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Everything posted by goddi

  1. Greetings, The 'Size of Exe File' is not available to be shown in the Status bar in 8.0. Has this been eliminated? Gary
  2. ==================== Barry, Wow...that is quite a compilation of information!!!! Thanks much. It will take long time to get through it but I am sure it will help a lot. Thanks.... Gary
  3. ===================== Greetings Tom, It seems there should not be a problem with Fences when updating to Win8. I'm familiar with the snapshot process. I'd take a snapshot just before upgrading to Win8, just in case. The big question is whether to upgrade to Win8.0 or to Win8.1. From my reading of Microsoft sites, you will lose all applications if you upgrade directly to Win8.1, but not if you upgrade first to 8.0, then upgrade to 8.1 (when going from Win7 to Win8). But this is certainly not clear. Microsoft likes to leave minefields for us. I know the best way is to reinstall all applications when making a major Windows upgrade, but I've got just too much stuff to go through that process. Thanks... Gary
  4. ===================== Greetings Tom, I don't mean to hijack Lin's posting, but, since you mentioned 'Fences', I'd like to ask you a question about it. I use 'Fences' extensively on my Win7 desktop PC. I want to upgrade my Win7 to Win8. I am afraid of losing all of my 'Fences' configurations. I know I can make a snapshot and restore my Fences but I was wondering if you went through that process. I know all my programs work in Win8 but the process of upgrading a Wom7 Desktop to Win8, with Fences, makes me a little apprehensive. I don't want to mess anything up. I assume my Fences will appear in the Win8's Desktop with no problems???? Did you have any problems, if you did this same process??? Thanks... Gary
  5. ============================== Lin, I see you have a special reason or need to run DOS. In the 'old days', I remember using it and having a need for it. But, nowadays, DOS is a distant memory. I really have no idea about Win8 and 'true DOS emulation'. But I ran across this site that might be a program that might allow you to do what you need to do in Win8. Just for kicks, take a look at this site for DOSBox: http://www.dosbox.com/wiki/Main_Page "DOSBox is an emulator that recreates a MS-DOS compatible environment (complete with Sound, Input, Graphics and even basic networking). This environment is complete enough to run many classic MS-DOS games completely unmodified. In order to utilize all of DOSBox's features you need to first understand some basic concepts about the MS-DOS environment." This site seems to say DOSBox is compatible...mostly at least: http://www.microsoft...sid=Windows%208 And here is a YouTube that shows DOSBox and Win8 installation: I don't know if this fits into your needs but it looks interesting. Gary
  6. ======================== Greetings Lin, I am wondering about you plan to replace Win8 with Win7. I am not wanting to start a "which is better than...' thread. But I am just curious about your feelings that you apparently want to avoid Win8. I am bringing this up because I recently purchased a laptop with Win8. I was dreading the fact that maybe some programs would not run in Win8. But, to my surprise, all of my programs from my Win7 desktop PC were installed onto the laptop and I've had no problem with them. If you are not liking the Win8 'design', I, too, was apprehensive. But I found that, since I never used the Start window in Win7, all I do is click on the Desktop square on the Win8 Start window and get to the Desktop that looks just like Win7. I, in fact, like Win8 to the point that I am considering upgrading my Win7 desktop to Win8. Now I really have apprehension with this process (and the potential pitfalls), but I want to try it sooner or later. So, just wondering why you would go through the trouble of replacing the Win8 with Win7. And your new desktop sounds 'sweet'!!!! Gary
  7. ================================= Greetings, Well, it seems that nobody has given the Netgear's Push2TV device a try. Since my new laptop has the WiDi capability, I finally pick up one and gave it a try yesterday. I wanted to send my PTE's exes from my laptop to the TV wirelessly. First of all, the instructions can lead you astray when you first try to install it, at least it did for me. After several hours on the phone with Netgear's tech help ( in India), the said to return it and get another one. I had tried to reset the device (with the paper clip in the small hole) so many times, the reset button must have broke because the paperclip went all the way in with no effect. Nor could be get it to work. Also, the on-screen instructions, somehow, switch from English to Spanish or Italian, for example, and we could not get it back to English. Anyway, I was really curious what the results would be, so I exchanged it for another one. I finally figured out the proper steps that were not that complicated. The results, when playing the PTE exes from my laptop wirelessly to the WiDi device (that is plugged into an HDMI port on the TV), were impressive. Played just fine and no degradation of the video or sound. In fact, it looked better than on my laptop. Sound and video were in sync. It looked just as good as if it the laptop was directly connected to the TV via an HDMI cable. But...I noticed that when I switch to playing a YouTube video, for example, it did not function too well. Not sure why yet. But that was not my main purpose for the use of the WiDi device. I wanted to not use my 24 foot HDMI cable strung across my family room from the TV to the sofa. So, I think I will keep it. Gary
  8. Greetings All, I went back to the BestBuy store with my thumbdrive and my PTE exes. I played my PTE's exe that has video clips on the Microsoft Surface Pro2 and the Samsung ATIV9. Both played the shows just fine with no problems with the video clips. I don't know if there is any difference among the laptops/notebooks/s Window operating systems on the store's demos. But I really like the Samsung ATIV9. The keyboard on the Surface Pro2 is too flimsy. But as long as it plays the video clips with no problems, that is the important test. Gary
  9. ========================= Tom, Yes, I figured I could do that. And it might play just fine. But since it plays perfectly on my home PC through my thumbdrive, I want the notebook to have the same capability. I am wondering if the salesman's story is plausible. Gary
  10. Greetings, I am trying to find a notebook or small laptop for my wife. One of my criteria is that it plays my PTE shows (that contain video clip) with no problems. I bring in the shows on a thumbdrive and play my PTE exes on them to see how they play. First problem is that it seems to take a long time before the PTE show actually starts. But more importantly, most of them will freeze at the point of my video clips. This worries me. The salesmen tell me that it is only because the operating system that is in the store's demo (BestBuy) units are not the full regular Windows version. I see something call Allison, or something like that. Not sure if that has anything to do with the operating system that is on the demos. The thumbdrive is plugged into the USB3 port. So my question is, can this be true, that it is the 'dumbed' down operating system on these computer demos that is causing this? They tell me that if it plays correctly on my home PC, then it will play on the notebook or small laptop with the 'real' Windows operating system. I just don't want to go through the trouble of buying one and it not play correctly. Gary
  11. =============================== Greetings, Yes, but that leaves "half possible". :)/> First, let's establish the correct terms that we should use and be consistent in its use. One of the difficult things I have when I make a posting is to find the correct term to use. I wish Igor would put in the '?' feature so that you can click on it and then click on any window, or menu or title in PTE, you would get the proper definition or term to use. If we had the correct terms to use, we can at least point out that the correct term is not being used or it has not yet been defined. Gary
  12. = Yes, let's correct the posters! It is apparent that those who are posting in a discussion seem to understand what they are talking about but others may not, especially when different terms are used for the same meaning. The Forum managers should step in and insist on using the correct terms when posters stray from the proper terms so we can all learn and be on the same page. Without consistency, we have confusion. And, can you direct me to where Igor has defined these terms for the different 'duration' terms? Thanks... Gary
  13. ========================== Greetings Dave, But does it define: Full Duration,Total Full Duration, Pure Duration, Transition Effect Duration, Default Slide Duration, Slide Duration? Posters are using many different terms for duration and it is difficult to follow what they are referring to. Let's bring some order into this. I wish someone would establish the correct terms to be used and insure posters stick to them. I am tired of trying to translate what they mean when I try to understand their posting. My point is to get everyone to speak the same 'language' for better understanding of their discussions. You say there are 'only two durations' but there are more than two 'duration' terms used by posters. The Glossary of the Users Guide just gives a generic definition. How about being more specific...A to D...or B to D or.... ???
  14. ================================= Greetings Ken, I am not sure that is the way to go. Many of the documentation problems are not related to Version 8. I think we should have a 'User Guide Documentation Problems' topic for users to post where they think there are inconsistencies or problems or misunderstanding. These can be collected so when Ver. 8 is ready to go, the User Guide can be revamped quickly and become more useful. There are also places where the English can be improved to be better understood. Starting to work on bettering the User Guide now will improve the usefulness of the new version. We are always pointed to read the User Guide first before asking questions, so we should improve it without waiting for new versions to be finalized. Just my thoughts. Gary
  15. =========================== Greetings, I took a look at the PTE with video. The first few seconds made me think it was going to be a little 'cheesy' Christmas show. BUT...you made a striking point and I appreciate the work you put into it. It got my attention. Well done. I have heard that song many times but I never noticed the ending about 'the war is over'. Perhaps you should send it to all the world's leaders. Thanks... Gary
  16. ====================================== [quote name=davegee' timestamp='1383894763' post='113172] Gary, There are only two durations which possibly need clarification for you and both are being discussed elsewhere. The time from the beginning of a slide to the beginning the next transition is being refered to as "Pure Slide Duration". Each slide is visible from the beginning of its own transition to the end of the next transition and is being refered to as "Full. Slide Duration". Hence "Keep Full Slide Duration" or KFSD. DG
  17. =========================== I have tried a dozen different times to post my reply but I keep getting the following error message, "You must enter a post". The Forum is really sluggish too.... Is it just at my end or is the Forum having problems? I hope this goes through... Gary
  18. ======================= Hmmmmm.... I just made a rather extensive reply to your posting but it seems to have disappeared. Is there any way to find it in the Forum???? :(/> Gary
  19. Greetings, Trying to understand some of the postings and menus that deal with the 'Duration' term has me frustrated in trying to understand what they are talking about. Here are some suggestions that I think will help clarify some of the problems I think are going around. At least with me... 1- In the Users Guide and in the PTE program, change the references to the 'Duration' of media files to 'Length'. Use 'Duration' only for slide's actions in the 'Timeline'. 2- Remove the 'Settings|Preference|Toolbars|Duration of a Media File' menu item and add a column for 'Length' of media in the File List, next to the Date/Time column. But remove the 'Time', to make room; I don't think it is needed. Remove 'Duration of the media file (for files highlighted in the File list)' on page 19 of the Users Guide. It would be more useful to see all the lengths of media files in the File List as opposed to having to click on each media file, one by one, to show in the Status Bar. 3- There are too may references to 'Duration' in the Users Guide and the Forum that seem to be inconsistent or seem to be used to refer to the same definition. Here are some of them in just a couple postings: Total Duration (this is the only one with a definition in the Users Guide: 'Total Duration (means duration of the slide and the next transition effect)'. Full Duration Total Full Duration Pure Duration Transition Effect Duration Default Slide Duration Slide Duration Can we come up with a set of consistent terms with defintions for the different 'Duration' terms for use in the Forum and the Users Guide? It makes it very difficult to understand the discussions in certain postings, such as the KFSD discussion, and what these terms mean. 5- In Users Guide, page 11, it states 'Keep slide duration is helpful...'. Shouldn't it say 'Keep full slide duration is helpful...'? 6- Shouldn't the 'Default slide duration' In Project Options|Main|Timing' be 'Default full slide duration'? Gary
  20. ========================= Peter, Thanks much for going through the work you did. I'd appreciate it if you can get it to Igor's ear. Since I normally have the 'Settings\Show File Tree' unchecked, I only see the File List. Either way, the ultimate result is the File List is not showing what you want because the File Tree is not correct. :)/> Thanks... Gary
  21. ========================== Peter, Hmmmm... This is getting interesting. When I installed Beta6, I did not accept the 'file association ' because I don't want all of my previously made shows to be automatically opened in the new Beta. I want to try out the Beta but not save any exiting projects with the Beta. But I don't think this would have the effect of not having the File List position the correct subfolder when I open a show in a Beta. Maybe I am wrong. I will try to delete my Beta6 and reinstall it accepting the 'file association' to check this out. But then I have the problem of everything opening in Beta6 if I open a .pte while in MyComputer. Every .pte is associated with the Beta. Let me play around a bit as see what happens. Perhaps, if I accept the 'file association' with the installation of the Beta, the File List will position the correct subfolder; and if I want to open a show in the previous version (7.05), I will have to open it within the 7.05 version itself (and not with the .pte file in MyComputer). Let me experiment. Thanks... Gary ADDED LATER: Ok...I uninstalled my Beta6 and reinstalled it accepting all the 'file association', etc. When I open the Beta6 and Open a Recent Project, the File List does NOT change to what it should be. No matter what recent project I select, the File List does NOT change. I keep the file location of some previously opened show. So there must be something different is what is happening with you and what is happening on my PC. And I notice that if I open a .pte via MyComputer, the File List does NOT display the correct folder. The .pte was created in an earlier version. So it seems to get the File List to display the correct associated files in the File List in a new version of PTE, you must re-save it in that new version. This is really makes no sense. If the .pte file contains the information for where the .pte is located, that should be the folder that automatically appears in the File List when it is opened. My thoughts. Gary
  22. ========================= Eric, I don't think your response has anything to do with my question. I understand the different ways that we can open a slide show. When you say, 'finding the folder you want in the PTE file tree is putting the cart before the horse', does not explain anything. I don't understand what you are trying to say. My point is finding the associated images for your show in the File Tree should not have to be a process you have to go through (having to browse the computer to reset the associated files in the File Tree for shows that have already been created) each time you install a new Beta or a new version. The ProjectFilePath has this information and it seems that this path should be used to automatiacally set the information in the File List automatically when you open the .pte file. Gary
  23. Peter, Thanks for your response but I don't think you see the problem as I see it. Let me explain more below, in bold, to some of your points.
  24. Greetings, I posted a problem recently about the File List not showing the correct folder. Back then, it was more about copying all my shows from a desktop PC to a laptop. The only response was that the the new location could not know were the images were previously located. Ok. But let me restate the problem from a different angle. Each time I load in a new beta, and then try to Open Recent Project, the File List just shows a folder from some previously opened show. Barry, I believe, commented that this was brought up before and maybe fell through the cracks. But this has become a real frustration where I have to hunt for the associated folder of the images for the PTE show that I open. I have to hunt for the folder and re-save, so then it will open with the correct folder. My question is, can PTE be programed to read the 'ProjectFilePath' that is already in the .pte file and force the File List to show the folder that is in that Path? I think it is normal (at least for me) for the .pte file to be saved in the same folder where the images are placed. If not, perhaps make it a Preference setting? And, if after saving the .pte with the correct File List folder, where is this information saved to? Or am I doing something wrong and I am the only user having this problem???? For example: ProjectFilePath=E:\PTE-2011-ThiCam Trip\PTE-Phuket Night Market\Phuket Night Market.pte Gary
  25. ======================================== Dave, I recently got a hold of a program called Perspectivef Pilot. I happened to get it for free through a Giveaway of the Day deal. It seems to work really well, and easily: But only about $29.95. http://www.colorpilo...erspective.html I tried to corrected the perspective using Photoshop (PS) to compare the results with what I got with Perspective Pilot (PP). Using Perspective Pilot was much easier, and more accurate...at least for me. All of the other results seemed to stretch the image too much. The Perspective Pilot seemed to keep the results more accurate without stretching. It was fun to see the difference. Gary
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