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David (UK)

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Everything posted by David (UK)

  1. "I'm not magician, please understand. I do all that I can." And it's very much appreciated, many thanks Igor. David (UK)
  2. Hi David There isn't at the moment any way to extract captions from the exif data in Pic2Exe- you can only caption as Ken say's by using the actual file name. David (UK)
  3. Ron, Error Checking (was Scandisk) & Defrag on XP: 1) Dbl-click on the "My Computer" icon on the desk top 2) Where it now say's "Hard Disk Drives", right click on "Hard Disk ( C )" 3) From the drop-down menu select "Properties" 4) On the next box select "Tools" You should now see options for Error Checking, Defrag and Backup David (UK)
  4. Amanda To get the last slide to stay on screen, you need to uncheck "Show transition effect to desktop after last slide" on the "Screen" menu. Hope that helps David (UK)
  5. Guido, PicturesToexe download speed test P2E from your site: 24 seconds P2E from Wnsoft: 33 seconds David (UK)
  6. Eab! Just tested it on my system - does exactly as you say..... Screen saver kicks in, plays through, stops and awaits "Screen Saver Delay", then kicks in again. It's probably designed to do it that way. David (UK)
  7. Many thanks Igor. Mine's ok now - just left with the blink at the end! David (UK)
  8. Guido, All my pictures have "Show image" selected Just David (UK)
  9. I'm getting the same thing too, exactly as Chuck & Al describe, BUT only on shows with 100+ pictures. Looks like one for Igor. David (UK)
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