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    Isle of Man
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    Photography, what else! Oh,yes, holidays<br />Member of 2 clubs, Comp Sec for one of them. Club website :-http://www.westernphotographic.org/index.html <br />

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  1. Thankyou, I've done it..I didn't know about Templates, I assumed it was a tool you could use before making a show, as a plan ,like Project, and as Project works well I didn't explore Templates.But now I see it is a post production tool, Maybe Igor could call it Archive instead. I reckon he's pretty busy with v.5 at present though. So thankyou again, will keep looking in from time to time, probably won't need any more help in the near future. Oh, one small thing, Ken said I should have 4.48, well I've got 4.47, is there any need to change? Cheers, Ruth
  2. Hello again, You were all very helpful about resizing images en bloc recently.Can you now help me with another gap in my knowledge,please. I have now successfully made my Egypt show, and shown it at the club. Now I am disciplining myself to tidying up the images on my pc. Actually I made the project on my laptop, as it is portable and I could do it a bit at a time, anywhere. Now I want to move them. I have a set of folders with the adjusted tiffs in and another set with the jpgs in,which is the source for the project. And of course the .exe slide show itself. Now,I want to move the tiffs and jpgs to my external hard drive for storage. BUT I would like to be able to go back to the project at some time in the future and tinker with it, add more images for example, so I want to keep it in a useable state.( I realise that I would have to create a new show after this,but I don't want to have to add ALL the existing images again from scratch, I just want to be able to add some or delete some ) BUT, I find that if I move the jpgs,even to elsewhere on the laptop, the .pte project says the images are missing. I have tried also moving the .pte project with the jpgs but that doesn't work either. I could make copies (more copies, gets difficult to keep track of after a bit) and store them elsewhere I suppose, and leave the ones the .pte needs on the laptop, but I'd rather not if there is any other solution. Any suggestions, please? Sorry this is a bit longwinded. Ruth
  3. Hello JRR, can you give me a more defined link to what you found on the Adobe User Forum? Its a vast site, no idea really where to go from the start page. Thanks I always use tiffs to work with in PS as you can see the thumbnail images in Win Explorer. Otherwise you can only see PSD thumbnails on PS's browser. Ronnie --Does this colour shift you have noticed occur with converting tiff to jpg too, and does the change only happen with Image Processor, not Save as... ? Ruth
  4. Thankyou again. I think I'd be on the same set of slides for ever if I tried to sharpen each one individually. 300 images is a lot to process, (for me anyway) so I'll have to stick with batch processing for now. But any that I think are wrong when I look at them in the project preview I can go back to the Tiff and redo the resizing, +/- sharpening. That's the plan anyway. I've only used USM at 50, radius 1pix, so I don't expect it to be too much. If I come back again about this I'll start a new topic. Thanks all of you Ruth
  5. Hi JRR,thanks for that, very re-assuring. I've now almost finished all the boring resizing and ordering part and tomorrow will get down to making a pte file and previewing how it looks. (It's about Egypt, BTW) I thought might transfer the project onto my laptop, and connect the projector up, and view the thing projected on-big-screen, to see what customisations look best. Also I could then probably see better whether the amount of sharpening I applied as part of the resizing Action in PS was ok or too much.What do you guys usually do? Maybe I should start a new post for this question. I'm very impressed with your helpfulness, thanks. Ruth
  6. Hello again, thankyou all for your advice and helpful links. At the moment as time is short,(why do we always do things at the last minute?) I have gone with the link to the Simple tutorial you pointed me to, Lumenlux, thanks. Its guidance will do for now, although I have had to make separate Actions for Landscapes and for Portraits, which is a bore. Now, having resized my images,(not all of them yet, but I'm getting there) I see that most of them are around 500-600 KB each. Now in PTE it is advised that each image should be no more than 300KB. Can you tell me why that should be , and what will happen if they are bigger? Thanks again, Ruth
  7. Hello, I'm new to this Forum, I hope someone can help me with what i expect is terribly simple. I am making a slide show, and have folders with jpgs in the right order, but they are not yet resized to 1280 x 960,landscape format, or 960 high by whatever, for portrait shots. I have downloaded Multiresize, but it seems you have to insert the width and the height box says auto. Well as I understand it, it is actually the height which is important to make sure the images fit on screen. How do you get to be able to insert the height and let the width be automatic? Failing that can you do an Action in PSCS2 that will cope with both formats in one Action? Thanks so much for any help, Ruth
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