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  1. Thanks Jill. I was afraid that would be the answer. I've got the software that you mention and it works great. Unfortunately it records in real time and I've got 30+ Exes to convert and I was hoping for a short cut.
  2. I have EXE presentations made using earlier versions PtoE, I no longer have the original project files or the earlier version of the program. I now want to try to covert these to MP4 but I am unaware of any program which can do this I had a thought that I could create a new project and use the ExE file in that project to then enable me to publish the project as an MP4. I initially tried creating a blank slide, including a button which would then run the EXE file. This works if I just create another Exe, but not an MP4. Then I tried the option of using my blank slide to 'run an external application', but again this only works when creating an exe. Is there someway that I can effectively embed the exe file within the new project and for it to enable me to then create an MP4 ? Or has anyone else come up with a solution to convert older EXE files to MP4 other than using screen capture ? I am currently using v9.0.22
  3. Thank you for this - installed update and issue solved - great customer support
  4. When I open PTE Deluxe 9.0.14 I receive an error message on screen saying 'Access violation at address 0075A6B4 in module 'Picture to Exe'. Read address 00000000' The program opens and the only issue I have is that I can't fully move about the folders or drives where I store my images. If a try to move from C: drive to D: drive on the folder tree, or simply click on another folder, the pane next to it does not change and stays in the original folder. I can move up or down in the folder structure in that pane but can't change drives If I then close down the program and reopen, it opens at the folder which I had previously tried to choose and I can now see the images in that folder Can anyone help ?
  5. It wasn't a DVD player issue, I think. Original DVDs wouldn't play on either our Blueray DVD or our PC. Thankfully sorted for me now
  6. DVD was created from PTE file Tried your suggestion and it seems to have done the trick Thank you
  7. In the past I have shared some of my shows, produced on earlier versions of Picture to Exe, by creating DVDs, but for the last couple of years have created mp4s. I have just tried to publish a show on a DVD and while the video is fine, I have no audio. I can publish as an mp4 and audio is fine. I am running PTE Deluxe 8.0.22 on latest Window 10 update Can anyone help ?
  8. 7.0 at present Just leaving for a week away, in the next half hour. Wife chanping at the bit. I'll give your suggestion a try and respond when we get back. Thanks for your help
  9. I added at each slide in the Music tab - as I have several slides at both start and end which have no camera sound
  10. I am running 7.0 I have some music at the start of my show, which is presenting this year's camera club winners. When the music stops, after the introduction, I want to add the sound of a camera click to each slide as it appears on the screen I have unticked "synchronise Music" and ad have left unticked "Don't Interrupt ...." On each slide I have added a camera click mp3 and can hear this when I play the clip in Customise. Unfortunatley I don't hear it when I play the show - only silence. I have tried ticking and unticking "Play New Background Music File" but no difference Can someone help, please ? Ian
  11. Thanks for that advice I had wondered what those colour pickers were for, and searched in vain, but now I know Very handy and will be put to use Many THanks Ian
  12. Thanks Ian
  13. Now started to create my Street View presentation and following previous advice : In Project OPtions - ticked "wait for for key press", ticked "permit control using keyboard", showing mouse cursor, with everything else unticked and "no action" on mouse buttons Within each slide I currently have two buttons - named "forward"/"back" and in each there is an action - "go to Slide named *****". Each slide is set to "wait for key press Unfortunately when I try to run the presentation, these buttons do not appear to be "live" . They don't seem to activate when the mouse hovers over them. What am I missing ? Ian
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