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Everything posted by jevans

  1. Igor, I would like to add a small comment to those in Steve Newcombe's post. The lack of a number of features in the current beta version of PTE 5 is a little frustrating but the item that many of us want to see implemented in synchronisation of sound files with the slide show. The lack of this feature is preventing (or making much more difficult) slide shows with commentary. I hope that this feature can be implemented as soon as possible. Jeff
  2. Al, Just a guess but it may be due to a missing or corrupt video codec on you computer. I have had instances where a DVD file will play with sound but no picture and vice versa and this was solved by downloading another codec. However unfortunately i cannot remember which one. Perhaps Ken or Hawk may be able to tell you. Jeff
  3. Downloaded this program today. It contains two separate methods for selection/extraction and is very good. Will enable quite difficult selections and extracts to be made very easily. I highly recommend this as a Photoshop plugin well worth having. Jeff
  4. Igor, I would like to support these comments. The lack of music synch facility is one of the major items which is probably preventing many members utilising the superb Version 5 features. Jeff
  5. Igor, Might I suggest you use some different numbering system for the Beta versions of PTE deluxe than the same beta numbers used for the standard Version 5 software. That way we know whether you are posting a new beta version of the deluxe or standard versions. Jeff
  6. Can you confirm that this Beta #7 includes sound synchronisation, or does it just deal with the DVD production issues. Presume that other missing features of version 5 are still outstanding. Jeff
  7. Ken, Yes that works ok. Also I find that I cna use Nero Media Player. However Windows Media Player refuses to recognise the m3U file. Anyway I can get it to work now, even if I do not know why. Thanks Jeff
  8. Ken, Here is the site link. http://www.emusic.com/playlists/playlist/c...p=sep&lid=1 This shows a list of music. When I click on the "listen" icon, a m3u file is offered to be opened by Windows Media Player. Then I get the eroor message. Jeff
  9. Sorry Ken, Not sure what you mean. I go to a site and select a download to sample. This brings up a .m3u file which Windows Media Player tries to open. However an error message appears saying that there is something wrong with my proxy server settings. Have tried altering these in Mmemdia Player to no effect. cannot see what I would do with a .txt file conversion. Jeff
  10. I have Widows Media Player Version 10 and have tried to download sample music files from some web sites. The download files are in the form of "filename.m3u" which I understand is a Widows Media Player playlist. However when I try to play these file using Mmedia Player I get an error message saying there is a probable server fault. Is there a method to use to configure Media Player or use the download file? Jeff
  11. Jean-Pierre, Not sure that I understand what all the fuss is about in this post series, but you and a small number of other froum memebrs are providing a major support to this forum and you should be proud of this and ignore any negative comments. I am sure you have strong support from the majority of forum members. You demonstration ran very well on my ATI Raedon 9200 graphics card, although Igor initially said that this would not be good enough for major PTE PZR effects. The only problem is a small jerk at the beginning of the whole sequence whic I seem to get on all PZR effects. This is a clever idea to use of a number of adjacent images, putting them together in a pan sequence. I would not have thought of doing that. However this will be easier when you are using screen dumps from Google Earth, and not so easy if you are using actual photos, since making a seamless joint between images may be more difficult. Most of the tests and trials of PTE V5 provide much useful information for the time when a fully working version is available. However the feature that I am missing most, is the absence of synchronisation of sound and images, since it makes creating a show with commentary very difficult. Jeff
  12. Michel, Smooth as silk on the following : AMD 1.15GHz processor and Raedon 9200 graphics card with 128Mb of graphics memory. Very interested in how you complied the pan shot. How many images and did you use some additional software to stitch the images together or did you just join them in Photoshop? Jeff
  13. Hi Cheryl, Al and Lin have already made some of the comments I would have made. I have done quite a lot of experimentation with using various different codecs to produce video and also tried both Nero 6 (neroVision Express Version 2) and Ulead Movie Factory. Although I can get both to work, I have had problems with the Nero coder. One thing to ensure is that you are creating the temporary AVI file using the PTE codec. When you click on "create video", try selecting the last option in the list - "DVD-video Disk". If you have a copy of Ulead Movie Factory, tick the box "For Ulead DVD MovieFactory". This should creat a temporary avi file which you can import into Ulead. This is the method I use now and it always works. You are not trying to do this with Version 5 are you, as this may not be fully implemented yet? Jeff
  14. There is a problem with your file name. Regards Jeff
  15. John, Could you elaborate on how you propose to do this. Are you going to make a PTE presentation with parts of the main PTE screen as a background and then add buttons, which when clicked, load the explanatory image? Reason for asking is that it may be a good idea if we all use the same tutorial methods. Jeff
  16. Lin, The streaming action does not work for me, even if I have WMP open before the download. All that happens is that the whole file downloads and then WMP starts up and plays the video file. Jeff
  17. John, My view is that if you are posting a tutorial for comment by other forum members and want some feedback, then a standard "new post" is probably the way to go. If it is a completed tutorial, then I suggest you get in touch with TheDom who has made web pages which refer to all the tutorials. Mind he somethimes does not host them but just provides a link to the web page they are hosted on. Thi is what he has done with my last one. I really like the way you are doing this. My approach was to provide a pdf document but your solution looks much more elegant. How are you doing it? Regards Jeff
  18. Don't think this feature is enabled in Version 5 yet. You can add a solid or gradient fill background but probably not a specific image. However there is a workaround but it is rather cumbersome. You just add the background image to each slide in turn and make sure it is at the back. You can physically resize the image to fit whatever screen size you are using. Unfartunatley you have to do this to each slide. Jeff
  19. If you add an object and give it some motion, say either a pan or zoom, then add a second object as a child of the first, the child object will take on the motion of the parent. However if the parent opacity is varied and then a child object is added, it foes not take on the opacity change of the parent. Is this how it is meant to work? Jeff
  20. Jean-Pierre, Thanks for puzzle. It is a very useful example. I think I follow most of it but I am not sure I understand the wording on Slide 3 where you say " integer if picture slide is pair". Do you mean if the original puzzle picture is the same dimensions as the screen, then the pan/zoom values will be integer numbers? Also how did you maake the "coin" corners for your frame. Creating a frame with PTE is a great idea which i would not have thought of doing. Regards Jeff
  21. Link does not seem to work with firefox. Jeff
  22. John, You approach sounds very good. Also I think it would be complementary to my more formal ideas of providing more of a reference guide. Good luck. Jeff
  23. John, Delighted to see that you are attempting this task. Just to let you know that I have had the same idea but do not want to do any work until Version 5 is issued in its final form. If you go to TheDom's web page and look at the tutorials he has hosted, you will se my first attempt at the Objects and Animation feature in the form of a pdf file. My idea was to describe each control in turn and explain its function. Lin Evans has also done some tutorial work and his approach is to produce a "how to guide", maybe using video. Just wanted to let you know so that we can avoid a lot of duplication. I do not mind who writes tutorials and am happy to collaborate in any way - even if just as a reviewer. Regards Jeff
  24. Hi Dom, Dowloaded your modified portrait demo template and it works fine. Initially I could not see how you had done this effect. But after studying the O/A window for some time, I think I can see how you have done it and am amazed by your ingenuity. No way could I have thought of doing that. Very impressive. You are making a realy important contribution to the forum. Jeff
  25. Hi, Tried your portrait book flip download. I am very impressed with your template which works fine. However the 5 jpg images referred to in the show are not part of your zip file. Was that intentional? Also I see how to chnage "REPLACE" into my photos, but what is the funtion of the file "TheDom-BookPortrait-Small.jpg". Should that be replaced, and if so, with what. The slide shsow does not work unless this image is replaced with something. Regards Jeff
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