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  1. Hi Ronwil and DaveG Thank you very much for taking the trouble to reply to my request. Unfortunately we have illness in the family and I haven't had time to do any more with Roxio. As soon as I have tried it I will post another reply. Thanks again. Jackie - Silver Surfer
  2. Thank you Michel and Ken for your prompt replies. I had already read all the information and tutorial. Also I bought David Beckham's Tips and Tricks video which includes details of using U-Lead. I don't have this programme. I read someone's letter on this site and they said they had been able to do it with Roxio which I have. Does anyone know how to do it using Roxio? Thanks again for your kind help. Silver Surfer, Jackie
  3. Hi I am new to leaving a message. I believe I can create a CD of Exe to play in my DVD Player on the TV using Roxio. I don't have u-Lead. I can't create a DVD only a CD. Is this possible and how? I can create and prepare one in Roxio but I wan to use PicturestoExe and then burn it in Roxio. I am an 'old wrinklie grey surfer' and struggling with alll this. Thank you. Jackie
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