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Everything posted by goddi

  1. Severn... I recently got a new PC with Windows 7. I just tried opening an old PTE show and moved images around in the Slide List and in the Fullscreen view. I had no problems; it worked smoothly. My setup is Windows 7 32 bit (not upgraded from Vista); a QuadCore i5-750; 4 Gb Ram; nVidia GTS 250 1 Gb. This might not help but just to let you know that I haven't seen the problems you are having. If you need me to check any other setting, let me know. Gary ===========================
  2. Peter... It seems that since Audacity has been the 'recommended' sound editor for PTE, this sub-forum would be a great place for such questions. I don't see how it would be a negative thing. Anyway, thanks for the response. You are correct. I have been blindly using the numeric keys...not even thinking of using the other keys on the main keyboard. I am using a new keyboard in my new Windows 7 PC with the new version of Audacity, so I thought it was my keyboard or Windows 7 that was not working correctly. Too many variables, I thought, but it was just me. Thanks much...Gary ==============================
  3. I am using the 1.3.9 Audacity. I have a question about the Keyboard preferences. The Keyboard Preferences show that to 'Skip to End', use the 'End' key; to 'Skip to Start' use the 'Home' key. Neither of these are working for me. Nor can I use the left and right arrow keys to move the index line (the vertical line). Is there something I have to do to get these Keyboard actions to work? Thanks... Gary
  4. I would like to suggest that the MP4 audio format be added to the music formats supported by PTE. Gary
  5. Tom... I had never heard of audio mp4 files, only video mp4 files. I'll put the request in the Suggestion Forum. Thanks... Gary ==============================
  6. Hi Brian, The Windows Media Play 12, that is in Windows7, does let you choose MP3 directly in its menu. If that is now illegal, they had better start hiring a lot more policeman. Maybe if I run into a DRM protected CD, the process will stop but I have never run into this issue. Thanks for the PM. Gary ==========================
  7. Tom... Yes, I saw The WMP12 in Windows7. But I didn't realize that the RIP menu would not appear until you actually put a CD in a drive. Once I put a CD in, the RIP menu came up. In WMP10, the RIP menu showed up without a CD in the drive. Ok...that was solved. Thanks. But I would still like to know why mp4 audio files are not a choice in PTE's music menu choice. Thanks... Gary =================
  8. Greetings, I now have a new PC with Windows7. One of the programs included is the Nero Essentials that allows me to RIP audio file from my CDs. I see that the only 2 choices in this program are to RIP the audio files to Wave or to MP4 formats. I see that PTE does not have the MP4 audio format in the possible music files formats that it recognizes. I would rather not go though another conversion step to convert them to MP3. Do I have to use a different RIP program or will PTE eventually allow the use of MP4 audio files? Thanks... Gary
  9. Peter... I have been in awe seeing what many of you guys are doing. And your Cube is AWESOME! Really shows what we can do with PTE, and, one day, maybe I will be able to do it!!! Thanks for the great piece of work. Gary ============================
  10. Greetings... I just viewed your show and it is fantastic. Really great photography combined with perfect music. Well done using PTE's brillance. Sincerely, Gary ==========================
  11. John... Just to narrow down your problem, I have just installed PTE 6.0 into Windows7, but the 32 bit version. I see no problems so far. Might be just a 64 bit problem, but others should give you some feedback. Gary ==========================
  12. Lin, Thanks for the clarification. I totally misunderstood the problem when I read "You need to install the "Saru's Flower Ding" font." I was not thinking that it was for using the Template; I was only thinking it had to do with the playing of the exe file. I was having a bit of a brain-lock. Thanks... Gary ===================
  13. thedom... Just a question about the need to download the 'Saru's Flower Ding' font. I thought that PTE now removed the need to worry about strange fonts that are used in PTE. So I am wondering why one has to download your special font. I thought PTE would take care of that requirement. Just wondering... Gary ======================
  14. Hi Peter... I'm between a rock and a hard place. The motherboard on my PC died yesterday. I had to order a replacement MB from China...it is so out of date, no one else seem to have one. So I have to put off our experimenting with the 3D for a while. Gary =================
  15. Lin.. Thanks for the tutorial. Perfect. Shed lots of light on the subject. One suggestion: I think you should make your hat a bit more 'pointy'...you are a wizard! Sincerely, Gary ==========================
  16. Peter... I took a look at the cube, the keyframes, etc. I am just not seeing what you are doing. I played with it, but I am apparently not seeing for forest for the trees. I don't understand what is making the cube foldfup. The 3D Parameter window will close up when I manually move the blue triangle. I do see the last keyframe making the rotation of '30'. Thanks, anyway...Gary Added Later... aHaa...I think I made some progress. I was able to find the second Keyframe for each side of the cube and found the '90' and -90', etc. in the 3D Parmeter box. Ok...I am gaining on this thing. Now I just have to figure out how you put together each side of the cube in the Objects list. Thanks... =====================
  17. Hi Peter, When I am referring to the 'little book', I mean the 'Book of Images' created by bjc (in the Slideshow Created... forum). I thought you had looked at it. It uses the 3D parameters and it is very nice. I have studied the keyframes in his show but I have not figured it out. I will try to post this question directly to bjc. I figured the R and Y were just put in quickly. And it was a good thing because it got me to dig deeper. But I am wondering what you meant by "unfolded each of those two little cubes to a flat form". Do you mean you can literally do that in O&A from the completed cube? Gary =============
  18. Peter, Thanks for the file. I played with it and I see where you added the Texts. I was adding it in the wrong place. It is not obvious, but in time, maybe the proper placement of Text will become obvious. I noticed the 'R' is backwards and the 'Y' might be upsidedown. This got me thinking and I went back to the 'little book' where I had some of the Text that was upside down and/or backwards. I figured out that I could use the 3D Parameter to rotate the Text for them to show up correctly. Lightbulb moment! Now, the next question: In the 'little book' show, I have put in some Text in several of the pages. When I Preview the show, the Text on both the left and the right pages do not show up until the right page starts to move on to the next pages. Again, with the next set of pages, no Text show up until the right page starts to move on to the next set of pages. Question: Why does the Text not show up immediately on the pages as the pages open? Thanks... Gary ================================
  19. Peter... Amazing. Nice work. But...what about adding Text to one of the cubes??? I am still stuck on this 'Text' issue. I have a million questions, but let me ask maybe one question at a time. I tried to add Text to the top row of the top row of cubes. I added the Text to each of the 3 cubes. The Text was added as a 'child' of the Top-Left, the Top-Center and the Top-Right cubes in the first row. I also added the same Text objects as 'childs' of 'Face1'. As the cube rotates, the Text objects are not 'glued' to the cube. Both rows of Text start to slip down toward the second row of cubes. Question: How would you add Text so that the Text does not move from the initial position where they are put onto the cube? Thanks... Gary =========================
  20. bjc... I gave it a try. I added the Text to the 'Rectangles' as children. It did not go too well. I have put images on both sides of the book. For 002 and 003, the Text went in 'mirrored'. For 004, it typed in looking correct; 005, typed in 'mirrored'. For 006, it typed in looking correct; 007, typed in 'mirrored'. Same for 008 and 009, thru 018 and 019. From there on, I could type in Text on the image on the left. But, from that point on, with the images on the right side, when I dragged the Text into the image, the Text dissappeared (maybe behind the image). I could not get it into the image. Then when I Previewed the slideshow, things went further South. Many Text showed as 'mirrored' and a different Text showed until the page started to turn, then the correct Text appeared on the left image...just crazy. This is getting beyond my comprehension, and usually I will stick it out to find a solution, but this has me baffled. Thanks for the suggestions but I think I'll sit this one out until someone comes up with a tutorial. I really like what you have done with your 'little box'. Makes a great screensaver too! Gary ==========================
  21. thedom, Lin, and others... Thanks for all your help, but I am going to have to put this on the back burner. I am not making progress. I couldn't even find the 81.806 keyframe setting for PIC06 TEXT. When I am able (rarely) to get to a Text object, the image is upside down and in a position that does not lend to making the adjustments correctly. There has to be an easier way to put text in 3D shows. I think my brain does not work in 3D. I'll keep playing with it but I am just not getting it. Thanks all... Gary =======================
  22. Lin, Thanks very much for taking the time for such a detailed explanation. The 'pins' and 'frame' references were helpful. I probably will never be able to create one of these cubes but as least now it is more understandable. The problem I still have is that I find it impossible to actually find the Text that I have put on an image in the cube and be able to adjust it or move the Text. For example, I was able to locate an image, 'PIC06', using Properties/Picture; then clicking on 'PIC06 Text' child in the Objects window, I put in Text for the PIC06 image. However, after that, there seems no way to then find that Text to adjust or move it. Very frustrating but I can't believe it can't be done. I just can't find a way. If I click on a keyframe that seem to be the one to click on, I get a black frame or green rectangles. The Text seems to be hidden behind the frames. I was able to get one Text selected and moved...but I can't reproduce it with the images on the cube. If I get the handles to appear around the Text, and try to click on it, the handles disappear. Has anyone tried this??? I'd appreciate it anyone can tell me if it can be done. Thanks... Gary ======================
  23. thedom... I was able to put Text in a couple of the sides of the cube. But for the other sides, it has been impossible. When I think I have put the text on the correct side, it appears on another side. I have also tried it on bjc's 'Little Book'. Putting text in the slides is not as obvious as it seems, at least to me. To it a bit more difficult, I happened to put 2 cubes back to back so when one is finished, a second one picks up after it. Kinda neat but I just can't figure out the proper way to put text in the images and be able to resize and move them. Gary Added later: I was able to add text to each of the sides of the Cubes. Not easy. I could not add text to an image directly. I had to go to the Properties/Picture to be sure I had the correct image, and then put the text in the Text window (using your pre-made text block). But I still can not highlight the indivdual text blocks and resize or move them. When I try, some other green frame pops up or I get the black image. =====================
  24. bjc... Thanks for the template. I made my own version and turned it into a screensaver. Really neat. However, I am having problems adding Text to each image. For example, I added Text in Slides 002 and 003, as Childs to each image. Positioned and resized them to fit. I also unchecked "Show back side" of each Text. When I 'Play' this section in O&A, it looks good. My problem is that when I play the file in 'Preview', the 2 Texts do not show up until page 003 starts to turn. I can not figure out how to have the Text appear as Slides 002 and 003 appear. I had the same problem putting Text in thedom's cube. Really baffling! Can you help me out with this??? Thanks...Gary =============
  25. Carolyn, If I understand what you are trying to do, I can tell you how I do it. I can highlight the text and/or images using the Ctrl+mouse clicks, then do the standard Windows Ctrl + C(copy). Then go to the first slide you want to paste the group of text and/or images and do a Ctrl V to paste (just make sure nothing is highlighted; normally the default will have the main image highlighted--Igor might change this. Just click in the empty frame area to unhighlight anything before you paste). Then, just click on the little horizontal arrow in the upper right hand corner while you are in O&A to go to the next slide and (unhighlight anything first) and hit the Ctrl V again. Go to the next one, same thing. It really goes pretty quickly. Hope this helps... Gary =========================
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