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Tom Coles

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Everything posted by Tom Coles

  1. Hmm ...yes the box is ticked. Also ticked is 'When show is done keep last image on' ... I'm a little confused on the 'syncronization' though. With the old PTE I could set the syncro to match song length (basically auto mode) and the music would just start over after the show ran through once. Very mysterious ... Tom
  2. I just thought of another idea .... Just create last slide (with the links etc) and add extra music on the end. Hmmm .... I just tried an older version 3.75 (I think) and it will repeat the music ....weird!!! Tom (Canada)
  3. I remember with an older version of PTE the music would continue after the last slide. I can't seem to get the latest to do the same. Any thoughts?? Tom
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