Jan,Lin,Collin in our camara-club we are use the laptop ASUS A6T AMD Turion 64 x2 chip TL52. video-card NVidia geforce 7600 256mb 15.4"WXGA 1280x800. and works fine with PTE 5.0 Cub projector is 1400x1050 native
New slideshow "Gold & Silver a remake from 2005 made with the programm XatShow and now with pte 5.18 All comments are welcome! Enjoy! The right link is www.avdigifoto.nl/goldsilver.html
Geoff, for lcd EIZO 17 '' resolution is set to 1024x768 when you send in to international slideshows-compitions you no! I make the slideshows always with 1400x1050 pix.
New slideshow "WINTERLAND"available on www.avdigifoto.nl/download.html one of the first analoog shows I made in 1985 with some pictures from that time. have a look and anjoy!
Mike, a litle misunderstanding from my site I am always use windows zip not winzip! sorry. about avi-files I use always mpeg 4 and transform this file with IRFANVIEUW to a standallone exe file. only there is no compression possible.
Hi Rudi, animation, you have to seperate the propeller as a layer in fhotoshop with extention png. put the orginal foto without the propeller.png in objecten/animatie and the propeller.png to. you can change te rotation speed !
Jan, what is the native resolution of your projector? why do you want change the size of images? If you are dutch? any questions you can find me with a email.
Michel, your test exefile works very fine on both computers! desktop: amd 3000+, videocard Gforce 5600 256mb, soundcard soundblaster live 2. new notebook: ASUS A6-T, videocard Gforce 7600 256mb, soundmodule usb terratec Aureon 5.1
A new slideshow "From this Globe" is available now on "Beechbrook" I hope you like it. this sequence is send in to Digtal AV Supercircuit.( diaporamacircuit.com).