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James Chagares

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  1. OK, I fixed it. Here we go, stay with me on this one. As I mentioned earlier in this thread the preview worked fine if I logged on as a guest. I then noticed it also worked when I selected "Switch User" instead of log off. I then figured the only difference could be what Windows XP was using in the C:\Documents and Settings folder. I began to examine what was different about the Guest folder compared to my regular log on folder called James. I noticed under Guest\Local Settings\Temp folder there was a temp file p2e_prev.exe but this file was not in my regular James log on folder. I then deleted everything in my James\ Local Settings\Temp folder and when I clicked to preview the software made a temporary file p2e_prev.exe and also a tempary folder pte_tmp20420. When you press Esc. to turn off the preview both of these files auto delete. There had to be something in this Temp folder that PicturesToExe didn't like. I hope I explained this well and hope it will help someone else in the future. Thanks to everyone who tried to help, Jim
  2. OK, here is some interesting findings for those that have tried to help me trouble shoot this problem. I logged off and logged on as a guest and the preview works great. I then opened the Windows Task Manager and took a screen shot of everything running and compared the guest log on with my regular log on and there were the same things running in the background. This has me pretty stumped. I don't know of any way to compare the registry entries. Jim
  3. Does anyone know what sound engin PTE actually uses to preview? Jim
  4. It is some kind of an operating system bug. I have been using this program for almost 5 years. All my files are 4x6@72 ppi. All the transition are fade in/out only with Synchronize for the timing.
  5. I have tried using different mp3 files. I have even tried wav files. Today I tried booting using msconfig to turn off everything in the background and did another install from a fresh boot and still nothing. It will preview if no music is chosen. It just won't play the music file. It makes the exe show files just fine. I just reformated my hard drive last week and reinstalled everthing fresh. The first time I tried to make a slideshow it wouldn't preview with sound. I use this program two or three times a day to make shows for our client's portraits. There isn't much I haven't tried to get it to work. Something is either missing on my computer that it is looking for or something is loading it doesn't like. Jim
  6. I have uninstalled and reinstalled many times. I have even gone into the registry and deleted everything I could find related to the program. The preview works fine with no music (mp3) file in place. It will play the music if I choose Customise Synchronization. It just refused to preview with music from the main screen. The first slide transitions then just stops. I tried installing the first version I ever had, v3 and it still didn't preview with music. It works fine on my Laptop. There is just something missing on my main computer. Jim
  7. I have been using PicturesToExe since 2001. Just installed v4.31 after clean hard drive install. I can't get the preview button to play music and slideshow. I can create the same show and it will play the mp3 file from the exe file but the preview button will not play the show or music. Thanks, Jim
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