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Everything posted by Fujiboy
To all PTE forum members a Happy New Year. I'm from the Westcoast of Belgium ( humm our coast is only 60 km large) I live in Koksijde, this small town is about 12 km from the French border and 75 km away from the UK (have to cross the Northsea channel) Fujiboy
hi LumenLux to build sand sculptures they need a special sort of sand the sand we have on the belgian coast is not ideal for it the organiser import tonnes of sand but i dont know from where after the festival is stopped the sculptures are removed with the buldozer to explain how they build up the festival is a bit difficult for me since my english is poor here is the url of the festival sculptures there is an english section were you can find the photogallery starting with " the constructions 01" continue with day 01-02 and so on... Hope this wil give you an idea how these things work see you
Hi all, Have just updated my website. There are also 2 new P2E shows for download. See under dia-shows. My Webpage Comments are welcome Fujiboy
http://www.audiostudplus.com on this site you can find very nice music cd's completely roalty free ofcourse you have to pay for the cd's an idea (for Ken ) start a new topic wich including the roalty free music internet sites
Hi all, have just download a small shareware program and run some test with it. For those who want to protect photograps etc. against malafide users. add a watermark could be very useful for some of us . Version AiSS WPP 3.4 is the shareware version program show not any restrictions so far, could be a good working version find it on http://www.watermarker.com/watermark-protector/ or http://www.wintips.nl/toptien/index.asp here use the search = (ZOEKEN , in right up corner) option the find the correct page
guido and others to if you go to genealogie - familiealbum, scrol a bit down just to michel daniel geeraert click on this text and you will meet me and my wife (virtual)
hi Guido, No i used pictures 800 x 600, produced files between 50 and 120 kb and saved as jpeg and 1 mp3 file with a play time for abt 10 minutes this mp3 file take 50% of the show search a way to make this mp3 file much smaller in MB (now 16 MB) i have discus it with ken because i find the whole show to large in MB's too luckely we have adsl to down and upload have made some changes on the site this evening (night) bot on photographie and genealogie subsites thanks for the comment Michel
hi Jim, Working on... ..... you say pfff.. a hard one level -1 i believe michel
Hi all, We have already discused this before and have not found the exact reason for the BAD CRC error msg when one unzip some PTE shows. Last weekend i download the shows Tumble Bee and trekking in Nepal When unzipped again BAD CRC, thats frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After a while i try again with the same result no way to have a correct download. I was thinking when I do an upload I have to SHUT OFF my firewal program (at least with the one I use) So i shut off my norton firewall and try to download the shows again and yes eureka no problems anymore. I hope this little story wil help some others to I'm noth shure if this is the solution but here it work fine BAH norton way do i need an firewall if i have to shut it off to down and upload, at that moment i'm not protected anymore Is there a better one around? Michel
Hello Guido, Have you found a reason way large files produce a bad CRC? Have zipped much larger files than even seen in PTE without problems. Could the mp3 files produce such errors when zipped, after all they are in fact already zipped even so the jpeg's and way it happen not all the time?
Michel just downloaded again carousel.zip and unzipped with winrar message = this zip file is damaged CRC not correct
Hello Lumenlux, Ok would be nice if you email me your show maybe as test you could email me the zip file and the exe file. i don't believe that the problems are with the beechbrook server since almost other shows are ok after dowload. Michel: i wil try it with winrar Leif: no have not doing that but other shows dowloaded at the same time have not that problem, we have to search this problem someware else.
For Michel, i use the latest version of winzip Its a strange thing with a few shows there are problems with others not if it was a configuration problem or one of the other problems you suggested the problem will be always there. I work with windows xp (cleanl install) on my tree pc's, have never had faulty messages when unzip files. The problem should maybe be found on one of the servers have just try to download the show carousel.zip again with the same result BAD CRC as a test download an other show from page 3 an it run fine.
Hello I have also such a problem yesterday with the newest show Carousel French.zip (same story with the English version)and have had this problem before with some other shows. When i try to unzip have always an Bad CRC error as result Have restart pc and download again the zip file with same result at the same time download also the Idatarod and some other of the latest shows without any problem Some shows will not unzip and not run here on my 3 computers so the problem should be find somewhere else i believe. i downloaded the shows via beechbrook Cottage anyone with a explanation for this problem? BTW good weekend to everyone
hi JS well his canadian sound great never heard about the eskimo language you speak tnx for offering your help ken have made the corrections so my first P2E show will be soon ready (i hope)
Hello Thanks for the help Ken the file is on his way received offering help from 2 others people by e-mail many thanks to oakay and clive
Hello everyone, My English is very poor. I need some help with a small text file (1/4 page) for a PTE show. Could someone do the corrections for me? If so please send your email address With many thanks
Hello Mike, You be right about the 3 Megapixel fine settings for general purpose ( daily photo's) Try this litlle test: take some photographs, one on 3 Mp and the other on 6 Mp. Afterwards take a small detail from the photos with photoshop (crop) and look at the difference of sharpness etc. If i need to crop the photos they stay sharp and have clean pixels, in the other jpg modes not anymore Thats the only reason i prefer to use the 6 mp Tiff format. Now i follow the advice, rezise the files to 800x600. I keep files from between 80 kb to 120kb so have not anymore problems with transitions. Thanks for sharing your thoughts
Jim JJR The transition fade in/out work fine now the problems are going Jim, thanks a lot for the help
Hello Jim JRR Thanks for the tip. Will try it this evening. Good weekend
to Mike It seems that i'm not the only one with this problem. In a other topic "Transitions problem" i maybe found the solution. I have a lot of files bigger than 500 Kb, some times up to 800 Kb. They suggest not use files bigger than 200 KB. I shoot photograps with a fuji finepix S602Z on 6 megapixels high quality wich give me files around 20 Mb (yes so big) Afterwards i do a save for the web in photoshop. Sometimes i loosing to much sharpness and the pixels are more vissible if i bring the files back to around 200 Kb.(took to much information away) Hope Igor can fix this small bug in one of the newest editions of PTE because fade in/out is a real nice transition. The pc i use is a 2 Gb pentium with XP pro, 512 MB mem ,Geforce4 128 mb graphic card and a HD of 60 GB I d'nt think that the problem coming from the pc, but i can be wrong. Neverteless PTE is a great program to Guido its forgiven you may call me fujibox (hihi)
Hi all, To guido, Have just change the timer options in apr.ini to "TIMER=" like you suggested and now the display time is correct. The only problem i still have when i use fade in/out is the flickering (shokking) images. ( smooting = on on my fast PC) Something strange because it happens only with photofiles bigger than 200 kb??? Any idea how to solve this, since i use almost fade in/out for my shows. i'm not in the "box" guido like you suggested To all, thanks for this fine forum, its a bless.
hi Trudy I have exactly the same problem like you have Hope someone can help us Michel
problem solved thanks guido
hallo everyone, have a problem to download pictures index viewer (latest version) from beechbrook Winzip tell me CRC ac008490 have try to download it 4 times with te same result Any idea wat happen, have never before such a problem... Thanks Mike