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Everything posted by Jean-Claude

  1. It's always nice to hear that the work which required long periods can be useful and especially here for targets that have not been achieved long time ago. Thank you Ralph and when your work of adjustment is completed I would be happy to receive as an example a simple copy (from the clipboard) of the most complicated slide of your slideshow. Jean-Claude
  2. Igor thank you to appreciate and recommend this program. This is great news to hear that these features will be implemented in the version 8 of PTE. Authors who play with many objects within a slide and now have many difficulties to adjust them precisely will be happy. Thank you also to use this program and to appreciate his contributions to the construction of complex views. You make no mistake. In OAK there is no sound no waveform no moving picture, only the key points. You can move several at once they are on a single object or several, you can align them vertically with very high accuracy with labels, or by activating the zoom. You can compact the whole view proportionally maintaining the gaps between all key points. Recovering labels Audacity you can perfectly synchronize objects with the soundtrack to a millisecond (May the human ear does not perceive it) Jean-Claude
  3. Since my announcement (in France this morning) I rebuilt a new setup. There remained a slight bug. Same link load To answer Gary, the purpose of OAK is not to redo what PTE is doing in a very good way. This is not a new module A & O. (months and perhaps years of development) The only purpose of OAK is to adjust all the keypoints among themselves and with the soundtrack with the help of Audacity labels. It allows you to change all the keypoints in a context where all are visble which is not the case today with PTE.
  4. Some time ago (over 4 years),I submitted a proposal to allow authors to perfectly synchronize their slideshow of multiple objects with each other and with the soundtrack. It was only a model. LINK Today in module A & O only one object timeline is visible and when you have ten or more how to adjust them properly? To my mind it is now the main lack in PTE. All competing products display several tracks of images and sounds I have deeply rewritten the old program . It became operational with a new name OAK. I hope it will help authors in achieving their slideshow with many objects. During his last trip to France, Igor had the opportunity to try it exclusively with the help of Gerard Desroches and has enjoyed its functionalities. What means OAK.: Objects, Animation, KeyPoints A simple screenshot The program includes a user's guide in English, and all terms, buttons, tooltips and messages are in English. An illustrated PDF documentation in French and in English is included in the setup. Setup program HERE ps: An entry in the help menu allows you to contact me directly by email. Feel free to tell me the inevitable mistakes in the use of English.
  5. With new duration time implementation, it would be necessary to send to user a warning message when situation described in attached picture occurs. It is only a light slide order change but the consequence is however important. Message could be 'Slide #2: pure duration time is modified. Beginning with slide #4 synchronization is lost Do you want to continue?'
  6. With this new feature let see how you can lost quickly all the synchronization of your slideshow.(attached picture)
  7. Thank you very much Igor for your immediate answer.
  8. A member of DiaporamaForum in France has got this error when launching downloaded PTE slideshows. Local slideshows works perfectly. Is it a PTE message or a system message? If it is a PTE message, EXE is already loaded, if it is a system message, how Windows knows it is a slideshow? Curious.
  9. Thank you Ernest D-Alford to point out this question. It concerns a greatly interesting and general subject. How to clarify for often abashed users concepts which appears first as simple but are not. That's also ERGONOMY. In an attempt to clear up the confusion about image, slide, ... I would like to suggest: 1 - a SLIDE is a container, 2 - a SLIDE can be EMPTY or contains an IMAGE or/and OBJECTS, 3 - there is no more main image, only a slide, 4 - Checkbox "Main image" in O&A disappears. 5 - Button "Add slide" in main window adds a slide, EMPTY if no image are selected in file list, otherwise a slide with an image. Several slides if several images are selected (as today), 6 - A slide which remains empty appears in the slide list and in the slideshow with the project's defined background, 7 - In O&A it's possible to empty a slide, on main window also ("Clear slide" in popup menu must be added), 8 - "remove slide" removess the slide and its content -not image files on hard drive- (as today) 9 - User CAN'T be able to rename an image in the slide list. Corresponding popup menu concerns the SLIDE, NOT the IMAGE. (it's a normal and safety way to use Window Explorer functions to manage files and folders on hard drive) 10 - It will be usefull in the slide list popup menu to have a "selected (/all) slide rename" function with a "name + rank number" algorithm
  10. Only 20 perhaps 30 members participate actively in this forum. But many people read the posts without voicing their opinion (total current members: 5904) It's interessing to see what are the most viewed posts in this section. What is the current preoccupation? What PTE users are waiting for? The three most viewed subjects concern above all ERGONOMY. It's clear that is a high priority for next releases after 6.0 which is again a major release.
  11. I agree with you Thedom. If you want to align pictures after pictures and put on your sequence a piece of musicyou don't need to open O&A window. But this is not a slideshow. You don't need even to use PTE. There are a lot of program on the web which made this easily. In a PTE slideshow you must have tools (easy to use, wisiwig) to perfectly SYNCHRONIZE PICTURES, OBJECTS and SOUNDS. As in comparable softwares which however, don't have the powerfull but confusing objects tree concept. At present it is difficult and time consumming to achieve a perfect synchronization. This is my request and it seems it's also a widely shared opinion in this forum. We are waiting for this improvment since 2 years.
  12. Salut compatriote Breton et même Finistérien! You are right Kalain, to activate again all these (old) requests. Now PTE has a lot of powerfull features but becomes more and more complicate to build slideshows. I think that time is arrived to redesign with a high priority A&O module . The proposal I made in December 2007 (a dynamic model including some of your suggestions,here) could be a valuable start point: - sound waves display - multi keyframes lines - keyframes move through keyboard - multi keyframes selection - ability to zoom timeline - markers etc..
  13. Reinhard, It's easy to get this with Sy(P) 2.10b (freeware 1.4MB) With this tool you can obtain directly a print of your slideshow with the main parameters and thumbnails. You can also obtain a RTF file for Word or Works or other editor, or if you have PDF Creator (freeware) obtain a PDF file. -Main window and Light Table window- -Listing preview (with thumbnails)- -Spreadsheet view- Note: with this release it's no more possible to edit the PTE file and it doesn't treat MASK parameters.
  14. Not too late, but certainly useful to repeat this suggestion ( thread which is the most viewed in " Ideas and suggestions for next versions" chapter)
  15. You can find a topic about this feature HERE (December 2007)
  16. This is a feature I've proposed to IGOR and implemented in the dynamic Project A&O model you can find HERE <CTRL + left click> to select another keyframe, followed by drag & drop on the single line (works also if separate lines) <SHIFT + left click> to select a keyframe block, followed by drag & drop on the single line
  17. Instead of PTE you can use Irfanview and its thumbnails module. Put all images in a folder, display the thumbnails with IrfanView, Click on one to see it, type Enter to fullscreen, Richt click to next Left click to previous ESC 2 times to return to thumbnails, Select another pictures if necessary Right click and Delete selected pictures or DEL to delete pictures from the folder With the popup menu you can also copy pictures to another folder
  18. Lin, If you examine carefully my proposal and use the corresponding dynamic model, I have treated this situation to avoid precisely amount of « clutter » . In this model, you can see : screen part where keyframes are displayed is adjustable, so you can reduce or expand it as you want, (vertical scrollbar isn't implemented in the model but this feature must be present) two buttons permit to hide all object keyframe lines, or only current object line. to view an object keyframe line, you must click on its name in object tree, (I have not implemented several objects selection, but this is feasible : CRTL+click, SHIFT+click) with this you can decide object lines order, object keyframe line height is very small, keyframe time code numbers are displayed only on main image line With all these features I think you can have a good solution for people who have only a few objects and also for people who create animations with as many as 600 objects (in my opinion this is a misappropriated use of PTE) Regards, Jean-Claude
  19. In my opinion, there is too much information treated in A&O module to allow good integration of this separate window into the main window. A&O module brings PZR animations that AV authors add to a first and basic version of a show. On the other hand PZR animations are related to a single background image, not to several, and in a show only some images need animations. Ideally the solution to permit perfect synchronization of all objects linked to a main image is to improve ergonomic functions of the existing A&O window: in a adjustable lower part of the window, we can see simultaneous view of all object keyframe lines sound tracks can be displayed zooming is allowed markers permit to link several keyframes together and to act on a keyframe line if all others are masked All main commands are gathered in a menu and in a upper tool bar. Only "keyframe" commands stay at window bottom. You can find a dynamic model of these improvments in post HERE (more than 1600 views today) I do hope that Igor will realize these improvments in a next release.
  20. A grid is appeared in last beta of PTE 5.5. Thanks to Igor and his team for their efforts to improve continuously PTE. So, a third software like GUS becomes less interesting for PTE users. However GUS 2.10 comes with new functionalities and can be also useful in association with software like PhotoShop or Word or... GUS doesn't work on some PC configurations, and I didn't solve the problem. But it works fine on a lot of configurations. I can test it effectively only on my computer (Windows XP SP2 home version) and I don't encounter any bug. I'm sorry for people who can't use it. Distributed ZIP file contains 4 different program versions: "GUS210a.exe", "GUS210b.exe", "GUS210c.exe", "GUS210d.exe". All offer same functionalities, only internal constructs are different. Zip file contains also a English help file, PDF format. For me, the best one is "GUS210c.exe". If it doesn't work you can try the others. Download (1.6 MO) HERE or THERE GUS and PTE, an example: association used to synchronize keyframes. To permit perfect keyframes synchronization in A&O module (if main image owns several objects), you can create markers (targets) on the grid and display these markers (small triangles) on a scale (time line if you want) situated at the grid bottom and mask the grid itself. Targets can be also created directly on this line (right click) and be moved individually or together with the mouse.
  21. Did you see post HERE and Igor's answers? It's coming.
  22. For members who can't read PDF documentation: PDF documentation is issued from a Works file and converted to PDF with Acrobat Elements 6.0 You can find HERE a new version created with PdfCreator
  23. Thank you for your replies and comments. I don't have the problem on my computer (Xp Home, SP2). I continue to investigate with forum members in France where it seems that this bug happens nearly one time in two. Perhaps a timing question.
  24. Yes, it seems there is a bug. But it's a random bug. Some people (as me) has no problem. I'll investigate, but for the moment I don't understand.
  25. GUS 2.00, grid design software new version is available. It remains a freeware. Main features: floating tools panel, moveable or maskeable, last grid configuration saved, specific grid configuration can be saved in a user file, ten last saved configurations list, two modes for grid design: PIXEL MODE or PERCENTAGE MODE, grid origin: grid center or grid left upper corner, grid displacement step on PC screen: one pixel, grid can be directly positionned at screen left upper corner, square or rectangular cell from 16 to 512 pixels, specific usual FORMATS(3/2,4/3, 5/4, 16/9...), grid expand and reduction from center, with a specific increment, TARGETS (markers) two modes: PIXEL MODE or PERCENTAGE MODE, optionnal target design with rectangular lines, Zipped file contains a detailed and illustrated documentation. Download: HERE or THERE Let have a look on GUS:
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