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Everything posted by goddi

  1. Greetings, I would like to understand better what the mouseover states about Hardware Acceleration when it says "In case of old video card, slide show will use software mode automatically." What does "software mode" mean? Does the "software mode" vary from PC to PC? Thanks... Gary =====================
  2. John, Thanks for your comments. I tweeked the slideshow so many times trying to make it as viewable as I could. After I figured out at the last minute how to make the car travel around the map's route, I didn't want to push my luck so I just quit playing with it. I just did not think of your "intermission" idea. Sometimes you just don't see the forest for the trees! But I am glad you enjoyed it. Gary ===============================
  3. Greetings, I finally finished putting our driving trip through Austria together. I had to break it up into 2 parts. In these shows, I added a few new animation tricks I just learned. I have a little car traveling along a route on a map. The shows are a bit on the 'quick' side, but I put in the navigation bar to make it easier to pause. I didn't want to drag it out too slowly. More like a 'home movie', but I hope you enjoy the trip and it gives you some idea what Austria is like if you haven't been there yet. Critiques welcomed. Gary http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/
  4. goddi

    I just took a look at your PTE-Version-5 tutorial and I just want to thank you for a really great learning experience. Though I have been using PTE for years, you showed me some neat things that I just used in my current slideshow. I had a PNG of a car move along a driving route on a map. Just very cool. Thanks... Gary

  5. Yachtman1... Which tab has the 'default font' in it??? I have looked until my eyes are sore. Gary ========================
  6. It would be useful if we could set a default font, along with bold, shading, color, etc. This would allow us to change our mind and choose a different global font without resorting to editing the .pte file. In addition, for those fonts you don't want to be affected by a global change, it would be helpful to have the ability to set a custom font for individual slides, etc. that would not be affected by changes in the default settings. Thanks...Gary
  7. Thanks...will do. Gary ==========================
  8. TheDom... Very cool! I'll give that a try. Is there any reason that this can't be programmed into PTE to make it a selectable choice in 'Project Options'? Thanks... Gary =======================
  9. Greetings, I have been putting lots of text throughout a slideshow. I want to change the font I used to a different font. I'd like to do this globally if possible (like changing the default font). Is there any way to do this? I have searched the Forum but I can not find any discussion about this. I'd hate to have to do this slide by slide. Is this the only way? It looks like it can be done for Comments, but not for text in the body of the images.(?) Thanks... Gary
  10. Greetings, Budapest was our last stop on our 1,500 mile driving trip through the Czech Republic and Austria. The Navigation Bar is active if the pace is too fast. Image quality is not so good because I had to reduce the file size twice to get it below 50Mbs. But I hope you enjoy the trip. The show is on Beechbrook: http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/ Gary
  11. Thanks for the clarification... Gary =======================
  12. Greetings, I am a little confused about what Igor has stated about the change in how PTE handles unique fonts: "You can use any unique fonts for EXE file of slideshow now. PicturesToExe automatically will vectorize text objects and text comments and show text with highest quality at any display resolution. No need to use "Rasterize to PNG image" option in Objects and animation editor anymore." From reading this, I thought we would not need the "Rasterize text to PNG image" option in Objects and Animation anymore. However, it is still there. So I am wondering, why? If I use a 'unique' font now, do I have to do anything to it? Thanks... Gary
  13. Morturn... Thanks for the comments. Yes, I do post-processing. Not too great at it but I try. I usually restrict it to Levels and USM. For other shots that need it, I might use Color Balance, Brightness and Shadow/Highlights. I have found that I tend not to take the shot as level as I should so lately I am using a lot of Transform/Rotate. I have never been satisfied with the results of my old Nikon D70 and my current D80. I was much happier with the results when I shot only slide film. But that was ages ago. Now, all digital. Yes...my shows tend to be too long. But I can't help it. This last trip was 3 weeks and about 1400 images. I was going to make it one looooooong slideshow but then I decided to do it in parts. So Czech Republic is one; Budapest will be another one; and I think I'll have to break Austria up into 2 parts. It is hard to remove images from a 'travelog' since each one means something to me. It is the most difficult part of doing a slideshow. My apologies for their lengthiness but they are more of a documentary 'travelog' than an artistic production. An artist, I am not. I do make the slideshow go pretty fast...about 2 seconds each image. But I always put in the navigational bar so anyone can stop to pause or to speed up through the show. I know this is a controversial issue. Most people want to make the show with NO controls for the viewer. I disagree...but that is just me. Many shows linger too long on each image and don't give the viewer the ability to stop to pause or to go to the next slide. I have heard your comment from others about not mixing landscape and portrait. My feeling is that all of one or the other would be boring. I like to mix it up. Especially if the subject is vertical, it calls for portrait mode. I make my shows mainly so that in years to come, I will be able to reminisce over the past trips and give other who might have gone there to see it from my point of view. And to encourage others who might not have been there, to go. Thanks for watching it...Gary ============================================================
  14. Greetings... I finally finished this portion the slideshow of our trip through Austria, Czech Republic and Hungary. I didn't want to post anything until Igor figured out the bug I was having. He is brilliant and figure it out. So this is just the portion of our trip in the Czech Republic (Prague and Cesky Krumlov). Hope you enjoy the trip... It is at http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/ Gary
  15. =========================== Igor... I tested the 3-slide sideshow in Beta 11 and the problem seems to have been cured!!!! I tried many times. I also let it sit on the last slide for a long time and it did NOT revert to the 1st slide. I tried it in Preview and as the .exe. No problems. Thanks so much for fixing it. Please let me know how this could happen in an .exe file. I am just curious, if it is not too technical. What was intriguing is that the flipping to the 1st slide was not consistent...sometimes it took only seconds, other times, minutes. And, why did it only happen to my slideshows? Was it just a combination of how I set up my slideshow??? Thanks again for looking into this. Sincerely, Gary
  16. Igor... Thanks for reproducing the problem. I thought I might be going off the deep end! "How is it possible???...." I have asked the same question a million time... I hope you can figure out exactly what is happening!!!! Super Thanks... Gary ===================
  17. Igor...see inserted replies below... CzechRep-Only 2009-TEST_Aug20-2009_10-35-09.zip
  18. ====================== Igor, Thanks for the reply. What is frustrating with this problem is that the situation occurs not only in Preview, but also occurs with the .exe file. I just ran the .exe file 5 times on my PC. The ending of the slideshow flipped over to the first slide at various and inconsistent times. The first time it took 1:47 (one minute and 47 seconds) to flip to the first slide; the next 4 times, it took: 0:25, :023; :57; and 1:14. It seems to me that since it occurs in the .exe file, there must be a bug in the program (maybe just my program or my PC)???? Just my guess. And it seems to be only happening to me on my PC. Later today, I was also able to play this same .exe slideshow on a laptop to see what would happen and the problem did NOT occur. So is it possible for my PC to be changing how the PTE's .exe file plays??? I didn't think that this would be possible. I just tried another test. I dumped all of the music files and reduced the slideshow to only 3 slides. The .pte and the .exe of this 3-slide slideshow will flip to the first slide after the end of the show (not necessarily immediately, but after a short time period). So I am completely at a lose of what is going on. I am willing to do any other tests but I have run out of ideas. Any ideas??? Thanks... Gary
  19. ==================================== Igor, I created a new slideshow using 5.7 Beta9 and I still get the problem of the last slide not staying on the screen at the end of the show. After the last slide in the show is displayed, it proceeds to show the first slide in the slideshow. This happens in the Preview and when playing the .exe file. You said you thought it was a bug in the program but it is still happening in the latest beta. Gary
  20. Lin... I had forgotten where that file came from. But I had some feeling that I had seen it before. Thanks for reminding me and letting me know what it was. Yea...it came from Boxig...if I remember right. Gary ==================
  21. Greetings Everyone... I have not been on the Forum for a good while due to this virus problem I had. I just want to let everyone know that the Virus was conquered and I am back to 'normal'. Whatever it was, attacked about 100 of my PTE's exe slideshows. I was able to dump all of them and recreate them since the .pte files were not damaged. We think it had to do with a maleware that came in through an ogg file, or something like that. After dumping a few of the strange ogg.dll files that apparently should not have been there, thing got back to normal. In addition to this, Brian (Conflow) worked with me extensively to insure that I got all the virus' remnants out of my PC. He spent at least 7 days giving me programs and advice and walking me through a lot of investigative processes. So this does not just end with me getting all the good help, let me pass on some of his cool programs which are free that you can use to examine the health of your PCs: * http://www.iobit.com/ - download the Advanced Window Care 2 Personal Edition (free) * https://www.regcure.com/ - RegCure: it does a free scan that can tell you if something is amiss (but the free version won't actually fix anything). * http://www.snapfiles.com/screenshots/comodoregcleaner.htm - This will fix your Registry errors. It found and cleaned out the last of my problem files. Brian also recommended using BitDefender for active virus protection: http://www.bitdefender.com/ . I am using the 30 trial version and it has be ranked very high. It is easy to use. (As I am typing this, BitDefender popped up and said it deleted a file that had a virus that could not be cleaned...so it really works!) Also, I have dumped my 3rd party firewall and now use the Windows Firewall. Brian had me run many other programs to get rid of my problem, but these programs above should help me, and you, keep you PC clean. I hope this helps. Thanks all... Gary
  22. Brian... Thanks for the links. I will be running all the 'wipers' I can find. You think the 'malware' is still on my PC. That may be true since I still have this 'Create' problem. Also, I talked to the originator of the ogg file that you suggested that it might have been contaminated through a download. It was actually created by him on his PC...not downloaded. I found a Windows site that provides links to a bunch of 'wipers' that I will be trying: http://www.microsoft.com/security/antivirus/xpsp2.aspx Thanks... Gary ======================
  23. Greetings All, I think I know what might have put me in this hot water with this virus. I just put 2 and 2 together. A few weeks ago, I had posted that I could not do a 'Create Exe' without locking up the file. I had discovered that if I untick the "Check files when they are opened or copied" in my AV program, the problem went away. So with this protection level unchecked, maybe this allowed the virus to get into my system. I still have the problem when I try a 'Create Exe' so I have to have to have it unticked when I have to do a 'Create'. I'll have to be more careful to re-tick this selection when I am not doing a 'Create'. Maybe??? Gary
  24. Brian... Thanks for the link to the Microsoft-Scanner. I will run it to double-check that the PC has cleaned up. I had already deleted the 100 or so files. When I ran my AV program, it quarantined these files. The choice was to delete them or to restore them. Since I could print out the filenames and paths of all the files and I have backups of them, I chose to delete them just to be safe. It is interesting that you relate the 'ogg.dll' to music files as the source of the virus. A couple weeks before all of this happened, I used a PTE exe file from a member of our Forum that had an ogg music attached. I noticed the first file that the AV program listed as being infected was that PTE exe file. It seems that that ogg music file infected my ogg.dll and then infected every PTE exe file through the music file (?). I discovered the problem when I tried to do a Create Exe. I would just not do it and PTE just froze. After trying to reinstall the PTE program, the 'ogg.dll' came up in the error messages. Then running my AV program started showing that it was quarantining a few files, then more and more files. The vast majority of the files were PTE exe's that I had made. There were a few exe's from other programs infected and a bunch of Window Restore files that were infected. I just wish my AV program could have discovered this when I put the infected file on my PC. Thanks... Gary
  25. ============= Yep..it is a Love/Hate relationship. I am now in the Hate phase as I try to replace the 100 or so files that became corrupted and I had to delete.... :( :( Gary PS But I love it when I can figure out how to defeat the beast when it acts up!!! :rolleyes:
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