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Everything posted by Mary

  1. Thanks for your reply Ian. Got it figured out now!
  2. I have encountered a problem with loading music on my slideshows..hoping somebody can help. If i purchase royalty free music, it comes in mp3 format. This loads fine on my slide shows. When i download certain tracks online, they come in whats called "windows media file" format. When i load these, it seems to cause havoc with my program. If i go to preview, everything freezes up and nothing can be viewed. If i get rid of the music it plays fine. Can anybody tell me whats going on and how i can use tracks online? Mary
  3. Actually I got the problem figured out. The file size was 7.1mb. I contacted AOL and asked what their max attachement size was, and it was something like 16 mb. He told me since i had latest version of windows xp to disable the firewall that comes with it, send it, and then enable the firewall again. Worked like a charm..... has anybody ever heard of this?
  4. I received my new registration key that didn't come with my initial registration. I downloaded, and my program registered. I finished up my slide presentation, and saved it, pushed create, and it saved my exe. file. When I went to email the slide show to somebody, my uploading file, box froze at about 53%. My screen froze up and I had to escape the program. I then got an error message stating a "serious" problem has occured, and restart computer in safe mode. I just restarted it normally, and it worked fine. I then tried again, and the same thing happened at 48%. I am getting frustrated fast here, not only having to wait out the whole weekend to make the show, but now my system is crashing? And I can't send it? I am a professional photographer, with lots of hard drive space and memory. What on earth is happening here????
  5. I received my new registration key that didn't come with my initial registration. I downloaded, and my program registered. I finished up my slide presentation, and saved it, pushed create, and it saved my exe. file. When I went to email the slide show to somebody, my uploading file, box froze at about 53%. My screen froze up and I had to escape the program. I then got an error message stating a "serious" problem has occured, and restart computer in safe mode. I just restarted it normally, and it worked fine. I then tried again, and the same thing happened at 48%. I am getting frustrated fast here, not only having to wait out the whole weekend to make the show, but now my system is crashing? And I can't send it? I am a professional photographer, with lots of hard drive space and memory. What on earth is happening here????
  6. I've just ordered the business version of pixtoexe. I have received confirmation of my order and then a follow-up version to register. In the letter it said to save attached file and use that for the load key? Am I not getting something? The email did not contain an attachment, and what am I suppose to be loading? Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I am very anxious to get a slideshow created for my mom. I have tried contacting support, but I guess since it's a weekend, they are not available.
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