes stops playing at the actual end of the sound wave. I would pass all of your audio files through Audacity, export them, and bring them back into your PTE show. There seems to be something going on with your sound files. I notice too, at the end of your Blue Daubje audio file, the music continues past the end of its sound wave, where you would expect silence. Gary
  3. Dave, After much testing, I have come to the conclusion that you should not Convert/Trim a video clip by clicking on the video clip in the Slide List. If you try to Convert/Trim a video clip in the Slide List, you will get your trimmed video clip, but the video will stop at the end of the trimmed clip but the duration of that clip will not change to the shorter trimmed length. The duration will not change. The last frame of the trimmed video will stay on the screen for the remainder of the original video clip's length. In otherwords, the video clip's duration does not change to the trimmed length. So, it looks like you should only Convert/Trim a video clip that is in the File List (not the Slide List). If the a video clip is Converted/Trimmed when in the File List, and then you drag it down to the Slide List, the clip will be the correct trimmed duration. If you do Convert/Trim a video clip in the Slide List, you have to delete that video clip in the Slide List and then drag down the newly created Converted/Trimmed video clip from the File List. The duration of the Converted/Trimmed clip will then be correct. Whether I had the KFSD checked or not, I did not see any difference. Gary
  4. Yes...Thanks... The file naming is not the problem, but it is nice to see it can be changed. The other problems, I hope, will be addressed by Igor. Gary
  5. Dave, Yes, I see your method. I usually bring in the non-trimmed/converted video clip to the Slide List and see how it plays. Then I do a Convert of that clip and then do the 'Change Video File' to swap it out. You do the Trim/Convert before bringing it into the Slide List. If I do the Trimming of the '..converted.avi' file, I get the '...converted.converted.avi' file name, as expected. Dragging down the trimmed/converted clip from the File List to the Slide List, as you do, works. But if you want to do the 'Change Video File' to swap a clip in the Slide List with the trimmed/converted clip, it does not bring in the trimmed/converted version from the File List that plays correctly. It brings in the trimmed/converted version that freezes at the last frame, etc. It only produces the correct clip if you do the drag down method. So, if I decide to trim the video after it is in the Slide List, I would use the O&A/Properties method. However, it will give the 'freeze, etc' results. I have to drag it down to the Slide List to get it to play the actual trimmed version and delete the original clip that was in the Slide List. Or...I can go into the Slide Duration and manually change it to the new trimmed slide duration. I don't understand the Keep Full Slide Duration, so I never have it ticked. When I drag down a video, I always do it in the Slide View, not the Timeline view (if that makes any difference). I still think there is something not working right. I think your steps are logical and work; I think my steps are logical but don't work. Gary
  6. Dave, Yes, the Audio File I hear after the 'freezing' of the last video frame is the inserted music...not audio from the video clip. It looks like your first method produces the same results as mine. Your Alternative scenario is interesting. When I try trimming a video clip (using the Convert Video Clip menu) that has already been Converted, and it is in the Slide List, the video's file name shows as '....converted.converted.avi' after the conversion. However, when it is played, I get the same results that the last frame of the video clip freezes and then continues playing the original duration of that clip. But I noticed you say you drag down the '....converted.converted.avi' file down to the Slide List. When I do that, I get the correct trimmed clip and it works as expected. And I have to delete the first '...converted.converted.avi' file that is still in the Slide List. But I also tried to do the same thing but use the 'Change Video File' method. This method does not work. It brings in the clip that freezes the last frame, etc. I have to actually drag the file down to the Slide List and then it will show the correct trimmed video clip. Very strange. Gary Added Later: To be clear, dragging down the trimmed file to the Slide List produces a different result than doing the 'Change Video File' method to bring down the exact same video clip into the Slide List. .
  7. Dave, Actually, the added music track does not stop. The last frame of the video is frozen while the music continues for the length of the original slide's duration. When you say it makes more sense to Trim before adding to the slide list, are you saying to use a 3rd party program and NOT the PTE's trim function? If I am doing something wrong, what are the proper steps to use the trim function??? Gary
  8. Take a look at this video I created. Link is from my Dropbox. http://db.orangedox.com/K9lvwrlWhm4r59vrVE/Trimming.exe Gary
  9. I don't think I am doing anything wrong. After trimming off the beginning portion and some of the ending portion of a video clip, the video plays and the video stops at the point of the ending trim. However, the background music continues as if the video is continuing to play its original duration. Once I set the Slide Duration to the new trimmed video length, the video plays as expected. My point is that once you have trimmed the video in PTE, the Slide Duration should automatically reflect this new length. If I understand Dave's last posting, he is in agreement with me. It is an old problem that has not been addressed by Igor. Gary
  10. Not sure what you mean. I have had a still image placed before and after a video clip with no problem. Gary
  11. It seems to me that if you have inserted a video clip, its 'Slide Duration' should be the same as the 'Video Clip Duration'. When you trim the video clip, its duration has been shortened. There is no reason to keep its original 'Slide Duration'. What happens is the video clip will play up to the end of the trimmed video clip and then the last frame just stay on the screen for the length of what is shown in the 'Slide Duration'. If the 'Slide Duration' automatically adjusts, than the 'Slide Duration' will be the same as the 'Video Clip Duration' that was established during the trimming. Gary
  12. Greetings, I'd prefer a free version too, but I found one that is pretty reasonable for what it does. I purchased the PowerDirector13. Normally it is $69.99, but at this site,it is only $49.99 (download): http://store.hermanstreet.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=powerdirector It has many adjustments and enhancements for video. I just got mine so I am just trying it out. So this might help out. See the attachment. Gary
  13. Dave, I searched for your discussion but I could not find it. Anyway, that seems to do the trick. After trimming the clip, I set the Slide Options/Slide Duration to what the trimmed clip was. But isn't this very non-intuitive??? Why shouldn't Slide Options/Slide Duration automatically be adjusted to match what you set it during the timming??? Or, if there is a good reason not to make this automatic, perhaps there should be a check box next to 'Duration' to give you the choice? Thanks... Gary
  14. Greetings, Normally, I trim my video clips using another software program. It removes the unneeded parts of the video clip and therefore makes the final PTE file smaller in size. However, I have now been trying to use the video editing menus within PTE but I can not get the desired results. I have tried both of the methods in the OnLine help: Online Help: http://docs.pictures...en/video/addvid and http://docs.pictures...ideo/properties. For example, when I trim out the beginning and the ending portions of a video clip, I expect only the remaining portion to play. However, when I preview it, the beginning shot of the video clip stays frozen until the non-trimmed portion plays. Then, the ending shot of the video clip stays frozen until the normal length of the original video ends. I see that you can trim video in either the O&A's 'properties' menu or in the 'Convert Video Clip' menu. If you use the 'Convert Video Clip' to trim the video, you have to convert and re-conver the clip each time you use the trim function. If you want to use this menu again to trim, you get a '...convert.convert' file. So this only helpful if you want to keep the first converted video length and make a second one with a different filename. But, still, it does not actually produce the trimmed video. So I then used the O&A Propertes method of trimming. But, it also, as stated above, does not give me just the trimmed portion of the video clip I am looking for. The initial video frame is frozen until the untrimmed video portion appears and plays; then it freezes again during the last trimmed portion of the clip. What am I doing wrong? And I notice that the Slide Duration does not change when you have trimmed the video. Shouldn't it automatically change to show the trimmed time? Thanks... Gary
  15. My Windows8 is 32bit and it can read the correct size. Why not PTE? Gary
  16. Greetings, The file size of to of the mpg videos are not correct when I bring them into PTE. See the attached screenshot. The mp4 file size if correct and one of the mpgs is correct, but two other mpgs are not. Yes, the files in MyComputer are large but can't PTE show the correct size? Any reason for this? Take a look at the two files circled in green. Thanks... Gary
  17. Lin, I am sure it can be done, as you have, using other programs to create the border. Nice work. But I'd like Igor to let us do it within PTE. I don't know if it is technically possible to create a border with a Mask, but I think it would be very useful and add the to the creative possibilities. Gary
  18. Lin, Looks like it. But did you do it with a mask and is the border adjustable (size and color)? Gary
  19. Greetings Lin, The problem is that if you want to, say, pan the image with a border (using 'Adjust image and border'), the border around the image pans with the image. I want the border to stay still while I pan the image behind the border. If I can create a mask with borders that fits the edges or size of the image, the border would stay fixed while the image pans, zooms, etc. behind the border. See posting #40 for image. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?/topic/18016-rectangle-with-a-window-add-to-o-a-menu/page-2 Gary
  20. Greetings, I would like to be able to add a border to a Mask. An example of this would be to be able to put a border (adjustable) around a Mask for an image that has been made smaller through the use of Zoom and I wanted to animate it within the borders of the Mask. Thanks... Gary
  21. Dave, Oh... I was not sure what or how the Create worked. I fiddle with it a bit and discovered how it works. I just did not realize that it would Create the modified Style once you were out of O&A. Not intuitive but it works. I just had to rename it. Perfect. This allows me to crop an image and make it smaller to give it black borders. Now I just want to be able to create a border around the image (actually with the 'M inner Adjust' object'). So, is it possible to create a border with the 'M inner Adjust' object? Is this something Igor can create? It would very helpful to be able to create borders on objects that are not only images. Gary
  22. Greetings Dave, Perhaps you have lost interest in this topic. I hope not because I think I have found a solution to my question after seeing your Styles that you have created. So now some questions: 1- I modified your Style to make it a simple way of creating a 'rectangle with a window'. With your Style that I modified, I can adjust the size of the image and also adjust the size of the window and crop the image as needed. Now that I have modified you Style in the O&A, how can I save it as a new Style? 2- The only thing now missing is the ability to create a border on the 'M Inner Adjust' object. I'd like to be able to create a border around this object the same way that you can in the 'Adjust Image and Border' menu. Is there a way to do this or is it possible for Igor to create a way of making a border around this object? Please see the attachment. Thanks, Gary
  23. Dave, If I remove the 'stroke', there is no 'Adjust image and border' choice available on any of the other components of the mask. Interesting limitation on 'handles'. Gary
  24. Greetings Dave, Your are a magician. Thanks. I played with both Styles. Very cool. I liked the 'Gary Mask 2.ptestyle' better because it has the 'stroke'. I liked it because, within the stroke, I was able to enable the 'Adjust image and border', which allowed me to put in my own border. But I also wanted to be able to eliminate the 'stroke' part of it and just have the border enabled (not showing the stroke). The stroke looks nice with the a border, but I'd like to be able to have the flexibility for it to not be included with a border. Possible? Then, this morning, I woke up with my original request floating around in my mind. My original point was to have a rectangle with a window so that 'both' the outer and the inner edges had handles. I was told that this could not be done with an object. There could only be one set of handles. After going through your Styles, it dawned on me that, perhaps, all that is needed is a rectangle that has a window and only the inner window has the handles. Your Style does the job and offers flexibility. But, is it possible to have an object that is a rectangle with a window (Add Rectangle with Window) with handles that are only on the inside window's edges AND be able to Enable Borders on the inside window's edges (so it will create a frame around the inserted image)???? I attached two images; one without Style applied and one with Style applied. Thanks for the Styles, Gary
  25. I don't remember how I scanned these 35mm slides. It could have been on my Nikon Coolscan or using a slide adapter for a camera. But the edges all came out with rounded corners that match the slides' openings and some fuzzy edges. I got a new slide scanner last Christmas but haven't even opened the box yet.... Gary
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