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Everything posted by Birding

  1. Birding


    Thank you all for your prompt replies What a wonderful forum this is. There is always some one there to give advice and to pass on knowledge. I thank you all and look forward to the new SYP Kindest regards
  2. Birding


  3. Birding


    Has anyone tried to use SYP with version 5. I have used it regularly with version 4 and found it most useful. I have been on to the site and there doesn't seem to be a new version Thanks
  4. Thanks Igor It did work. when you added a new transition it brought one forward from the block you had moved to the right. Yes I find this quite comfortable now I know how, but the earlier way was easier
  5. Hi Has there been an alteration in the new version with the ' new transition ' button. Sometimes when I am doing a sequence I will play the sound track and just press ' n ' for new transition and then go back and tidy it all up. I now find I can't use the new transition button at all either by clicking 'n ' or on 'add new transistion '. It seems that which ever button I select i.e. not synchronised auto synchronise or synchronise to show I still can't add a new transition I am using XP home edition
  6. Hi Ken I disabled the screen saver and energy saving - put them both to ' none ' Thanks for your suggestion and your continuing interest
  7. I would like to thank all the senior members who frequently log in and sort problems for the lesser mortals like me. It is a great consolation to know that if I have a problem there is always some one who is willing to share their expertise and give feely of their time I thank you all
  8. Hi Marianne Well that solved the problem thank goodness. I really appreciate your help
  9. Hi Marianne You're a genius, that seems to be the problem. I have just run it though without the music and it ran to the end. The trouble is that with a sequence this long it all takes so much time. I am going out now so I don't have time to run it through again with the music. I will do that tomorrow and let you know. I am fairly sure it will be OK Thanks again
  10. Hi No the computer screen just goes black, it may well be the screen saver or powermanagement I will disable them and try again Thanks all of you for your help
  11. Thanks for the advise, but unfortunately when I took out the music it crashed out even earlier. It can't be one rogue slide as it never crashes out on exactly the same slide
  12. I am making a sequence for PAGB FIAP Biennial colour slides There are 303 images and this file size is 64MB. There is 35 minutes of music ( MP3) and this file size is 31 MB I can preview about 180 images before the programme crashes. If I then re-start the preview just before the place it crashed it will run to the end Is this file too big for PTE. I am using PTE 4.30 with XP Home Edition with 512 MB Ram My computer has a 1.99 Ghz processor. I did try to ' create ' the sequence, which it appeared to do, but again would only run to about image 180 Can someone please give me some advice
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