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Everything posted by michaelr108

  1. Hi Rosy I copied your name spelling from nelson sorry about that . Further from my previous email the email address was one that I don't even use on this site which adds even more confusion . I just found it a little unnerving . Let me tell just what I did for this to happen , I clicked on your link My Mobility Scooter Part 3 . Michael
  2. Hi There Just letting you and others know what as just occurred when I opened Rosie's Vimeo it opened giving my name and email address . I have never noticed this happen before and I don't use Vimeo , very strange . Michael
  3. Hi Barry I thought at the time mine was a big thing to go through at 80 but seeing what you had done mine was a walk in the park . Michael
  4. Hi Barry I had both my eyes with a short gap between both done then a few months later had laser on both eyes . The first thing I noticed was how I saw colours it has been brilliant , I had a new pair of glasses this was three years ago and for each year after that I have had a fresh eye test and not needed a new pair which on its own speaks our well the surgery went for me . Michael
  5. Hi Igor Looking forward to see version 11 can you give any idea when it is going to be released for testing ? Michael
  6. Hi Rosy I have had BullGaurd on my computer for a very long time with no problems and when I am switching off from PTE and the Game Booster comes up I either leave it to switch off it self and it shows you a count down or I click on it and it goes away no problem both ways gone in seconds . Michael
  7. Hi There I purchased about a year ago a new MSI computer . I went on YouTube and found a test to see if my computer was going to be compatible with the upcoming Windows 11 and was very pleased to find it was . If you want this test program go to You Tube and do a search for the site " Windows, computers and Technology " This site is run by a Canadian who gives out very useful information on Windows in this site you will find a lot of useful information and its always up to date including Windows 11 , in one of the Window 11 items you will find a link to where you can download a program to test if your computer is OK to run Windows 11 . I have been visiting this site for a long time and have found it 100% in the help it gives . Michael
  8. Hi Igor Re help files thank you . Michael
  9. Hi There I notice the on line help is still not there . Michael
  10. Hi Paul Thank you very much . One word to sum up WHOW Michael
  11. Hi Paul Very Very nice thank you and a Very Happy Christmas . Michael
  12. Hi vbl2007 Thank you that is great . Michael
  13. Hi there Thank you for your excellent work these are great . Michael
  14. Hi There I find this very strange over the years I have burnt many DVD's with great success using Nero but then some time ago now it started to be hit and miss if I used verify it was a miss every time . I tried many things including new updates and upgrades new burners still hit and miss I finished with 4 external burners . Just very recently I purchased a new computer which did not include a burner I decided to try one of the 4 external burners and low and behold it will not only burn but I can use verify and scan disk feature . I have just burned 12 DVD's all 100% . Strange . Michael
  15. Hi Tom I have just upgraded my whole set up by purchasing a brand new system I now have the following . MSI MAG Meta Ryzen 5 8GB 512GB SSD 1TB GTX1660S with 6GB and armed with a list of possible upgrades it can have . From switching on the slowest thing is putting in my PIN Number every thing seems instant . I purchased this in the knowledge that it had one of the best graphics cards for my PTE AV 10 and my 2020 version of Photoshop . About upgrading I was before I received it thinking of upping from 8 to 16 GB but now I can see it in action I do not think I will bother .
  16. Hi There I earlier this evening got informed there is a new update from Nvidia to go along with the new Windows 10 update . The update from Nvidia when it starts scans your computer and tells you if your version as an update and then gives you a break down of your system . Michael
  17. I see that Adobe Photoshop 2020 recommends the GTX 1660 Graphics card . Michael
  18. Hi Dom I have most of your work if you would like me to send them to you I am more than willing I have your tutorials as well . Michael
  19. Hi DOM Nice to see you again . Michael
  20. Hi There Is there any way we can get the French Manual translated to English ? Michael
  21. Happy new year Wnsoft team . Thank you for a great program it gets better each year . Michael
  22. Have a nice and well deserved time off work. Michael
  23. Hi Lin Now I have it , thank you very much . Michael
  24. Hi Lin I cannot find your number 76 I can only find upto 45 . Michael
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