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Everything posted by barksworld

  1. sent cheshire cats last weekn only problem i had was of my making i hadnt added the extension .zip to the file name it didnt take long to upload . i zipped the exe file and called it cheshire cats.zip
  2. thanks for comments, interesting that sound seems an issue on the four machines i have tried it on its fine. soundtrack put together in audition and levels all altered should be ok not sure why the problem will be interesting to see if anyone else experiences the same thing
  3. Would appreciate any comments/feedback thanks. first completed draft. thanks sorry its called Cheshire cats and is on the Beechbrook cottage site . typically forgot to put in the details in header thanks again
  4. Igor we wait with baited breath I for one am really looking forward to the new version thanks
  5. thanks will do
  6. many thanks as I have come to find the AV world is a fantasic community best wishes Phil
  7. its a long shot but remember seing this at the nationals Ithink, have a mate who is mad about Dan Dare and was telling him about the av. if it would be possible to conact author and perhaps if not to much trouble access a copy I would be very grateful and in fact he would love to see it. I realise that this may be impossible but hey "who dares wins" Rodney! many thanks Phil Barker
  8. It would be nice to be able to loop a slide in some way on the timeline to allow different transition effects to be applied and previewed rather than have to go to preview watch it then return to time line to adjust it Thanks
  9. I for one wait with baited breath for version 5 but realise the immense amount of work that has been done have a happy holiday many thanks to all involved
  10. seem to have had a brain wave and think I have solved it. In case anyone else needs to opened my docs and my pictures went to properties and changed open with to photoshop tried right click in pte open and it defalts to photoshop or whatever program you set in properties
  11. I used to be able to right click on a slide the open it in photoshop to do any last minute adjustments . since losing my hard drive and having to reinstall everything right click only allows me to open in a web based environment eg like a web page any help suggestions would be appreciated. I am running windows 2000 professional. Thanks email prbarker@gmail.com
  12. anyone know how i can find my key for pictures to exe have lost it on main hard drive but have copy on laptop have sent em ail to request replacement but as yet no reply . withdrawl symptoms. aslo can i open a time limited show i did or am i stuck? thanks
  13. ability to save the template file to the folder drive of your choice
  14. dont know if this is the right area to post but feel a couple of things could improve pte for me. 1 the ability to save the template to a folder /hard drive of my choice, makes it easier to load onto flash stick etc 2 the ability to zoom out or in on timeline to see more of the slides/waveform. sorry if this can be done and i havnt found how to do it, a relative newby so thanks in advance. really love the program!!
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