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Everything posted by hagmancc

  1. I was originally "introduced" to PicturesToExe by Barry Beckham in his columns and CD's with Digital Photo out of the UK. Barry uses several great shows on his site. See www.barrybeckham.co.uk Can't believe it would be different in the UK. Am still searching for the solution. Thanks! Connie PS: Barry suggested it was the .exe extension and I should try using a zip file...which doesn't work either.
  2. Help? Is anybody out there? I've created a slideshow which I want to upload to my website. I'm using Frontpage (going to "Insert Web Component," "Advanced Controls," and "Plug In." Then using my browser to find the show. I use Ipswitch to upload to my Dreamhost server. Dreamhost suggested I try using a zip file instead of the .exe extension. Tried that. Also tried doing it with a .pte extension. Nothing has worked. All I get is the blank page on my site. Will give my site address. The slideshow is on the "Seniors" page. Would be very grateful is anyone can point me in the right direction. I'm running out of ideas and becoming very frustrated. The show runs fine from CD so I know it's working. Just don't know what to do to get it on my site and know my senior (photo) clients would love the show. Thanks very much! connie www.hagmanphoto-graphicart.com
  3. Please, will someone, please, help me? I have a website www.hagmanphoto-graphicart.com Have recently completed two slideshows which I have on CD's and both run fine. I've been unable to load them to my website, however. I tried using the exe extention, as well as a zipped file, and a pte extension. None of them are working. I'm creating my web pages in Frontpage 2003 where I do to "Insert Web Component" then "Advanced Controls" and "plug in." From there I find the show with the browser, save the page and upload it to my site using Dreamhost. Dreamhost has assured me that it's not a problem with their system (naturally) and I'm running out of things to try. Would be happy if someone could just point me in the right direction. Thanks! Connie hagman@aol.com Website is www.hagmanphoto-graphicart.com Thanks again!
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