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Everything posted by Gnurra

  1. Hi! I just now opened a new project, added a few slides and a new mp3. published as exe and it worked fine! Then I removed every mp3 from my original show, added the new mp3 that played fine in the test, published as exe and still no sound... aaahhrg!
  2. This is really strange, when I create an exe file and play it, none of the added audio is played. This is the first time it happend and I have no idea why. Anyone with a sollution? I use PTE 7.5. Have used betas earlier where it worked fine, but trying now with earier beta version have the same result, no sound. When previewing, music (mp3) play fine. Anyone with same problem?
  3. ok thanks!
  4. I know I know I'm actually using PTE 7.5 beta now. I've been upgrading to new versions now and then along the way since 4.0, but since deluxe version came out I haven't seen any info on specific differences on wnsoft.com. So I was just unsure if I missed out on any major functionality by not upgrading to deluxe.
  5. Alright! I did buy PicturesToExe in the past, I think it was around 4.0 or 5.0, so that would be the standard edition with lifetime upgrades then. So if I understand this correctly, as of today, the only difference form standard edition is the ability to save slideshows in different quality and videoformats other than avi?
  6. Can anyone tell me the difference between the standard and the deluxe version of PicturesToExe?
  7. YES! That's what i'm talking about!
  8. To the basic tools that haddock mentions I would like to add a fade-option. Then it would be much easier to use multiple songs in a show without having to edit them outside in another program. It would also give much better control on when the music shuld fade and stop. /Gnurra
  9. Hi there! I'm new to this program also. I haven't read everything in this forum but I would like something of the same as Haddock here suggests. - Some "in-program-music-edit". I don't know how hard it is to do, but a tool that fade out the musicfile that is currently playing and stops it, then startup next musicfile in the list. Whith this you can switch audiofiles in the middle of the song without having to manually edit them in another program to fit the show. Great Work by the way! Edit: I Read some more and saw that Bart (bogaertb) here shares my thoughts...:
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