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  1. Just like to say thank´s to John, Ireland for taking the time out to send me an e-mail. I´ve now got it installed just as you said thanks simon
  2. Thank´s for the suggestions. I thought the same, disable windows security, open it then switch security back on. However I go to Windows XP security centre and I can´t see where I can disactivate. There is "internet options", I´ve tried disactivating a few things but with no success. I´ve also sent an e-mail to Wnsoft tech. dept but my system is playing up a little and doesn´t let me enter windows tech. support. Anymore suggestions?
  3. Thank´s for the reply Roger. I received the e-mail from Wnsoft with a zipfile that when opened is supposed to register me automatically. The e-mail prog. seems to let it thru, however "windows security" says that it is potentially dangerous and won´t let me open it. I have a copy in "my documents"
  4. windows security service
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