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Everything posted by goddi
Super!!! Thanks, Igor. Gary
Greetings Jill, Yes, I forgot to mention that my concern was the size of the project after it was Published as an Mp4. Good to know it will not retain the part of the video clip that was not used. I don't make exe's anymore. Thanks... Gary
Greetings Jill, Question... If we use the 'Trim start of video' and then drag the following image/video to the point where we'd want the video to end, is the project going to retain the full size of the portion that was covered over by dragging in the following image/video or not? For example, if the video you want to trim is an hour long, but you only want a small portion of it, will dragging the following image/video effectively reduce the size of the final project or will that portion of the video just be 'hidden'? (And you don't want to use any of the rest of that hour long video in the project). Gary
I had forgotten the 'Trim start of video' would show up only when in the Timeline view. Thanks for the reminder. But the problem is it does not have 'Trim the end of video'. I have made this suggestion sometime ago to add 'Trim the end of video'. Yes, you can add the next Slide/Video to where you want the video to end, but it would just make more sense to be able to Trim the start and the end of a video. But better yet, be able to trim out pieces from the middle, as SeismicGuy suggests. I've tried LosslessCut to cut out middle portions of video clips and it works well, once you figure out the program... Gary
Yes, Tom. I've been there, done that. If you are not aware that it does not auto update the change in the video length, it can be frustrating. Auto update of the slide duration would be helpful. And being able to remove segments from the middle of the video would also be a welcome addition. Gary
Thanks Igor. Gary
Greetings, Hmmm.... after almost 100 have viewed my question, no responses. However, I think I can narrow down the problem. I notice that if you import a new style, it shows to which folder the style was saved. But if you re-import the same style (whether you were not sure if you already had done it or there was an update to that style), it just re-imports it and it does not show you where the style was imported to. If this is how it is working, it would be nice if the importing of styles always showed where the style was imported to, whether it is a new style or a re-import. Gary
Greetings, I was not sure if I had imported the 'Stop motion style' previously, so I imported it again just to be sure. The name of the style is shown as 'Stop motion animation.ptestyle'. After I imported it, there is no indication where it was imported to. I have to search one by one to find it. I find that it now appears as a slightly different name as '(DS) Stop motion editing'. First, am I looking at the same style? If so, why did the name change? Secondly, why is there no indication as to where a style goes when importing it? What am I missing??? Gary
Greetings, I couldn't really follow the instructional video that AleAle5025 provided above for his Summer Trip. So I just jumped in and tried to noodle through his project to be able to replace the images, text and music...and add additional text. The Russian text really threw me but after hours of working with his PTE show, I think I figured it out. Thanks so much to AleAle5025 for his PTE show. I have no idea how he does all the graphics, etc. But it all comes out so well to be able to recreate it with my inputs. Thanks... Gary
Greetings Tom, After looking at both the GP and YT, I see that the video quality of the GP is much better. Gary
Greetings, Nope...no gimbal. Just suction-cupped to the windshield or held down on the dash. Just can't remember exactly. But, taking another look at it, it shows too much of the top of the dashboard and hood of the car so it must have been just setting on the dashboard, held down by my wife... Gary
Greetings Rosy, Hard to remember. I noticed that too. But I was certainly was not holding it as I drove. My wife could not be holding it that still either. So it must have been either held pressed against the dash or I used a window attachment (suction cup). But what might be happening is that the camera's 'stabilization', which reduces some of the outer section of the video to provide for the stabilization function, might must be repositioning the image as it is being taken, using the outer portion of the image as a buffer. Just guessing... Gary
Greetings, Here is one with the same GoPro Black7 in a car. Pretty good stabilization, I think. https://www.facebook.com/gary.oddi/videos/10217848785085545 Gary
Rosy, Yea, the Stabilization of the Black7 GoPro is pretty good but not perfect. The GoPro10 should be better. Hope Tom will give us a preview. I've been thinking of getting the 10 but I see the 11 is coming out in September (?). https://www.digitalcameraworld.com/news/gopro-hero-11-what-we-know-so-far Here is another video I took on my bike, and sped up the video (in PTE). https://www.facebook.com/gary.oddi/videos/10214048050269550 Gary
Rosy.... The only 'suspension' it has is the shock absorber over the front wheel. Pretty standard, I think. Nothing else . The road surface is just the normal asphalt, mostly smooth. But the GoPro was on a chest mount so that helped somewhat to avoid shakes, I'd think. And the Black7 does have Stabilization. Gary
Greetings Tom, Just got back from being out of town. Here is a link to a biking video I had made. My GoPro is the Black7. Must have used a chest-mount. https://www.facebook.com/1660410137/videos/10214113058094705/ Gary
Thanks, I was able to play the .pteav fille. I like the blur but not worth all the effort needed to make the change. I just wanted to be able to soften the appearance of each image. Well done style...Gary
Greetings Jean-Cyprien, What I was trying to say is that, after the rotation of the cubes for an image, the next images will rotate in cubes and then come together rather sharply. I was just wondering if the snapping together of the cubes for the next image could be somewhat softer or gentler. Or, in other words, make the transition from the separated cubes to the non-separated image, a smoother (dissolve?) transition. What you have done is way above my capabilities so I was just wondering if it could easily be done. But if you have to modify each of the cubes, not to worry. I downloaded the .pteav file but not sure what to do with it. Thanks...Gary
Greetings Jean-Cyprien, Just found your style. Very neat. I am wondering how I can make the images show up with a slight dissolve. If I am using it correctly, they come in with a quick transition. I tried putting a dissolve time in each of the slides but it did not take effect. I read the .doc but I did not see anything about transitions. Is it possible to put in a dissolve in your style? Gary
Greetings, I was cleaning out my PC of programs that I did not use much and I deleted a program called LosslessCut. But, that same day, I saw a suggestion for this program on the PTE Facebook site, I think. I had an older version that I could not figure out how to use too well but I saw they have an updated version (easier to use). I downloaded it and I think it will come in very handy to trim or cut up long videos. It was a little hard to figure out at first but I finally see how to use it. For example, it you have a very long video and want to cut it up into several shorter clips to bring into PTE, this program works very well (and much more). It is called LosslessCut. It is free and great to have handy when you need it. https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut Demo: Another demo: Gary
Greetings Jill, Dang it!!! I hardly every use Tools...but thanks. Learn something every day!!!! PTE is a great program but sometimes you have to look in a dusty corner to find something you need. Much has been revealed. Thanks...Dave and Jill Gary
Dave, Ha! Just too obvious! Thanks... Once you understand it, it can be done easily. But this whole process can be more intuitive. For example, since the 'Time Range' is 'local time', it would be helpful if there was a choice where you could flip back and forth to show the 'Global Times' or 'Local Times' as you worked on that slide, so you don't have to go to Settings/Preferences/Editor and uncheck 'Show Global Times of Key Frames'. And use the decimal points in the 'Time Range'. as shown in the 'Global Times' to be consistent in the format. Thanks....Gary
Yes, it took a bit of playing with it until I notice the indicator bar actually moves. I used the mouse to drag the setting to a point where the text would appear and dragging the end to where I wanted the text to disappear. Would be nice to be able to move it faster, especially if you have a very long video clip. And would be nicer if you could use the mousewheel, instead of dragging. I now understand that, if the 'Show Global Times' is checked, you can enter into the 'Time Range' when the text is to appear/disappear, but you have to use the actual time for that slide (local time?). So you have to sort of guess. In this example, the ending time for this text's Global Time is 52.326 but its 'local time' is 16000. There is no reference to the slide's actual times, only the Global Times. However, if you use this technique to input text, the problem is that it is either on or off instantly. You can not fade in/out as you can do with keyframes, unless you know of a way to do this? Is there a way of doing this without using keyframes? So, it would be nice if both the Global Times is shown and the 'local time' is shown. This would make the use of the 'Time Range' easier, which only accepts 'local time'. (I do notice that you can place the vertical red playhead line at the point you want the Time Range to be set and then drag the mouse to that point). Gary
Dave, Yes, I now see that. Seems that we should be able to input the Timeline's time into the 'Time Range' whether the 'Show Global Times' is tick or not ticked. Having to go back to the Preference/Editor to untick the 'Show Global Times' just to be able to enter the appearing/disappearing of a Text Object is not intuitive. But good to know how to do it at this point. Thanks...Gary
Thanks, Dave. I had remembered there was some setting that I might need to change but I just could not remember what it was. But I still have a question. If 'Show Global Times' is ticked, why can't we use the timing that we see in the Timeline? For example, if the time range for the clip is '36.000 - 1:05.001', why can't we use put in, say, '40.000 - 55.000' (or 40000 - 55000') for the text object? Seems you have 'Show Global Times' to be unticked to do this and use its figures? If I re-tick the 'Show Global Times', the '8000 - 18000' in the 'Time Range' does not change and the text appear/disappears correctly. Though the Timeline time range for the text appearing/disappearing does change to about 44.000 - 54.000'. But if I use those figures in the 'Time Range', the text does not show up in that range. Why can't we use the figures we see when the 'Show Global Times' is ticked? Is this a 'bug'? Gary