Thanks Ron for sending me that file. Yes that is exactly what I am trying to accomplish. Let me try to explain what I think is supposed to happen and then all you smart people can correct me. After creating my .swf file in swift or whatever, name that file flash.swf and put it in the same folder as teh Flashmeconfigure.exe file. Set your parameters as far as resolution and length of show then let it create the text file. Then you put the created FlashMeStay.exe as well as the Flash.swf and Flash.txt file into the same folder as your created PTE show. Then when you create your PTE show make a blank slide, and have as one of the slide properties and play an external application. That external application wants to be the FlashMeStay program. Back in PTE you should set the slide timing to be whatever the .swf files is. Do I have that correct? Thanks Llew