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Everything posted by Lloegyr

  1. Hi Lumen you can only have one bootable drive, that drive may have different bootable systems but only one drive is bootable(active) Mike Mersea Island
  2. I too must agree. I know the difficulty that is involved in what Igor is valiantly trying to achieve, and we all have to be patience. I have, following Igors first instructions, made excellent SVCD's of many of my shows. BUT I do not know where to post my results, my feelings because there are so many threads going on and the results and comments will be lost in so many areas. We do now need to have a separate area for the VCD,SVCD and DVD area because it does demand a different philosophic photographic approach, also a a physical approach as LUMENLUX and MICHEL have very neatly pointed out. Mike Mersea Island
  3. Stunning piece of work! I downloaded it early in the day and did not have chance to see it untill just before I went to bed. It was the best nightcap I could have had. compelling photographs and professionally encoded, music sounds very much Vangelis inspired. The show reminds me of the BBC motto; To inform, to educate and to entertain. Was a pleasure to watch Mike Mersea Island
  4. Hi Ron Interesting comment because that now makes me think, because I am using Windows XP, its just a right click on screen, click properties, click settings, change size, click ok. Then you have right size for presentation. Then the reverse to get back to where you are. I use that method all the time now to check sizing and it means nothing has changed, just in and out. By the way I am no devotee of XP! I made the mistake of assuming when I said best viewed in 800 x 600 people could and would quickly change..sorry This idea of sizing does create problems, perhaps I should go back to all my 35 mm projectors with all the options I had including overlapping fades. ( I agree with Alrobin wish we had it too - yes Globfx has it but so weak in other aspects and no comparison to PTE - My Fields of Fire really needs it thou) Anybody want 3 carousels, 9 fade units and 1 clear light dissolve unit for full multi media use plus lots of lenses? Mike Mersea Island
  5. Sorry all But my original upload to Beechbrook would not work, it was 3 hours and not finished. so in the end I sent it to cottage as an email via AOL which then I think further zipped it with the pic for beechbrook. (AOL is always causing me pain) I have just tried the download too I and cant even get into it, it obviously works as some have got it so I will send an email to Bill to see if he can just post the last zip on the site. Apologies Mike
  6. Hi all I have posted on Beechbrook (Thanks Bill) a new show using the latest version of PTE and Ogg. This is a collection of images taken in Prague in May and September this year. I found Prague absolutely amazing and rather than just another travel show I wanted to give a completely different perspective. But I still have a thousand other images to create a normal show! The show is best viewed at 800 x 600. Also I have redone 'Fields of Fire' which is now some 5MB shorter due to using Ogg and resizing and some other changes. I have other projects in mind too, as well as a wedding and a 50th annivesary party to encode. So PTE is keeping me quite busy at the moment. Mike Mersea Island
  7. The new Sony DSC-f828 looks like a very good deal, 8 megapixels 7* 28 to 200 zoom lens and other features abound, plus for the first time ever they have introduced compact flash slot to a Sony As ever there is a preview on DPreview Mike Mersea Island
  8. JPG2000 I did ask Ivor about this several months ago, and the answer is simply the liecnce fee that has to be paid to include it in PTE, is so expensive Mike Mersea Island
  9. Yes have to agree a really excellent tool which has done me good service and it has excellent encoding too using lame Mike Mersea Island
  10. Sounds very much like a virus to me. Had the same last week with a friends machine they were running Norton anti virus and it had not picked anything up. But when I took the hard disc out and put in my machine as second drive MY anti virus picked up 50 copies of a virus. I sorted it all out and then it was perfect again. I use and have recommened to lots of people:- AVG anti virus which is free and you can get all the updates free. The site is www.grisoft.com Look for the free version as they do other chargeable ones too Mike Mersea Island
  11. Quite simply the quality of PTE's fades are unsurpassed. No other program can touch it in this respect. I am perfectly happy to use other tools to do the various finishing touches to the photographs and PTE to prsent the final perfect presentation. Remember a wood worker has many different types of chisel in his tool box, no one tool can do all. Mike Mersea Island
  12. Hi Barry This might be interesting! I have just looked at your site and seen where you are and what you have done. Like the site a lot too. Back in the early 80's I too bought the elements of an A/V setup, after we had made our own mechanical one, we still have both and both are used. Second one was 3 Carousels and clear light dissolve equipment which has been used to show presentations all over but primarily in Essex! (Essex UK that is.) One of the shows from then "Fields of Fire" has just come off Beechbrook site and in spite of all this wonderful digital stuff it is still is better on the projectors, because the third projector allows for so much more control over dissolves and timing and overlapping over dissolves. I will look more at your site because it seems to have lots of depth, but if you would like to see some existing shows on Beechbrook you will find them under the email address mikedsea@aol.com Why mikedsea? Well if I say Mersea Island you will know. For our other forum members that means we are very close neighbours. Nice to see you as a member Mike Mersea Island
  13. Guru's Link I just discovered an interesting site about photo technics in general (in French), that have a very good section about image size, dpi, compression etc., Hi Guru Interesting site and simply put I think it will be help to lots of our members. One thing I found interesting and have been meaning to ask Igor about for ages is:- How difficult will it be Igor for you to build in support for JPEG2000 (.jp2). The undoubted advantages would be a help to all PTE users. more and more programs are now offering support and if we could take advantage of it we have good resolution with the advantage of smaller (???) exe files Mike Mersea Island I have been in Prague for a break and a new show is on its way but may delay it because I was so impressed that I am taking the partner in September to do some pics.
  14. Option 3 certainly the best Mike
  15. Hi Think(box) To get the best possible results you really have to use a dedicated film scanner. I have been using a Polaroid SprintScan 35 for many years (It originaly cost me £1500..$2500 some 5 years ago more than the computer!) Also I tend to scan everything at 2700 dpi that way I have a lot of lattitude later on to rework the images. My feeling would be to agree with Alan and the Minolta is a good choice and they are well priced these days. Mike
  16. I am away in Prague till next weekend so cant do anything e-book wise at the moment, apart from take lots of photos for next show. Cheers Mike Mersea Island
  17. Excellent Idea, Count me in. Mike Mersea Island Mikedsea@aol.com
  18. on www.Beeechbrook.com A new (well new encoded digital PTE show) from my partner. Along with a companion presentation (yet to be programmed) it was developed as a new slant on shows. To show that verticals do work. As usual any comments would be appreciated Pat Mike Mersea Island
  19. I think Michel is the best to answer you on this question Mike Mersea Island
  20. How wonderful a new area ( Thank you Igor) and only last night I uploaded to WWW.Beechbrook.com a new show from my lady. She will be only too willing to let anyone know the details if they are interested. Mike Mersea Island
  21. Question... Are you trying to decide which one of these 2 are to go in a presentation? If so then it has to been decided how they fade in together in the general show with previous and following images and not on their individual merits. Mike Mersea Island
  22. Merci Michel Michael Mersea Island
  23. Do I remember that a few weeks back that there was some talk about translation programs that members use? A friend of mine is going back to France and has asked me what is the best one to get, French – English. Can anybody help? Many Thanks Mike Mersea Island
  24. Apolgies JRR I remember now Jim Mike Mersea Island
  25. Bill What you have done for me in re-assembling my shows from emails is priceless, what you have done for all of us and for the furtherance of PTE is incalculable. I agree with JRR (Sorry cant remember name) some indication of your costs would be good and I for one would be prepared to pay a fee per Mb per month to be hosted. Igors charge for the program is very reasonable and a small charge to assist you seems to me only fair and correct. Regards Mike Mersea Island
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