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Everything posted by jevans

  1. I confirm this result. The initial parameters of the color setting are not transferred to the new key frame whilst all other parameters are. Jeff
  2. In the Properties Tab of the O&A Editor, there is a Time Range box which, by default, shows the total duration of a Slide. However it is possible to enter other values manually into either the Start or End boxes, thus restricting the duration that a Slide is visible. Does anyone know a use for this feature? Jeff
  3. Enjoyed that very much. I worked in Melbourne for 6 months in the 90's but never managed to get to Ocean Road. Excellent images giving a good roundup of Australia's fantastic scenery. Liked the way you used the 3D transition to mark the change of place.
  4. Sami, First for "convert to alpha image", have a look at the online Help file under "Version 9 How To's" and scroll down to the sub-heading "Complex Masks". This shows the effect of switching the alpha channel on and off. Animated objects is, I think fused for animated png files, but someone else with a bit more information may reply to this point. Hide child objects is used when you have a main object with a child additional object. If you apply a 3D movement to the main object and you do not want to see its back side, you can switch on "hide child objects", and when the main objet rotates you will see a blank side and no child object. Just try it and you will see how it works.
  5. I have had a message explaining under which conditions it works. So there seems to be no problem. Sorry for raising this incorrectly.
  6. This feature does not seem to be functioning in the O&A Window.
  7. Thanks Dave for a useful video which provides a good supplement to the Help file text. Jeff
  8. I have posted this in the Discussion section but am posting again here as this is probably an error. In V8, dragging a video clip into the O&A Window brings up the conversion dialog box if the video file has not been previously converted. This does not happen in V9 and you have yo convert the video file prior to insertion. If the video file is added to the Slide List, then the conversion dialog box appears. Jeff EDIT ; I should have said, "insert video" not dragging a video clip which you cannot do. The point is that the option to convert a clip is only available if you insert it into the Slide List, not in the O&A window.
  9. If you add a video file which is still in its original format (e.g. *.mp4) to the Slide List, the option to convert it appears and the user can decide whether to continue with the conversion or to use the original file. If a video file is added whilst in the O&A Window, no conversion option appears. Therefore it seems that unconverted video files MUST be added first to the Slide List. Is this correct? Jeff
  10. No matter how good the presentation is, 20 minutes is probably the maximum length for the viewers to remain interested and for a 20 minute show it must be really good. The longest pte show I have done was 12 minutes and that was maybe a bit too long although it was a commision for someone else.
  11. Thanks John for your comments. Much appreciated. I will look at both your points. Most of the images were taken with a 16-80mm Nikon lens and lens correction applied in Lightroom. But there may be a few taken with my Panasonic for which there is no lens correction profile available. Re transition times, I wanted to ensure hat the third image was visible buy again i will review this.
  12. I live very close to a wonderful beach at Tynemouth in North East England and have spent many happy hours wandering the shoreline and taking photos. Here is one of the first AVs I have done with Version 9 as an attempt to show the various moods of the sands. I am grateful to Eric Matyas who provided to music clips and I have tried to select these to match the mood of the images. https://www.slideshowclub.com/files/category/1-slideshows/ Jeff
  13. What an excellent idea Barry to interview Maureen. I have long admired her shows and found her answers to your questions very interesting.
  14. No I agree it does not seem to function.
  15. Igor, Here it is. Tell me if what you see is what you expect to see. At a phase shft of 20, the rotation seems to increase more to the left. At 50, instead of increasing to the left it seems to rotate more to the right. Maybe I do not understand what the phase shift parameter is doing. Modifier Test_Mar16-2017_11-38-15.zip
  16. Just looking at the various "modifier" controls and in particular, the phase shift settings. For Pan and Zoom, this does not appear to do anything which is perhaps not surprising. For Rotation, changing the % value changes the angle of rotation. But as you increase the value from say 10% to 50%, the resultant rotation angles achieved do not seem to be valid.
  17. Thanks Urmas. That is very helpful.
  18. Thanks Urmas, I was rather careless when I made the png file. Firstly I forgot to reduce the size and secondly forgot to convert to sRGB. Actually now with V9, I set the colour management in all my projects to select the monitor profile, since all my shows are via a laptop and calibrated projector. Out of interest, what process do you use to produce the colour space diagram. I think this would be useful to use sometimes.
  19. Dave, Yes it runs OK when published as an EXE. The fonts I used were "Adobe Casion Pro Bold" and "Algerian". Problem sorted now re slow loading. Yes it was the file size.
  20. Dave, It is a font problem I think. You may not have the fonts I used on your computer. Not sure whether there is a solution to this except: a. Just use standard fonts b. Include the fonts in a zip file c. Make the text in PS and raterize it Seems it may be quite a limitation. Think there was a posting about this during the beta phase.
  21. Well spotted. Should have split the main image sfter cropping. But do not understand text problem?
  22. I do not think this is a fault, but I have just completed a first project in Version 9.04 and note that one of the images which contains a number of objects and masks, seems to have a noticeable delay in loading into the O&A window. I have also had an error message on this image stating that it could not find one of the files, although the file was still in its original place and, when running the project, displayed correctly. The error did not repeat. Maybe it is just a function of the number of elements in the slide. A BIZ is attached. Staithes_Test_Mar12-2017_18-22-11.zip
  23. Publish the show as an exe file on the original computer, then copy this file onto the laptop and run it.
  24. Beautiful peaceful show Maureen. Excellent images and lovely music. I really enjoyed it. Makes me want to dash off to the Lakes tomorrow.
  25. Dave, This is a really useful style in that you can modify it in a number of ways ; border size as you mention but also size of main image, whether you want any framing action etc and then presumably, re-save the style in a modified version. Thanks for all your hard work and imagination.
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