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Everything posted by jevans
Thanks. I will get the hang of this yet!
Dave, Just downloaded your initial demo and both "strips" slide styles. I imported them into V9 Beta 5 and applied them to a single 1920 x 1080 slide one at a time. Neither style appears to do anything to the image. Just as a check, I applied a different style to the image and this works. What am I missing? I note that you state that the animation is not included. Is this the key?
Dave, Might I suggest a small amendment to the Help information on the "Framing" style. Initially when I saw Igor's comment on this new feature, I assumed that I first had to add a frame and then add an image as a child. However looking at your style, it is obvious that merely adding an image, reducing its size and adding a border, enables the "Framing" parameters to be applied. So maybe in your instructions you might consider adding : "Insert a new image into the O&A Window and reduce its size to the required size of the frame."
Nobeefstu, Thanks. The source for the keys was in fact a version 8.01 pte. But if Keycopy.exe will not retrieve version 8 keys then we may need to contact Wnsoft for a duplicate.
I am still having problems. I have a redundant desktop running Windows 8.1 with PTE 8.01 installed. I have run "Key copy.exe" on this computer which generated the key copy text and reg files. I put these files on a USB stick and inserted this into a new Windows 10 laptop with the latest version on PTE installed. Running this version of PTE, the "load a key" dialog appears. Inserting the text from the key copy.txt file results in an invalid key message. I also double clicked the key copy.reg files with the same result. Is the key for version 8.01 not valid for the latest Version? If so this is a surprise, since on my own computer, ( note I am doing this for friend) I have periodically updated PTE with the same key.
Thanks Nobeefstu. The machine I am trying to recover the keys from is Windows 7 and I am trying time install the keys on a Windows 10 machine. Will report what happens.
Hi Lin, Thanks. Do you mean to copy the text file itself or its contents. The contents include the word key= plus a long character string and quotation marks at various places. I tried the key copy file on my own machine and the contents of the text file generated bear no relation to the part of the key I can see from within pte which starts withe the letter D.
I am trying to recover the PTE keys from a friend's laptop. I have a copy of "Keycopy.exe". When I run it it generates txt and an reg files for both PTE and Video builder. To install the keys do I just double click the reg files? I am sure this information is somewhere in the forum but I have not been able to find it so far. The generated txt file content does not look anything like a PTE key.
Thanks to all for your replies. I apologise for attaching the wrong zip file. I meant to attach the project zip so that you could unzip and look at the project. So the correct project zip is attached. Unzip this an run the pte file in the "Timeline" window. First with both audio tracks enabled. Listen to the music track as the speech track begins. There appears to be a sudden drop in the volume of the music track and this lower level continues after the speech track finishes. No mute the speech track and try again. The music track volume remains unchanged. I have tried this using both wav and mp3 files and the effect occurs with both file types. Dave : The sound files are included in the project zip. Lin : There is no perceptual change in the music track waveform. Tried with a "silent" speech track and the reduction in volume of the music tract does not occur. Denis : Do not completely understand the French but think that this is perhaps not relevant. Thanks gentlemen for your assistance. Regards Jeff NOTE : The standard PTE zip file will not upload with an error message saying that it is more than 3.1Mb which t is not. So the attached zip file is a standard winzip version. Sound Test Files.zip
I have sometimes noticed an unexpected change in sound levels when preparing shows. For example I have a slide list with the required slides and have added voice clips to various slides. Then I add a second background music track. When you play the show back, the level of the background music suddenly seems to drop when a voice clip plays, even although I have not changed the level. I attach a zip file with and example. If you play the section, you should hear the music level drop which the voice appears. If you mute the voice track, the music level appears to remain unchanged. If the voice track is not muted, the music sound level also seems to remain reduced after the voice track finishes. Anyone else noticed this or have any idea what is happening? Sound_Level_Test.zip
Bert, You must first allocate the email message a label. For example you create a label called "Friends". Then add this label to an email from one of your friends. Click the archive button and the email will move to a folder called "Friends". This is how gmail works anyway.
Hi Dave, Thanks for your comments. Just wondered why adding a blank slide gives a different result from sdding a standard image. But your suggested work around is a good idea. When I am making a sequence in which the music is the key feature, I often add a number of blank slides, push them to the right of the timeline and then place them whilst playing the music and adding a key point.
If I add a new image to the Slide List, it automatically assumes that it is the main object and the image file details will show in the status bar. Now if I add a second image to the same slide in the O&A editor and change this image to be the main object, file details of that second image will replace those of the original image in the status bar. This is just what you would expect. However if I add a blank slide to the slide list and then add an image to this blank slide in the O&A window and make this the main object, the status bar will always show "Blank Slide" and there does not seem to be any way you can show the added image details in the status bar.
Not sure how to reconcile the above two postings. Is DG's post relating to Yachtsman's rejection of the competition or are they separate events? Dave, if you posting is in fact genuine, then for me I am very sorry that you are leaving. You have made a very major contribution to both this forum and to the overall development of PTE. Without your many contributions, we would be much the poorer.
Thanks Igor. I do not usually use this feature but required it in a recent show. So if it can be provided that will be good.
In applying the standard transition "Shapes" to an image, the circle shape works correctly if you alter its position using the x and y sliders. However the diamond and square transition shapes do not alter their position if you change the x/y settings.
Thanks for all the suggestions and comments which have been interesting and helpful. What I was hoping to do was import a music track into an editor (e.g. Audacity or Audition) and get the program to annotate the bar positions. I have tried various method, incuding the suggestion from Eric to use the beat finder. However no method seems to produce an accurate result, probably due to speed variations which fool the timing mechanism. I will just continue with the "by ear" method mentioned by Barry at the beginning of the thread. After all, as he so clearly pointed out, if you have a long slide transmission, then it is difficult to tell where the next image starts.
Barry: I experience the same problem. I just take the view that the slide transition should start on the beat. If you get a short sharp note, I sometimes make the transition either instantaneous or very short. But I am not too keen on this. Mur : Thanks for your reply. I am not too familiar with Audacity and could not get this to work correctly although I see exactly what you are doing. If I pause the cursor at the beat, I seem to have to re-position it in the "label" track in order to add a label. Could you be a bit more specific about the procedure please?
Thank you all gentlemen for your responses. Barry, this is what I do at present. I used to play in an orchestra and have quite a good musical ear but this method is quite time consuming. Denis : I like this idea and will give it a try. Eric : There is a similar function in Audition but it is quite complicated and I have not got it to work properly yet. Will try Audacity.
I have made many shows where the slides change on the exact beat of the accompanying music. Currently I am using some music where identifying the beginning of a bar is a bit difficult. Although you can expand a music track vertically via Crtl + shift + mouse wheel, you can only expand the track so far and, with this music, it does not amplify the waveform enough. Even a horizontal expand is not very useful. I have tried identfying the bar positions using Audition, but it is rather difficult to do if the speed of the music varies as this track does. Anyone got any good tips for identifying the start of bars on a music track?
I use the drop shadow facility for text all the time. However I have never saved a particular setting as a preset but use the range of standard shadows created a long time ago by The Dom. However now I have seen the facility to save a particular shadow arrangement, I will probably use it in the future.
This show is made up with a series of images taken in the evenings during a cruise around Iceland and I hope illustrates the changing light conditions at these northern latidudes. http://www.slideshowclub.com/files/category/1-slideshows/ "Northern Light"
Lin and Robert, Thanks for your kind comments. It is a rather a special place but unfoftunately just a little too far away from home to be able to visit regularly.
Lin, Maybe this is already answered above. If you load a new custom transition and then re-save the basic template you use for all your shows, the new transition remains in the "Custom Transitions" list as it becomes part of the basic template.
During 2014, I made two visits to this special nature reserve run by Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. It is a delightful place to visit with two public hides, plenty to see and some nice walks. I have made a short AV covering my two visits and posted here : http://www.slideshowclub.com/files/category/1-slideshows/