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Hi Stonemason, Gosh this is an interesting thread. I will take up your suggestion to try the software. However I have discovered another feature of the video encoding provided by PTE. If you start the video encoding dialog box. Then select "creat custom AVi video file", then click on "Video codec" and select "MPEG4 Video Codec V2", then select "configure" and move the compression control slider right the way to the left to the "smoothness end. Then click the "create video" button, a permanent AVI file will be produced which will remain, even when PTE is exited. This AVI file can be imported into a number of DVD authoring programs (Studio 8, Movie Factory etc). So now I can create a number of discreet AVI files to import into a DVD authoring program and produce a composite show. Also, the resultant AVI file is not too large. I have produced and AVI file of 130GB from a PTE show whose exe file is 42GB. The problem seems to be solved, except for individual shows running on after one has finished. Jeff
With the nature of the previous postings in this thread, I am a little reluctant to add further comments. However I am indebted to Ken and Al for showing me a way to put separate PTE shows onto a DVD without opening multiple copies of PTE, so I would just like to add some further observations as a results of tests to try to achieve this. To recap : My objective was to burn a number of related shows onto a DVD with a top level menu that would allow the user to choose a particular show - just like using the "Object Editor" window in PTE to provide a selectable menu of shows. I know that PTE's function is for computer generated slide shows but I sometimes like to show my shows in an environment where a computer is not available or practical. Al pointed out that a temporary PTE AVI file could be imported into Nero Vision Express and then exported as a permanent AVI file, thus getting rid of the need to have several copies of PTE open simultaneously. Ken pointed out that I can re-import these AVI files back into Vision Express, prepare the necessary selectable menus, and then burn the result to a DVD. (Note that the AVI exported from Vision Express does not seem to be recognised by Ulead Movie Factory, which is the DVD authoring software I usually use). I have managed to make the whole procedure work. However there seems to be still two disadvantages as follows : 1. The exported AVI from Vision Express is huge. ( In my test, the temporary PTE AVI file was 15kB and the resultant exported AVI file was 238GB - Yes that's correct, I have not made a mistake.) 2. The second problem is that, if a number of converted AVI files are re-imported back into Vision Express as separate files, the DVD menu structure recognises them as separate projects, so that they can be individually selected. However the program still thinks of them as being all part of a series of connected clips. So when you select an item via the menu, the DVD will play that item and then continue to play the next item without stopping and going back to the main DVD menu. The first problem is not too serious as the large files can be deleted once the composit project is burnded to a DVD. Maybe there is also a solution to the second problem. Incidently I completely agree with Al's comments regarding the provision of mpeg facilities. PTE is a great program and I hope we can avoid it becoming too complex with too many features. The quality of a show is likely to be dictated more by its content that any fancy presentation effects. Jeff Evans
Hi Ken, Sorry for my last post. I have not used Vision Express before and, after posting my last comment, I had second thoughts and investigated further. I now see that Vision Express has similar functions to Ulead Movie Factory and that I can probably complete the required function using just this program. Anyway thanks again to you and Al for helping me. Jeff
Hi Ken, Thanks for comments. However there may be some confusion here. Normally I create a PTE project, create a temporary AVI file, and then import this file into Ulead Movie Factory so that I can add menus, title page etc before burning to DVD. This process works fine. What I am trying to do is to save or convert PTE's remporary AVI file into a separate permanent file. Then I can repeat this with a number of related PTE projects and import all these premanent AVI files into Ulead for burning as a composite show. I have tried your suggestion of turning off the Ulead radio button in the video dialog box of PTE and creating a temporary AVI file. I can import this into Vision Express and export it again as a permanent AVI file with another name. However I cannot import this new file into Ulead. I get the "file not accessible" message when I try to import the new file. Vision Express will burn the AVI file to a DVD, but has no other menu or front sheet functions that are contained within Ulead - anyway that I am aware of. So I need to import the new AVI file into some program which will enable me to create DVD menus etc. Jeff
Hi Al, Thanks for replying so quickly as always. I have tried your method and it works up to a point. The steps are as follows : 1. Open a PTE project and create an AVI file. Note I have to use the "custom" option to get a .avi file, otherwise I get a .ptve file which Nero will not recognise. 2. Next I open Nero Vision Express and go through the export steps you mention. I get a new .AVI file ok 3. Now, with the original PTE project either still open or closed, I try to import the new AVI file into Ulead Movie Factory. This does not work as I get an error message saying "*.AVI file not accessible". It does not seem to matter whether I keep PTE open or close it, the new AVI file is still not accessible. 4. HOWEVER, if I export the AVI file from Vision Express as an mpeg1 file, Movie Factory will recognise this and import it. So I can get the process to work if I export as an mpeg1 file. But the quality does not seem to be as good as importing the temporary PTE AVI file directly into Movie Factory. This may just be my impression. When you did this yourself, did you manage to export as an AVI file and import this into Pinnacle. I do not have Pinnacle but have tried to import the new AVI file into Ulead Video 8, with no success. Jeff
Al, Which feature of Nero 6 did you use to save/modify the temporary AVI file ? Did you import the AVI file into Nero Recode? I do not have Pinnacle but have Ulead Studio 8 which has similar facilities. Jeff
Although you can create a DVD from a number of PTE projects by running them simultaneaously and creating AVI files from each project and then importing these files into Ulead Movie Factory, can you use the above technique to import and AVI file into Movie Maker (or come other program) and then save the resultant converted file so that each PTE AVI file can be saved and subsequently used to make up a composite DVD show. I have made a DVD using 4 PTE separate projects but wwould like to do this with 10 separate PTE projects and think it would be easier if the AVI file from each project could be saved and then imported into say Movie Factory.
In the timeline window, using the function "timed points - set time of points", the default value is 5 secs. presumably this default value is specified in an .ini file, e.g. apr.ini. I would like to change this value to 7 secs but cannot locate the appropriate line in either the apr.ini file or the english.ini file. Is this value defined in an .ini file, if so where is it, and can it ba changed.
Just a comment amongst all the ideas for a show. I think there should be some thought given to what we are going to do with the finished article, i.e. where would we post it and how (and to whom) would we advertise it ? The end location and use might have an influence on how the show is put together and what its content might be. I don't know too much about this, but I have seen presentations in my photo club (which I think are associated with the National Photographic Society) which have slides from many different countries - some type of international competition. Perhaps I could find out a bit more detail about this. Then maybe the final show could be passed to this organisation for international distribution as an example of international co-operation. Regarding the content, I think the original idea of a few photos from each country (and maybe each region of a country) showing typical scenery is a good idea. Then perhaps a few introductory slides with an accompanying message stating what the show is about. Maybe the first step is for photos to be submitted to a central point and then get the best ones selected (by a member vote for example?) Jeff Evans
I would be happy to contribute three (or more if required) pictures. Living and walking in Northumberland I have quite a large section including coast, towns and villages and the wild moors.
The interesting point raised in this thread is the use of templates. The only use I have made of the template function is if I make a show with particular characteristics (e.g. timing, transitions etc) and then want to keep the show parameters to use with another show. I assume that is what the function is for. Does it have other uses ? which seem to be implied by the comments in this thread. Incidently I originally used JP's method and kept different parts of a show (sound files, etc) in different directories. However I got into trouble with this method and now ALWAYS put all the show files in the same directory. Jeff Evans
Very good Jean-Pierre. I enjoyed that and take your point about what you can do. Thanks Jeff
The topic in this thread has reminded me to ask just how many are using the Object Editor features. Jean-Pierre Dollangere has produced a number of shows using these features to great effect. However most (if not all) of the effects can also be produced using Photoshop features, i.e. building up a series of slides from a single slide with objects gradually added. Generally using the Object Editor requires individual objects to be created first anyway, so is there much advantage is using this technique. I would be interested in anyone's experiences. Jeff Evans
This is not a direct answer to your query but may be of interest. I have created a numbe rof DVD shows from original PTE slide shows. I use Ulead Movie Factory 2 and, instead of burning directly to a DVD, I have found that a better method is to creat DVD video folders (an option in Movie factory) onto my hard drive. Then I use Nero 6 to make a DVD Video disk. Using this method seems to be faster and also allows me to add other data information to the disk, such as the show slides and copy of the .PTE and .exe program files. Jeff Evans
I am interested in this method. I have Photoshop CS and when I access the gradient Map command (Image - adjustments - gradient map , there are no control adjsutsments visible, just the option to vary the type of gradient applied. Where is the command you are using with adjustable controls ? Jeff Evans
Just a further note to the comments on the use of high pass filter to give a sharpening effect. I have been using this for aome time, after reading an article in some magazine. However the blend mode used was "overlay". I have tried some examples using various blend modes to see what the effect would be. It seems to be a bit dependent on the type of original image. If you have a stome wall for exaple, "hard light" blending seems a bit harsh. Generally I think I will stick to the "overlay" blending. Jeff Evans
Thanks Folks for all the positive comments. I am glad to be able to contribute to such a good forum and an excellent program. Will see what I can do when Version 5.0 is issued. Jeff Evans
Hi Roger, I would like to take up your offer of hosting the tutorial. It is a pdf file, size 3.5mb. How do I upload it to your site? Once posted, I (we?) could post a message on the forum directing members to the site to download it if they wished. Jeff
Hi Dave, I too have had the same problem as you. The links that have been posted provide some good information but I think that you wil not find anything detailed on the use of the timeline. I have written a detailed guide for our camera club and am trying to get it posted on the Beechbrook site http://www.beechbrook.com/index.htm The upload facility is not working at present. But when it is functioning again, I will post the tutorial and you will be able to download it. It is in the form of a pdf file with screen shots to explain the various functions. Jeff Evans
Thanks Al, Your answers are very helpful and just fill in the final missing pieces. I will now finish off the tutorial and upload it to the Beechbrook site when complete. I have not looked at this very often, but there does not seem to be an obvious homw for tutorial material for PTE. However no doubt I can sort this out later on. Jeff
Further to the previous posts in this thread, I have now completed a first draft of a guide to using the timeline in Version 4.43. However there are three functions which I am having difficulty with. 1. The automatic synchronization tick box at the top left of the timeline window. This does not seem to perform any function. Is it just an indication? 2. The "Timed Points" button has a sub-feature "arrange selected points". If I select some points and click this feature, nothing seems to happen. What is the intended function? 3. If you click on a slide in the timeline, the status box for that slide appears together with an "Update" button. What is this button intended to do? It does not seem to do anything that I can see. When I have completed the guide, can someone advise me how this could be made generally available. I have no web site of my own but am prepared to share the guide with anyone who might think it would be useful. Jeff Evans
Thanks Igor, That was the problem. I must have inadvertently disabled this option. I asked a question in the forum about the availability of a more detailed set of instructions for using the timeline, which does not seem to be available. I have looked at Al Robinson's tutorial video, but it does not fully cover all the features. So I am preparing a "user manual" just covering this topic, mainly for myself, but also for our photographic club's digital section. I would be prepared to make it available to anyone after it is finished. Would you like to see a copy and decide whether it would be of use? It will be in pdf format with illustrations. Jeff
Has anyone experienced the following problem. I am using PTE Version 4.43. I start a new project and add a few slides into the image window. I now preview these slides before attaching a temporary music file (Project Options, Music, Add), so that I can view the timeline window. The slides do not appear on the timeline. Of course I can add them using the "timed points" button, but usually the slides appear straight away ata the default time and transition effect settings. This just seems to be a recent problem.
Al, I have used PTE for quite a few projects sucessfully but have never really investigated all of the features in the timeline. Your reply (above) intrigued me as it pointed me to a function I have not used before. Is there somewhere a written explanation of the timeline features. I have a copy of your excellent video tutorial, but that is for version 4.2 and does not cover some of the new features. Is there an update? Regards Jeff
Mike, The answer is as follows. Go to Customise Slide - Effects and choose the "Page Effect(Horizontal)" and select left or right. Then at the bottom of the Effects tab, click in the box marked "Own thickness of smoothing line" and enter a value of 400 in the dialog box. Jeff Evans