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Everything posted by potwnc

  1. Really? I can understand how this would happen if I chose "random" transition but not when I specify the transition. Anyway, hopefully you will make this change eventually - I'm sure you understand the benefits of Variable Bit Rate.
  2. I am very sad to hear this. I have a very powerful PC that can easily handle multi-pass H.264 encoding. Just the lack of this feature will mean I won't upgrade to the Deluxe version
  3. Not sure if this is a bug or intentional... when I Create HD Video for PC or Mac... I see that the quality mode goes up to 100% but what does this mean? 100% of what? Then, in bit rate mode, it seems that 10Mbps is the highest bit rate supported. I set the bit rate to 25Mbps and the file size is exactly the same as it was at 10Mbps! If the intention is to support output that can then be authored, using third-party software, to Blu-ray disk, wouldn't you want to support at least up to the 25Mbps that Blu-ray discs can also support? Also, how do we specify whether we want progressive or interlaced video? Also, do you plan to offer multi-pass, variable bit-rate output in the final product? Thanks Ray
  4. Do you have any firewall software installed on your laptop?
  5. Since I posted this I have been working with WnSoft to diagnose the problem. I just emailed my latest test results to Igor and I am happy to report that we are close to figuring out what the problem is. I would like to ask all forum members to download and run this demo and report any problems on this thread. Thanks, Ray
  6. But I think that all relates to a different FAQ... one about aspect ratios, not quality. If there are any questions about that topic let me know and I'll respond.
  7. When I run this there is no music. But when it gets to the image with the pink and white building in the background it stops and my PC no longer responds to anything (esacpe, alt-tab, ctrl-alt-delete) and I have to turn off my PC. I think others have reported something similar on the forum but this is the first time this has happened for me - the previous 5.6 beta demo runs fine.
  8. I have no opinion about that. I was just trying to explain the context in German.
  9. Eric, do you mean that your PC thinks the blank DVD disc you inserted is actually a blank CD disc? I've never seen anything like that before.
  10. Er schriebt im Scherz... aber das kann nicht gut auf Deutsch übersetzt werden... nur daß Sie ein bißchen rebellisch sind.
  11. Eric, Did you get it to work?
  12. All the files go inside the VIDEO_TS folder. The AUDIO_TS folder remains empty. Then you burn a DVD containing only these two folders.
  13. I've PM'd instructions.
  14. I agree too... there's no reason to get personal in this forum! Misunderstandings happen and then - hopefully - everyone cools down? I'd be very sad if this forum deteriorated to focusing on off-topic material. If there was an "off-topic" forum I could safely ignore it! Ray
  15. So... back to the questions that started this thread: "Has anyone managed to burn two shows onto one disc in the two formats, if so did you change the basic picture size from 1024x768 when producing the shows." The answers are now yes I have and no I didn't change any of the source images from 4:3 aspect ratio, although I did (actually Eric did) create a second .pte file that targeted 16:9 output. I personally would have done this a different way... having 1024x768 pixels for (most of) the source images and knowing my target was DVD disc I would have taken advantage of the source pixels and would have set (most of) the source images to "Original" in O&A for the 16:9 version so that the full 16:9 screen of the HD TV it was played back on was filled - instead of having black, vertical lines on each side like the 4:3 version has when viewed on an HD TV. But that's just my preference... I'm not crticizing the way Eric produced this, just trying to point out to others the opportunity for a different 16:9 experience - for those who viewers who have an HD TV - given that there are enough pixels in the source images to achieve this. Anyway, reply on this thread or contact me if you want the technical details of how I got this to work. Ray
  16. Eric, I've now uploaded the zip file. Check your PM. Ray
  17. Another important difference is that (some) DVD burners can reset (called bit setting) the "book type" of a +R disc so that a DVD player will see it as a DVD-ROM instead of a DVD+R. This is what commercially pressed DVDs are and they will play on any player. This cannot be done with -R discs.
  18. Eric, This is ready now. Check your PM. Ray
  19. I also got no a___se... but I was more interested in the .pte file anyway - which I now have. It's coming up to midnight in Leyburn, but I should be able to email you something before it gets to midnight here. Ray
  20. Ken, That .pte file is the one created on September 8 that targets 4:3 output.
  21. Eric, I'm not seeing the new .pte file at that link. Can you check that it uploaded successfully? Ray
  22. I would only need the .pte file.
  23. Eric, I think I have this working now. But I don't think it is exactly what you want. The problem is that I only have one .pte file from you and the project is set up for 4:3 output. So the 16:9 track on the DVD will look exactly the same when played on a 16:9 HD TV as the 4:3 chapter - i.e. with a left and a right black, vertical bar. I could clip it but I don't know how you would want it clipped. Can you send me a second .pte file that has been set up for 16:9 output? Ray
  24. Try http://sourceforge.net/projects/renameit/
  25. I use Win XPx64 SP2 on my own PC and there is not yet an SP3 upgrade for it... draw your own conclusions! At work I use - and this is beyond my control - Win XP 32-bit SP2 and Office 2007... a few days ago I was using Outlook 2007 to send an e-mail (pretty basic, right?) when I received this error message - and I quote - "The operation failed." And this is in the workplace of a major corporation where we can't install programs/freeware/trialware as we please. Great QA testing combined with great usability testing there! I don't generally bash MS for the sake of it but... come on MS... how much more simple could it get?
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