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About gordy9

  • Birthday July 20

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  1. Hi Yachtsman1 I was able to get your method to work. Thanks to everyone that responded. This a great forum. Gordy
  2. I have a slide show with 250 slides and at the end I have a slide with text. I would like to have this text go from a full screen to nothing. Could someone tell me where I could find a tutorial showing how to accomplish this. Gordy
  3. I just got back from a short vacation and tried all of the suggestions about how to run this show when the CD loads and couldn't find any suggestion that worked, so I guess I will give up and just run the show by clicking on the message that pops on the screen stating "Run DreamsPark.exe". Thanks to everyone for your suggestions.
  4. Its in the root directory.
  5. Hi Ken, Yes, after the disc spins for a little a box pops up and says "Run Dreams_Park.exe", with an arrow to click on. The show then starts and runs fine. Gordy
  6. I have just completed a PSE slide show of 280 pictures. I have these pictures on a CD, but I am unable to get the show to run automatically when I insert it in my computer. Is there an autoplay file that I need on the disk for this to happen. I do have the following on the disk, but it still will not run. [autorun] open=Dreams_Park.exe icon=Dreams_Park.exe,0 Thanks in advance for your help.
  7. Is there a way that I could put a PTE. exe file and also a SVCD using Ulead Movie Factory on the same disk. What I want to do is put a slide show on one disk that I can view on my computer and also my TV DVD player. Is this possible? I was successful in opening my exe file in UMF and then burn to disk and everything worked OK. I could view the slideshow on my TV, but when I try to burn the PTE exe file on the same disk it tells me the disk is closed or full. Thanks, Gordon
  8. OK Ken, Sorry I'm new at this posting. Gordon
  9. I went to the above link, but I couldn't find anything that told me if I could put a PTE. exe file and also a SVCD using Ulead Movie Factory on the same disk. What I want to do is put a slide show on one disk that I can view on my computer and also my TV DVD player. Is this possible? I was successful in opening my exe file in UMF and then burn to disk and everything worked OK. I could view the slideshow on my TV, but when I try to burn the PTE exe file on the same disk it tells me the disk is closed or full. Gordon
  10. I have recently downloaded the trial version of Pictures to Exe and I have a question about saving files. Can I burn a file that I can view on a computer and also a file that I can burn as dvd or svcd on the same CD so that I can watch on my TV. What I want to be able to do is give a person a CD that they can either view on their computer or on their TV. Thanks, Gordy
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