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Everything posted by rebecca

  1. Thank you everyone so much!! I do have an older computer but with Windows XP pro. I'm not sure how much usable memory I have but my computer says 256mb. I will definantly get that "Audacity" maybe that will help with the sound. In the meantime I will just have it playing in the background. Thank you guys very much. BTW-Does anyone know how to delete threads? I apparently asked this question 3 times. (I know how I did it, and I know you don't care so I won't tell )
  2. Thank you for responding. Windows is what tells me that my program is not responding. I tried your idea about resizing my files. It worked great for being able to view the pictures. They are all saved in jpeg. about 53 images. However I still am unable to add the music. My music comes from music match. I use this to download to my mp3 player. I do not reformat anything. If any of you are portrait photogs and use this to show your customers what size do you save these on? Where do you all get your music from?
  3. I am so sorry if this question has already been asked. I have not used pi2exe before. I have been able to figure out how to add the pictures, the music, and adjust the graphics. I saved my file. Then I click "create slideshow as" and it nothing happens. I click it again and it says "not responding" . I've tried clicking "create" and it does the same thing. PLEASE HELP!!
  4. I am so sorry if this question has already been asked. I have not used pi2exe before. I have been able to figure out how to add the pictures, the music, and adjust the graphics. I saved my file. Then I click "create slideshow as" and it nothing happens. I click it again and it says "not responding" . I've tried clicking "create" and it does the same thing. PLEASE HELP!!
  5. I am so sorry if this question has already been asked. I have not used pi2exe before. I have been able to figure out how to add the pictures, the music, and adjust the graphics. I saved my file. Then I click "create slideshow as" and it nothing happens. I click it again and it says "not responding" . I've tried clicking "create" and it does the same thing. PLEASE HELP!!
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