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Everything posted by Seabird

  1. Many thanks for your help which enabled me to resolve the problem and taught me a few other things along the way. Best wishes Seabird
  2. Thanks guys. Off to Camera Club now but will try your ideas later. I am getting a message that says transition times are longer than slide time so maybe that is the problem. But I don't know what to do about it. Sorry to be so pathetic. I'm better at taking pics than putting them in a slide show!
  3. My version is 7.0, I think!
  4. Many thanks for getting back. My version does not have a control tab. I find most of your recommendations under the advanced tab. My settings are as you suggest apart from the "wait for a key press box for space or R" I don't have that box to check. I have a mouse button box which I set to next slide option for first and subsequent slides. This has worked in the past. Another thing that is happening is that although I can highlight slides in the timeline, they are not being shown in the preview screen and these are the images that are jumped and locked out. Think it may be as well to remove the programme and reload from the key.
  5. I'm working on a new show just using a mouse click to change pictures. (No music required for this one.) When I go into Preview, the programme jumps over a number of slides then cuts out before the end of the show. There are 165 images in total Can anyone help?
  6. Hi I've just subscribed to P2EXE again as I lost my earlier edition which actually worked. I've downloaded what I think is Beta 5, and now when I try tp preview the slideshow, the whole thing stops at about 5 slides in and the screen freezes. I also want to control the show with mouse clicks rather than having each slide on for a given number of seconds. Any bright ideas to solve my problem as I don't have a HELP index. I've contacted Wnsoft support and been told to reinstall the programme. I've done this twice but same problems still exist. help..please
  7. help, I'm off on a month long trip and want to unsubscribe before I go so that my mail box is not filled up. I've tried in My control panel but to no effect. Can anyone tell me what to do?
  8. Can anyone help? I can create a slide show OK, I save it with its name, but when I come to work on it again, many of the slides are missing and just show a red cross. I guess I am doing something basically wrong. Seabird
  9. Just a learner at this game, but when I try to save a project and then reopen it, I end up with a load of missing pictures and a number of errors. What am I doing wrong? Can anyone help me please?
  10. Help. I'm trying to create a slide show that includes both portrait and landscape formats but I just cannot rotate the slides. Any ideas out there please
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