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Everything posted by deathbycanon

  1. Also stated above with the screen shot Window XP, 3gig ram, DVD + or - R burner - not sure the brand, memorex DVD-R - but have tried + R also and got the same thing. Latest version pix2exe - 5.5
  2. Also I made tons of DVD's with the old version using pix2exe + sony my DVD - but it is no longer working that way so I bought the new version of pix2exe so that I could burn straight from there. But it doesn't work! The dvd burner does work because I can use Pinical studio dvd and it burns fine - it just takes longer to make a photo slide show then pix2exe.
  3. Window XP, 3gig ram, DVD + or - R burner - not sure the brand, memorex DVD-R - but have tried + R also and got the same thing. Latest version pix2exe - 5.5 ? Here is a screen shot.
  4. Bumping - any answers for this?
  5. I'm trying to burn dvd's using the burn DVD video disk option. When it gets to the part where it should burn the DVD I am getting a runtime error that says the program has asked to terminate in an unusual way. Now what do I do?
  6. I have followed the instructions for making a dvd but it is not working with my dvd software. Every time I try and open the avi file in mydvd I get that pic2exe has encountered an error and needs to close, then both programs lock up. What's the deal!
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